74 research outputs found

    Plantas exóticas da Paraíba (NE-BR): um levantamento a partir de dados secundários

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    Currently, alien plants are the second largest loss of biodiversity in the world, second only to direct human exploitation. Therefore, this work aimed to identify in the literature in the literature and databases the exotic and invasive plants occurring in the state of Paraíba, in order to complement the information on these non-native species for the state. Therefore, it was necessary to prepare a general list of species, as well as autoecological information and evaluation of the degree of floristic similarity between the sampled areas. Floristic data were obtained through scientific articles from indexed academic journals and available on virtual platforms. We survey 265 species, distributed in 23 botanical families. The floristic similarity analysis indicated clusters that were not very similar to each other, revealing that these floras, even though they are in close areas, form distinct floristic compositions. The regression analysis also revealed that the similarities between the evaluated areas did not present a significant relationship with the geographic distance. In general, the exotic flora of Paraíba consists mainly of Poaceae, Asteraceae and Fabaceae, as the most representative components. This flora, in general, is composed of species with wide geographic distribution and predominance of autochoric dispersion. Through the results, one can demonstrate the importance of floristic surveys as an important mechanism for understanding the exotic flora of an ecosystem, in addition to providing essential bases for subsequent studies.Atualmente as plantas exóticas são a segunda maior perda de biodiversidade no mundo, perdendo apenas para exploração humana direta. Diante disso, este trabalho visou identificar na literatura e em bases de dados, as plantas exóticas e invasoras ocorrentes no estado da Paraíba, a fim de complementar as informações sobre essas espécies não-nativas para o estado. Para tanto foi necessária a elaboração de uma lista geral de espécies, bem como informações autoecológicas e avaliação do grau de similaridade florística entre as áreas amostradas. Os dados florísticos foram obtidos por meio de artigos científicos de periódicos acadêmicos indexados e disponíveis em plataformas virtuais. Foram levantadas 265 espécies, distribuídas em 23 famílias botânicas. A análise de similaridade florística indicou agrupamentos pouco similares entre si, revelando que essas floras, por mais que estejam em áreas próximas, formam composições florísticas distintas. A análise de regressão, revelou, também, as similaridades entre as áreas avaliadas não apresentaram relação significativa com a distância geográfica. De um modo geral, a flora exótica da Paraíba é constituída principalmente de Poaceae, Asteraceae e Fabaceae, como componentes mais representativos. Essa flora, em geral, é composta de espécies de ampla distribuição geográfica e predomínio de dispersão autocórica. Mediante os resultados, pode-se demonstrar a importância dos levantamentos florísticos como um importante mecanismo de conhecimento da flora exótica de um ecossistema, além de fornecer bases essenciais para estudos subsequentes

    Classification of mineral waters based on digital images acquired by smartphones

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    This work describes a new procedure for classification of mineral waters based on digital images acquired by smartphones. Commercial waters from eight mineral springs plus distilled water and tap water were combined with eriochrome T black or murexide and transferred to a cuvette, which was positioned into a light controlled chamber. RGB (Red, Blue and Green) measurements of cuvette images were acquired in real time, using a free smartphone app, and employed as variables for the exploratory analysis. 2D data dispersion along component B for murexide (x axis) and component R for eriochrome T black (y axis) provides the clear visualization of clusters using the raw variables. Hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) applied to this data confirmed the efficient discrimination of samples providing the characterization of nine clusters for the ten classes of water investigated. The classification of samples based on a k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) modelled to the efficiency rate of 100% for 8 classes and of 94.4% and 50% for the remaining classes, respectively, indicating the adequate performance of the proposed strategy. Considering the facilities to acquire the data, such as low cost instrumentation and reagents, and the rapidity of the procedures, this alternative may be applied for verification of commercial water adulteration

