18 research outputs found

    Examination and reconstruction of three ancient endogenous parvovirus capsid protein gene remnants found in rodent genomes

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    Parvovirus-derived endogenous viral elements (EVEs) have been found in the genomes of many different animal species, resulting from integration events that may have occurred from more than 50 million years ago to much more recently. Here, we further investigate the properties of autonomous parvovirus EVEs and describe their relationships to contemporary viruses. While we did not find any intact capsid protein open reading frames in the integrated viral sequences, we examined three EVEs that were repaired to form full-length sequences with relatively few changes. These sequences were found in the genomes of Rattus norvegicus (brown rat), Mus spretus (Algerian mouse), and Apodemus sylvaticus (wood mouse). The R. norvegicus sequence was not present in the genomes of the closely related species R. rattus, R. tanezumi, R. exulans, and R. everetti, indicating that it was less than 2 million years old, and the M. spretus and A. sylvaticus sequences were not found in the published genomes of other mouse species, also indicating relatively recent insertions. The M. spretus VP2 sequence assembled into capsids, which had high thermal stability, bound the sialic acid N-acetylneuraminic acid, and entered murine L cells. The 3.89-Å structure of the M. spretus virus-like particles (VLPs), determined using cryo-electron microscopy, showed similarities to rodent and porcine parvovirus capsids. The repaired VP2 sequences from R. norvegicus and A. sylvaticus did not assemble as first prepared, but chimeras combining capsid surface loops from R. norvegicus with canine parvovirus assembled, allowing some of that capsid’s structures and functions to be examined

    Interaction of Decay-Accelerating Factor with Coxsackievirus B3â–ż

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    Many entero-, parecho-, and rhinoviruses use immunoglobulin (Ig)-like receptors that bind into the viral canyon and are required to initiate viral uncoating during infection. However, some of these viruses use an alternative or additional receptor that binds outside the canyon. Both the coxsackievirus-adenovirus receptor (CAR), an Ig-like molecule that binds into the viral canyon, and decay-accelerating factor (DAF) have been identified as cellular receptors for coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3). A cryoelectron microscopy reconstruction of a variant of CVB3 complexed with DAF shows full occupancy of the DAF receptor in each of 60 binding sites. The DAF molecule bridges the canyon, blocking the CAR binding site and causing the two receptors to compete with one another. The binding site of DAF on CVB3 differs from the binding site of DAF on the surface of echoviruses, suggesting independent evolutionary processes

    Cryo EM Analysis Reveals Inherent Flexibility of Authentic Murine Papillomavirus Capsids

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a significant health burden and leading cause of virus-induced cancers. However, studies have been hampered due to restricted tropism that makes production and purification of high titer virus problematic. This issue has been overcome by developing alternative HPV production methods such as virus-like particles (VLPs), which are devoid of a native viral genome. Structural studies have been limited in resolution due to the heterogeneity, fragility, and stability of the VLP capsids. The mouse papillomavirus (MmuPV1) presented here has provided the opportunity to study a native papillomavirus in the context of a common laboratory animal. Using cryo EM to solve the structure of MmuPV1, we achieved 3.3 Ă… resolution with a local symmetry refinement method that defined smaller, symmetry related subparticles. The resulting high-resolution structure allowed us to build the MmuPV1 asymmetric unit for the first time and identify putative L2 density. We also used our program ISECC to quantify capsid flexibility, which revealed that capsomers move as rigid bodies connected by flexible linkers. The MmuPV1 flexibility was comparable to that of a HPV VLP previously characterized. The resulting MmuPV1 structure is a promising step forward in the study of papillomavirus and will provide a framework for continuing biochemical, genetic, and biophysical research for papillomaviruses

    Structural and Virological Studies of the Stages of Virus Replication That Are Affected by Antirhinovirus Compounds

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    Pleconaril is a broad-spectrum antirhinovirus and antienterovirus compound that binds into a hydrophobic pocket within viral protein 1, stabilizing the capsid and resulting in the inhibition of cell attachment and RNA uncoating. When crystals of human rhinovirus 16 (HRV16) and HRV14 are incubated with pleconaril, drug occupancy in the binding pocket is lower than when pleconaril is introduced during assembly prior to crystallization. This effect is far more marked in HRV16 than in HRV14 and is more marked with pleconaril than with other compounds. These observations are consistent with virus yield inhibition studies and radiolabeled drug binding studies showing that the antiviral effect of pleconaril against HRV16 is greater on the infectivity of progeny virions than the parent input viruses. These data suggest that drug integration into the binding pocket during assembly, or at some other late stage in virus replication, may contribute to the antiviral activity of capsid binding compounds

