561 research outputs found

    Wilson Loops, Bianchi Constraints and Duality in Abelian Lattice Models

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    We introduce new modified Abelian lattice models, with inhomogeneous local interactions, in which a sum over topological sectors are included in the defining partition function. The dual models, on lattices with arbitrary topology, are constructed and they are found to contain sums over topological sectors, with modified groups, as in the original model. The role of the sum over sectors is illuminated by deriving the field-strength formulation of the models in an explicitly gauge-invariant manner. The field-strengths are found to satisfy, in addition to the usual local Bianchi constraints, global constraints. We demonstrate that the sum over sectors removes these global constraints and consequently softens the quantization condition on the global charges in the system. Duality is also used to construct mappings between the order and disorder variables in the theory and its dual. A consequence of the duality transformation is that correlators which wrap around non-trivial cycles of the lattice vanish identically. For particular dimensions this mapping allows an explicit expression for arbitrary correlators to be obtained.Comment: LaTeX 30 pages, 6 figures and 2 tables. References updated and connection with earlier work clarified, final version to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Dual Quantum Monte Carlo Algorithm for Hardcore Bosons

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    We derive the exact dual representation of the bosonic Hubbard model which takes the form of conserved current loops. The hardcore limit, which corresponds to the quantum spin-12{1\over 2} Heisenberg antiferromagnet, is also obtained. In this limit, the dual partition function takes a particularly simple form which is very amenable to numerical simulations. In addition to the usual quantities that we can measure (energy, density-density correlation function and superfluid density) we can with this new algorithm measure efficiently the order parameter correlation function, ,∣i−j∣≥1, |i-j|\ge 1. We demonstrate this with numerical tests in one dimension.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures . Talk given at CCP1998, Granada, Spai

    Haldane phase in the sawtooth lattice: Edge states, entanglement spectrum and the flat band

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    Using density matrix renormalization group numerical calculations, we study the phase diagram of the half filled Bose-Hubbard system in the sawtooth lattice with strong frustration in the kinetic energy term. We focus in particular on values of the hopping terms which produce a flat band and show that, in the presence of contact and near neighbor repulsion, three phases exist: Mott insulator (MI), charge density wave (CDW), and the topological Haldane insulating (HI) phase which displays edge states and particle imbalance between the two ends of the system. We find that, even though the entanglement spectrum in the Haldane phase is not doubly degenerate, it is in excellent agreement with the entanglement spectrum of the Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki (AKLT) state built in the Wannier basis associated with the flat band. This emphasizes that the absence of degeneracy in the entanglement spectrum is not necessarily a signature of a non-topological phase, but rather that the (hidden) protecting symmetry involves non-local states. Finally, we also show that the HI phase is stable against small departure from flatness of the band but is destroyed for larger ones.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figure

    Langevin Simulations of a Long Range Electron Phonon Model

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    We present a Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) study, based on the Langevin equation, of a Hamiltonian describing electrons coupled to phonon degrees of freedom. The bosonic part of the action helps control the variation of the field in imaginary time. As a consequence, the iterative conjugate gradient solution of the fermionic action, which depends on the boson coordinates, converges more rapidly than in the case of electron-electron interactions, such as the Hubbard Hamiltonian. Fourier Acceleration is shown to be a crucial ingredient in reducing the equilibration and autocorrelation times. After describing and benchmarking the method, we present results for the phase diagram focusing on the range of the electron-phonon interaction. We delineate the regions of charge density wave formation from those in which the fermion density is inhomogeneous, caused by phase separation. We show that the Langevin approach is more efficient than the Determinant QMC method for lattice sizes N≳8×8N \gtrsim 8 \times 8 and that it therefore opens a potential path to problems including, for example, charge order in the 3D Holstein model

    Bragg spectroscopy of trapped one dimensional strongly interacting bosons in optical lattices: Probing the cake-structure

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    We study Bragg spectroscopy of strongly interacting one dimensional bosons loaded in an optical lattice plus an additional parabolic potential. We calculate the dynamic structure factor by using Monte Carlo simulations for the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian, exact diagonalizations and the results of a recently introduced effective fermionization (EF) model. We find that, due to the system's inhomogeneity, the excitation spectrum exhibits a multi-branched structure, whose origin is related to the presence of superfluid regions with different densities in the atomic distribution. We thus suggest that Bragg spectroscopy in the linear regime can be used as an experimental tool to unveil the shell structure of alternating Mott insulator and superfluid phases characteristic of trapped bosons.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Reply to Comment on "Roughness of Interfacial Crack Fronts: Stress-Weighted Percolation in the Damage Zone"

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    This is the reply to a Comment by Alava and Zapperi (cond-mat/0401568) on Schmittbuhl, Hansen and Batrouni, PRL, 90, 045505 (2003)
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