    Influence of Leaf Area Index on the Heat Index of a Tropic Urban Park

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    In the wake of climate change cities need to adapt to global warming In this context the use of afforestation to improve the microclimate may assist in raising the quality of life for population This objective requires research that analyzes how the variations in parameters related to canopy dynamics such as the leaf area index LAI and photosynthetically active radiation PAR can influence thermal comfort indices To contribute to this research this study measured the air temperature relative air humidity PAR and LAI on a monthly basis from July 2017 to June 2018 in an urban park in a tropical region of Brazil Kriging maps were created for the heat index HI and multiple polynomial regression models were adjusted to estimate the HI using PAR and LAI data After defining the models positive and negative variations of LAI were tested to observe if any changes in HI occurred The simulated results showed greater sensitivity to negative variations in LAI in which a 50 reduction in LAI decreased the HI by 28 particularly during the dry perio

    Modifications in Organic Acid Profiles During Fruit Development and Ripening: Correlation or Causation?

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    The pivotal role of phytohormones during fruit development and ripening is considered established knowledge in plant biology. Perhaps less well-known is the growing body of evidence suggesting that organic acids play a key function in plant development and, in particular, in fruit development, maturation and ripening. Here, we critically review the connection between organic acids and the development of both climacteric and non-climacteric fruits. By analyzing the metabolic content of different fruits during their ontogenetic trajectory, we noticed that the content of organic acids in the early stages of fruit development is directly related to the supply of substrates for respiratory processes. Although different organic acid species can be found during fruit development in general, it appears that citrate and malate play major roles in this process, as they accumulate on a broad range of climacteric and non-climacteric fruits. We further highlight the functional significance of changes in organic acid profile in fruits due to either the manipulation of fruit-specific genes or the use of fruit-specific promoters. Despite the complexity behind the fluctuation in organic acid content during fruit development and ripening, we extend our understanding on the importance of organic acids on fruit metabolism and the need to further boost future research. We suggest that engineering organic acid metabolism could improve both qualitative and quantitative traits of crop fruits

    Avaliação de trocas gasosas e fluorescência no milho segunda safra sob diferentes fontes e doses de nitrogênio

