14 research outputs found

    Key problems of seismic zoning of urban areas adjacent to the Mongolia-Siberian region (by the example of Erdenet town)

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    The first approximation approach to seismic zoning of the areas adjacent to the Mongolia-Siberian region has been followed by the example of Erdenet town. The grounds have been given for problematic stages of working: study of some regular trends of seismic setting and current level of initial seismicity of the area; identification of seismic activity areas and assessment of their seismic potential; seismic modeling of sites with the most typical soil conditions; model theoretical calculating of basic parameters of seismic effects and model zoning of the investigated area. Technically, the stages of Erdenet town case study can serve as a basis for seismic zoning of the areas of interest that are adjacent to the Mongolia-Siberian region.The work has been done under financial support of RFBR project No. 07-05- 90111.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5564/pmas.v0i4.38Proceedings of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences 2007 No 4 pp.17-3

    Complex Geophysical Solution for Seismohydrogeological Problems of Balneology in Mongolia

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    The present paper is concerned with geophysical trends of particular importance to organizing, planning and building resorts in Mongolia. The possibilities for integrated geophysical and engineering-seismological investigations have been demonstrated with the resort construction site near Ulaanbaatar town. The investigations have resulted in obtaining thickness of loose deposits, depth of groundwater occurrence, and estimates of relative seismic hazard and soil conditions. Two aquifers have been presumably identified and parameters of seismic effects have been estimated for expectable earthquakes as applied to two potential levels of initial seismic activity in Ulaanbaatar town. This provides an example of the possibility of finding complex solution to seismohydrogeological problems of balneology in seismically active areas throughout Mongolia.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5564/pmas.v0i4.44Proceedings of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences 2009 No 4 pp.32-4


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    Food and agricultural production sector, especially livestock production is vital for Mongolia’s economic and social development. The five breeds of livestock – cattle, horses, sheep, goats and camels, have always been directly related to the history, culture and economy of Mongolia. It is undeniable that these five breeds of livestock are considered as an important asset of the Mongolian economy as well as guarantee of national security. Out of the five breeds, small livestock including sheep and goats account for more than 80% of the total livestock population (according to the National Statistical Office data). It is not hard to retrieve research and recorded materials about the morphology or the economic productivity of these breeds and their sub-breeds. However, the development of society now demands higher yield from the livestock animals. Genetically, the a1, a2, a3 and a4 samples appertaining to some 3,000 years ago are substantially different from the haplogroups. However, judging by the phylogenetic tree the 800 year-old samples, as compared to the phylogroups of the 3rd century BC, are closer to the modern samples. Alongside this, from molecular distance we find that the M1 haplogroup is a sample belonging to the 3rd century BC, which had separated the earliest, while the aforementioned 800 year-old sample separates at a later period, which chronologically is convincing. But the a6 ancient sample conforms to the B haplogroup and the a8 or the sample of 800 years ago is in the same haplogroup as the sample of the 3rd century BC. However, the a6 sample obtained from the 3rd century BC tombs obtained sample was the origin of modern goats that can be included in haplogroup B


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    Optimum approach to an engineering-seismological assessment of mastered territories in regions of the Mongol-Baikal seismic zone is developed. On this basis seismic zoning of the cities of Ulaanbaatar and Erdenet is carried out. As a result schematic maps of the studied cities are made and the short characteristic of the allocated zones is given on the basis of calculated and experimental values of seismic effects parameters for the predicted large earthquakes