9 research outputs found

    Deep Neural Networks Aiding Cryptanalysis: A Case Study of the Speck Distinguisher

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    At CRYPTO’19, A. Gohr proposed neural distinguishers for the lightweight block cipher Speck32/64, achieving better results than the state-of-the-art at that point. However, the motivation for using that particular architecture was not very clear; therefore, in this paper, we study the depth-10 and depth-1 neural distinguishers proposed by Gohr [7] with the aim of finding out whether smaller or better-performing distinguishers for Speck32/64 exist. We first evaluate whether we can find smaller neural networks that match the accuracy of the proposed distinguishers. We answer this question in the affirmative with the depth-1 distinguisher successfully pruned, resulting in a network that remained within one percentage point of the unpruned network’s performance. Having found a smaller network that achieves the same performance, we examine whether its performance can be improved as well. We also study whether processing the input before giving it to the pruned depth-1 network would improve its performance. To this end, convolutional autoencoders were found that managed to reconstruct the ciphertext pairs successfully, and their trained encoders were used as a preprocessor before training the pruned depth-1 network. We found that, even though the autoencoders achieved a nearly perfect reconstruction, the pruned network did not have the necessary complexity anymore to extract useful information from the preprocessed input, motivating us to look at the feature importance to get more insights. To achieve this, we used LIME, with results showing that a stronger explainer is needed to assess it correctly.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Cyber Securit

    Systematic Side-Channel Analysis of Curve25519 with Machine Learning

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    Profiling attacks, especially those based on machine learning, proved to be very successful techniques in recent years when considering the side-channel analysis of symmetric-key crypto implementations. At the same time, the results for implementations of asymmetric-key cryptosystems are very sparse. This paper considers several machine learning techniques to mount side-channel attacks on two implementations of scalar multiplication on the elliptic curve Curve25519. The first implementation follows the baseline implementation with complete formulae as used for EdDSA in WolfSSl, where we exploit power consumption as a side-channel. The second implementation features several countermeasures, and in this case, we analyze electromagnetic emanations to find side-channel leakage. Most techniques considered in this work result in potent attacks, and especially the method of choice appears to be convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which can break the first implementation with only a single measurement in the attack phase. The same convolutional neural network demonstrated excellent performance for attacking AES cipher implementations. Our results show that some common grounds can be established when using deep learning for profiling attacks on very different cryptographic algorithms and their corresponding implementations.Cyber Securit

    CSI NN: Reverse engineering of neural network architectures through electromagnetic side channel

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    Machine learning has become mainstream across industries. Numerous examples prove the validity of it for security applications. In this work, we investigate how to reverse engineer a neural network by using side-channel information such as timing and electromagnetic (EM) emanations. To this end, we consider multilayer perceptron and convolutional neural networks as the machine learning architectures of choice and assume a non-invasive and passive attacker capable of measuring those kinds of leakages. We conduct all experiments on real data and commonly used neural network architectures in order to properly assess the applicability and extendability of those attacks. Practical results are shown on an ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller, which is a platform often used in pervasive applications using neural networks such as wearables, surveillance cameras, etc. Our experiments show that a side-channel attacker is capable of obtaining the following information: the activation functions used in the architecture, the number of layers and neurons in the layers, the number of output classes, and weights in the neural network. Thus, the attacker can effectively reverse engineer the network using merely side-channel information such as timing or EM.Cyber Securit

    SCA Strikes Back: Reverse Engineering Neural Network Architectures using Side Channels

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    This paper was selected for Top Picks in Hardware and Embedded Security 2020 and it presents a physical side-channel attack aiming at reverse engineering neural networks implemented on an edge device. The attack does not need access to training data and allows for neural network recovery by feeding known random inputs. We successfully reverse engineer information about layers, neurons, activation functions, and weights associated with neurons. This attack opens a new door in the domain of security of neural networks. Follow-up works by other researchers have shown this attack to be applicable for various settings and difficult to protect against.Accepted author manuscriptCyber Securit

    Keep it Unsupervised: Horizontal Attacks Meet Deep Learning

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    To mitigate side-channel attacks, real-world implementations of public-key cryptosystems adopt state-of-the-art countermeasures based on randomization of the private or ephemeral keys. Usually, for each private key operation, a “scalar blinding” is performed using 32 or 64 randomly generated bits. Nevertheless, horizontal attacks based on a single trace still pose serious threats to protected ECC or RSA implementations. If the secrets learned through a single-trace attack contain too many wrong (or noisy) bits, the cryptanalysis methods for recovering remaining bits become impractical due to time and computational constraints. This paper proposes a deep learning-based framework to iteratively correct partially correct private keys resulting from a clustering-based horizontal attack. By testing the trained network on scalar multiplication (or exponentiation) traces, we demonstrate that a deep neural network can significantly reduce the number of wrong bits from randomized scalars (or exponents).When a simple horizontal attack can recover around 52% of attacked multiple private key bits, the proposed iterative framework improves the private key accuracy to above 90% on average and to 100% for at least one of the attacked keys. Our attack model remains fully unsupervised and excludes the need to know where the error or noisy bits are located in each separate randomized private key.Cyber Securit