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    Aware of the relevance of the corn crop for Brazilian agriculture, efforts are increasingly being made to improve management and increase grain productivity and quality, and that chlorophyll fluorescence is an indicator of stress in plants such as drought and lack of Nitrogen (N2). Thus, the present study aimed to understand the parameters of chlorophyll fluorescence in corn lineage at different levels of N2 and its gas exchange, and how these influence the results and performance of the crop. The experiment was conducted at the IF Goiano, Rio Verde, Goiás State, Brazil. The hybrid corn cultivar used was FS575PWU. The planting system used was direct planting, with soybeans in the 2021/22 harvest as the predecessor crop. Treatments consisted of five N2 doses (0, 30, 60, 120 and 180 kg ha-1) and two N2 sources (Urea and coated Urea). Chlorophyll contents were evaluated at 49, 56, 63, 70, 74 and 77 DAS, by reading one leaf per plot, quantifying: Chlorophyll a (CLRa); Chlorophyll b (CLRb); Total chlorophyll (CLRT) and; the chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b ratio (CLRa/b), by Falker ClorofiLOG®. It is concluded that the effect of N2 sources and doses treatments occurs on the photosynthetically active radiation intercepted at 56 DAS, on the Chlorophyll a/Chlorophyll b ratio at 63 DAS and on the grain yield of the corn crop, cultivated in the second crop, being proven that the use of Hidrogel® increases the intercepted photosynthetically active radiation, the light interception efficiency, and the total chlorophyll on the leaves of Zea mays. The dose of 180 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, regardless of the source, provides the highest grain yield of maize, cultivated in the second crop, in the State of Goiás, Brazil.Conscientes de la relevancia del cultivo de maíz para la agricultura brasileña, cada vez se hacen más esfuerzos para mejorar el manejo y aumentar la productividad y la calidad del grano, y que la fluorescencia de la clorofila es un indicador de estrés en las plantas, como la sequía y la falta de nitrógeno (N2). Por lo tanto, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender los parámetros de fluorescencia de la clorofila en el linaje de maíz a diferentes niveles de N2 y su intercambio gaseoso, y cómo estos influyen en los resultados y el rendimiento del cultivo. El experimento fue realizado en el IF Goiano, Rio Verde, Estado de Goiás, Brasil. El cultivo de maíz híbrido utilizado fue FS575PWU. El sistema de siembra utilizado fue la siembra directa, teniendo como cultivo antecesor la soja en la zafra 2021/22. Los tratamientos consistieron en cinco dosis de N2 (0, 30, 60, 120 y 180 kg ha-1) y dos fuentes de N2 (Urea y Urea recubierta). Los contenidos de clorofila se evaluaron a los 49, 56, 63, 70, 74 y 77 DDS, mediante la lectura de una hoja por parcela, cuantificando: Clorofila a (CLRa); clorofila b (CLRb); clorofila total (CLRT) y; la relación clorofila a/clorofila b (CLRa/b), por Falker ClorofiLOG®. Se concluye que el efecto de las fuentes y dosis de N2 tratamientos se presenta sobre la radiación fotosintéticamente activa interceptada a los 56 DDS, sobre la relación Clorofila a/Clorofila b a los 63 DDS y sobre el rendimiento de grano del cultivo de maíz, sembrado en segunda cosecha, probándose que el uso de Hidrogel® aumenta la radiación fotosintéticamente activa interceptada, la eficiencia de interceptación de la luz y la clorofila total en las hojas de Zea mays. La dosis de 180 kg ha-1 de nitrógeno, independientemente de la fuente, proporciona el mayor rendimiento de grano del maíz, cultivado en segunda cosecha, en el Estado de Goiás, Brasil.Cientes sobre a relevância da cultura do milho para a agricultura brasileira, busca-se cada vez mais aprimorar o manejo e elevar a produtividade e a qualidade dos grãos, e que a fluorescência da clorofila é um indicador de estresse nas plantas como seca e carência de Nitrogênio (N2). Assim, o presente estudo teve por objetivo compreender os parâmetros de fluorescência da clorofila em linhagem de milho em diferentes níveis de N2 e suas trocas gasosas, e como estes influenciam nos resultados e desempenhos da cultura. O experimento foi conduzido no IF Goiano, Rio Verde, Estado de Goiás, Brasil. O cultivar de milho híbrido utilizado foi FS575PWU. O sistema de plantio utilizado foi o de plantio direto, tendo como cultura antecessora a cultura da soja na safra 2021/22. Os tratamentos consistiram em cinco doses de N2 (0, 30, 60, 120 e 180 kg ha-1) e duas fontes de N2 (Ureia e Ureia revestida). Os teores de clorofilas foram avaliados aos 49, 56, 63, 70, 74 e 77 DAS, através da leitura de uma folha por parcela, quantificando-se: Clorofila a (CLRa); Clorofila b (CLRb); Clorofila total (CLRt) e; a relação clorofila a/clorofila b (CLRa/b), pelo Falker ClorofiLOG®. Conclui-se que o efeito dos tratamentos de fontes e doses de N2 ocorre na radiação fotossintéticamente ativa interceptada aos 56 DAS, na relação Clorofila a/Clorofila b aos 63 DAS e na produtividade de grãos da cultura do milho, cultivado em segunda safra, sendo comprovado que o uso do Hidrogel® proporciona aumento da radiação fotossintéticamente ativa interceptada, da eficiência de interceptação de luz e da clorofila total sobre as folhas de Zea mays. A dose de 180 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio, independente da fonte, proporciona a maior produtividade de grãos da cultura do milho, cultivado em segunda safra, no Estado de Goiás, Brasil

    O sequenciador de aulas como possibilidade de organização e sistematização dos conteúdos da disciplina Educação Física

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    Neste texto apresentamos uma problematização do uso do Sequenciador de Aulas, nos Ciclos I, II e III, na disciplina Educação Física em escolas da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Goiânia (GO), compreendendo a importância do planejamento coletivo e do trabalho com os diversos conteúdos da cultura corporal, tendo como referencial as abordagens críticas da Educação Física. Utilizando a autoetnografia, e colocando as dificuldades e facilidades desta ferramenta, tendo como base a aplicação nos anos de 2008 a 2011