    Complexes of Poliovirus Serotypes with Their Common Cellular Receptor, CD155

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    Structures of all three poliovirus (PV) serotypes (PV1, PV2, and PV3) complexed with their cellular receptor, PV receptor (PVR or CD155), were determined by cryoelectron microscopy. Both glycosylated and fully deglycosylated CD155 exhibited similar binding sites and orientations in the viral canyon for all three PV serotypes, showing that all three serotypes use a common mechanism for cell entry. Difference maps between the glycosylated and deglycosylated CD155 complexes determined the sites of the carbohydrate moieties that, in turn, helped to verify the position of the receptor relative to the viral surface. The proximity of the CD155 carbohydrate site at Asn105 to the viral surface in the receptor-virus complex suggests that it might interfere with receptor docking, an observation consistent with the properties of mutant CD155. The footprints of CD155 on PV surfaces indicate that the south rim of the canyon dominates the virus-receptor interactions and may correspond to the initial CD155 binding state of the receptor-mediated viral uncoating. In contrast, the interaction of CD155 with the north rim of the canyon, especially the region immediately outside the viral hydrophobic pocket that normally binds a cellular “pocket factor,” may be critical for the release of the pocket factor, decreasing the virus stability and hence initiating uncoating. The large area of the CD155 footprint on the PV surface, in comparison with other picornavirus-receptor interactions, could be a potential limitation on the viability of PV escape mutants from antibody neutralization. Many of these are likely to have lost their ability to bind CD155, resulting in there being only three PV serotypes

    Interaction of the poliovirus receptor with poliovirus

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    The structure of the extracellular, three-domain poliovirus receptor (CD155) complexed with poliovirus (serotype 1) has been determined to 22-Å resolution by means of cryo-electron microscopy and three-dimensional image-reconstruction techniques. Density corresponding to the receptor was isolated in a difference electron density map and fitted with known structures, homologous to those of the three individual CD155 Ig-like domains. The fit was confirmed by the location of carbohydrate moieties in the CD155 glycoprotein, the conserved properties of elbow angles in the structures of cell surface molecules with Ig-like folds, and the concordance with prior results of CD155 and poliovirus mutagenesis. CD155 binds in the poliovirus “canyon” and has a footprint similar to that of the intercellular adhesion molecule-1 receptor on human rhinoviruses. However, the orientation of the long, slender CD155 molecule relative to the poliovirus surface is quite different from the orientation of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 on rhinoviruses. In addition, the residues that provide specificity of recognition differ for the two receptors. The principal feature of receptor binding common to these two picornaviruses is the site in the canyon at which binding occurs. This site may be a trigger for initiation of the subsequent uncoating step required for viral infection

    Interaction of Decay-Accelerating Factor with Echovirus 7â–ż

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    Echovirus 7 (EV7) belongs to the Enterovirus genus within the family Picornaviridae. Many picornaviruses use IgG-like receptors that bind in the viral canyon and are required to initiate viral uncoating during infection. However, in addition, some of the enteroviruses use an alternative or additional receptor that binds outside the canyon. Decay-accelerating factor (DAF) has been identified as a cellular receptor for EV7. The crystal structure of EV7 has been determined to 3.1-Ă… resolution and used to interpret the 7.2-Ă…-resolution cryo-electron microscopy reconstruction of EV7 complexed with DAF. Each DAF binding site on EV7 is near a 2-fold icosahedral symmetry axis, which differs from the binding site of DAF on the surface of coxsackievirus B3, indicating that there are independent evolutionary processes by which DAF was selected as a picornavirus accessory receptor. This suggests that there is an advantage for these viruses to recognize DAF during the initial process of infection

    Discrimination among Rhinovirus Serotypes for a Variant ICAM-1 Receptor Molecule

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    Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) is the cellular receptor for the major group of human rhinovirus serotypes, including human rhinovirus 14 (HRV14) and HRV16. A naturally occurring variant of ICAM-1, ICAM-1(Kilifi), has altered binding characteristics with respect to different HRV serotypes. HRV14 binds to ICAM-1 only transiently at physiological temperatures but forms a stable complex with ICAM-1(Kilifi). Conversely, HRV16 forms a stable complex with ICAM-1 but does not bind to ICAM-1(Kilifi). The three-dimensional structures of HRV14 and HRV16, complexed with ICAM-1, and the structure of HRV14, complexed with ICAM-1(Kilifi), have been determined by cryoelectron microscopy (cryoEM) image reconstruction to a resolution of approximately 10 Ă…. Structures determined by X-ray crystallography of both viruses and of ICAM-1 were fitted into the cryoEM density maps. The interfaces between the viruses and receptors contain extensive ionic networks. However, the interactions between the viruses and ICAM-1(Kilifi) contain one less salt bridge than between the viruses and ICAM-1. As HRV16 has fewer overall interactions with ICAM-1 than HRV14, the absence of this charge interaction has a greater impact on the binding of ICAM-1(Kilifi) to HRV16 than to HRV14