    Fake It Till You Make It: Data Augmentation Using Generative Adversarial Networks for All the Crypto You Need on Small Devices

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    Deep learning-based side-channel analysis performance heavily depends on the dataset size and the number of instances in each target class. Both small and imbalanced datasets might lead to unsuccessful side-channel attacks. The attack performance can be improved by generating traces synthetically from the obtained data instances instead of collecting them from the target device, but this is a cumbersome and challenging task. We propose a novel data augmentation approach based on conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGAN) and Siamese networks, enhancing the attack capability. We also present a quantitative comparative deep learning-based side-channel analysis between a real raw signal leakage dataset and an artificially augmented leakage dataset. The analysis is performed on the leakage datasets for both symmetric and public-key cryptographic implementations. We investigate non-convergent networks’ effect on the generation of fake leakage signals using two cGAN based deep learning models. The analysis shows that the proposed data augmentation model results in a well-converged network that generates realistic leakage traces, which can be used to mount deep learning-based side-channel analysis successfully even when the dataset available from the device is not optimal. Our results show that the datasets enhanced with “faked” leakage traces are breakable (while not without augmentation), which might change how we perform deep learning-based side-channel analysis.Accepted author manuscriptCyber Securit

    A Systematic Evaluation of Profiling Through Focused Feature Selection

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    Profiled side-channel attacks consist of several steps one needs to take. An important, but sometimes ignored, step is a selection of the points of interest (features) within side-channel measurement traces. A large majority of the related works start the analyses with an assumption that the features are preselected. Contrary to this assumption, here, we concentrate on the feature selection step. We investigate how advanced feature selection techniques stemming from the machine learning domain can be used to improve the attack efficiency. To this end, we provide a systematic evaluation of the methods of interest. The experiments are performed on several real-world data sets containing software and hardware implementations of AES, including the random delay countermeasure. Our results show that wrapper and hybrid feature selection methods perform extremely well over a wide range of test scenarios and a number of features selected. We emphasize L1 regularization (wrapper approach) and linear support vector machine (SVM) with recursive feature elimination used after chi-square filter (Hybrid approach) that performs well in both accuracy and guessing entropy. Finally, we show that the use of appropriate feature selection techniques is more important for an attack on the high-noise data sets, including those with countermeasures, than on the low-noise ones.Accepted author manuscriptCyber Securit

    SoK: Deep Learning-based Physical Side-channel Analysis

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    Side-channel attacks represent a realistic and serious threat to the security of embedded devices for already almost three decades. A variety of attacks and targets they can be applied to have been introduced, and while the area of side-channel attacks and their mitigation is very well-researched, it is yet to be consolidated. Deep learning-based side-channel attacks entered the field in recent years with the promise of more competitive performance and enlarged attackers' capabilities compared to other techniques. At the same time, the new attacks bring new challenges and complexities to the domain, making the systematization of knowledge (SoK) even more critical.We first dissect deep learning-based side-channel attacks according to the different phases they can be used in and map those phases to the efforts conducted so far in the domain. For each phase, we identify the weaknesses and challenges that triggered the known open problems. We also connect the attacks to the threat models and evaluate their advantages and drawbacks. Finally, we provide a number of recommendations to be followed in deep learning-based side-channel attacks. Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Cyber Securit

    Label Correlation in Deep Learning-Based Side-Channel Analysis

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    The efficiency of the profiling side-channel analysis can be significantly improved with machine learning techniques. Although powerful, a fundamental machine learning limitation of being data-hungry received little attention in the side-channel community. In practice, the maximum number of leakage traces that evaluators/attackers can obtain is constrained by the scheme requirements or the limited accessibility of the target. Even worse, various countermeasures in modern devices increase the conditions on the profiling size to break the target. This work demonstrates a practical approach to dealing with the lack of profiling traces. Instead of learning from a one-hot encoded label, transferring the labels to their distribution can significantly speed up the convergence of guessing entropy. By studying the relationship between all possible key candidates, we propose a new metric, denoted Label Correlation (LC), to evaluate the generalization ability of the profiling model. We validate LC with two common use cases: early stopping and network architecture search, and the results indicate its superior performance.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Cyber Securit