    Evaluation of a NIR handheld device and PLS-DA for discrimination of six similar amazonian wood species

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    Supervising wood exploitation can be very challenging due to the existence of many similar species and the reduced number of wood identification experts to meet the demand. There is evidence that valuable endangered wood species are being smuggled disguised as other species. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and chemometrics has been successfully used to discriminate between Amazonian wood species using high resolution instruments. In this study, a handheld spectrometer was evaluated for the discrimination of six visually similar tropical wood species using PLS-DA. Woods of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) and cedar (Cedrela odorata), both high value tropical timber species included in Appendixes II and III of the CITES, respectively; crabwood (Carapa guianensis); cedrinho (Erisma uncinatum); curupixá (Micropholis melinoniana); and jatobá (Hymenea coubaril). The data for model development and validation take into account both laboratory and field measurements. Outlier exclusion was performed based on Hotelling T2, residuals Q and errors in the estimated class values. The efficiency rates were higher than 90% for all species, showing that the handheld NIR combined with PLS-DA succeeded in discriminate between these species. These results stimulate the application of handheld NIR spectrometers in the supervision of wood exploitation, which can contribute to the species preservation

    Modulation of auxin signalling through DIAGETROPICA and ENTIRE differentially affects tomato plant growth via changes in photosynthetic and mitochondrial metabolism

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    Auxin modulates a range of plant developmental processes including embryogenesis, organogenesis, and shoot and root development. Recent studies have shown that plant hormones also strongly influence metabolic networks, which results in altered growth phenotypes. Modulating auxin signalling pathways may therefore provide an opportunity to alter crop performance. Here, we performed a detailed physiological and metabolic characterization of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) mutants with either increased (entire) or reduced (diageotropica—dgt) auxin signalling to investigate the consequences of altered auxin signalling on photosynthesis, water use, and primary metabolism. We show that reduced auxin sensitivity in dgt led to anatomical and physiological modifications, including altered stomatal distribution along the leaf blade and reduced stomatal conductance, resulting in clear reductions in both photosynthesis and water loss in detached leaves. By contrast, plants with higher auxin sensitivity (entire) increased the photosynthetic capacity, as deduced by higher Vcmax and Jmax coupled with reduced stomatal limitation. Remarkably, our results demonstrate that auxin‐sensitive mutants (dgt) are characterized by impairments in the usage of starch that led to lower growth, most likely associated with decreased respiration. Collectively, our findings suggest that mutations in different components of the auxin signalling pathway specifically modulate photosynthetic and respiratory processes

    Assistência em saúde mental em um CAPS em tempos de Covid -19: revisão integrativa da literatura / Mental health care in a CAPS during Covid-19: integrative literature review

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    Frente as mudanças das práticas assistenciais em saúde mental advindas com a Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileira e o atual contexto da pandemia Covid-19 que impõe aos serviços novos rearranjos, é imprescindível refletir e debater as práticas realizadas no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial-CAPS. Assim, este estudo tem como objetivo caracterizar as atividades desenvolvidas pelo CAPS no contexto de pandemia da Covid-19 segundo a literatura científica. Quanto aos procedimentos metodológicos, trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura, na qual foram utilizadas as bases de dados online em Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) do Sistema Online de Busca e Análise de Literatura Médica (Medline) e do Banco de Dados em Enfermagem (BDENF) por meio da consulta à Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) Os descritores usados foram: Assistência de Enfermagem, Saúde Mental, CAPS, COVID 19, serviços comunitários de saúde. A amostra final foi constituída de 7 artigos. Observou-se que com os impactos desencadeados pela pandemia da Covid-19, os serviços de saúde tiveram que se reorganizar e se adaptar aos novos manejos da saúde, manter o distanciamento social para evitar a propagação do vírus e dar continuidade aos processos de cuidado. Entre as novas práticas surgiram grupos online de apoio, teleconsultas e o aumento da articulação com os serviços da atenção primária a saúde para continuidade do cuidado. Todavia, nota-se que a literatura ainda é escassa na abordagem do tema e, portanto, sugere-se que outros estudos sejam realizados