3 research outputs found

    Species of Fish in rivers in the Northern Peninsula of Sulawesi Island

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    This study aims to determine the species of fish found in the Poigar River, Ranoyapo River, Maruasey River, Talawaan River, and Likupang River in the northern peninsula of Sulawesi Island. These five rivers empty into the Sulawesi Sea. Sampling was carried out in the upstream, middle and downstream parts of the river, all sampling areas were freshwater areas, estuary areas with brackish water types were not included in this study. Sampling was carried out using cast nets and electric shocks. There are 58 species (16 orders, 21 families, 40 genera). Families Gobidae (9 genera, 19 species) and Eleotridae (8 genera 13 species), 19 other families have only 3 or 2 or 1 species. There are 28 species of Ranoyapo River, 25 species of Maruasey River, 23 species of Poigar River, 15 species of Likupang River, and 9 species of Talawaan River. Eel Anguilla marmorata widely distributed in five rivers, and Eleotris melanosoma (Eleotridae) Osteochilus hasseltii (Cyprinidae) in four rivers. The other species are only found in 3, 2, and 1 rivers. There are 27 species found in only one river.Keywords: Freshwater; River; Species; Fish.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui spesies ikan yang terdapat di Sungai Poigar, Sungai Ranoyapo, Sungai Maruasey, Sungai Talawaan dan Sungai Likupang di semenanjung utara Pulau Sulawesi. Lima sungai ini bermuara di Laut Sulawesi.  Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada bagian hulu, tengah dan bagian hilir sungai, seluruh wilayah pengambilan sampel adalah wilayah air tawar, daerah muara dengan tipe air payau tidak termasuk dalam penelitian ini.  Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan jaring lempar dan kejutan listrik.  Terdapat 58 spesies (16 ordo, 21 famili, 40 genus). Famili Gobidae (9 genus, 19 spesiies) dan Eleotridae (8 genus 13 spesies),  19  Famili yang lain hanya memiliki 3 atau 2 atau 1 spesies.  Sungai Ranoyapo terdapat 28 spesies, Sungai Maruasey 25 spesies, Sungai Poigar 23 spesies, Sungai Likupang 15 spesies dan Sungai Talawaan 9 spesies.  Ikan sidat Anguilla marmorata menyebar luas  pada lima sungai, dan Eleotris melanosoma (Eleotridae) Osteochilus hasseltii (Cyprinidae) pada empat sungai.  Spesies yang lain hanya ditemukan pada 3, 2 dan 1 sungai. Terdapat 27 spesies yang ditemukan hanya pada satu sungai.Keywords: Freshwater; River; Species; Fish

    Small pelagic fisheries condition in North Sulawesi: A case study on traditional purse seine practice in Likupang Village, Indonesia

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    This study was conducted to know the impact of traditional purse seine fisheries in Likupang village, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi, on pelagic fish stocks of scad Decapterus spp. by size at first maturity estimation. Samples were collected from the purse seine catch of Likupang fishermen. They were individually measured and dissected for maturity level examinations. The results showed a wide size range in D. macarellus catch and high catch of small individuals of D. macrosoma reflecting that traditional purse seiners in Likupang could become potential fishing gear to deplete the stocks of scad. This situation makes the purse seine fishermen have to adjust the mesh size to the fishing target

    Weight-Length and Condition Factor of Snakehead Fish Channa striata (Bloch, 1793) from Tondano Lake North Sulawesi

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    Sampling was done in two places, Tolour village and Kaweng village. Samples were taken from fishermen in July and August 2018. Total samples collected were 35 individuals, 20 indivduals from Tolour and 15 from Kaweng. Furthermore, the fish were brought the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, and data recording was in the Freshwater Bioecology Laboratory. They consisted of 16 males and 19 females. Male length ranged from 25.8 to 43.2 cm, and female from 22.0 to 39.6 cm. The weight of males ranged from 157-755 g and female between 38-422g.Weight-length relationship in this study was W = 0.0017L3.4517 for sex combination, W = 0.0116L2.9161 for males and W = 0.0009L3,6426 for females. The growth pattern for combied sex was isometric (b = 3.457). The growth pattern was isometric (b = 2.9161) for male and allometric positive (b = 3.6426) for females. The relative condition factor (Kn) of all individuals was 1.06 ± 0.44, 1.01 ± 0.13 for males and 1.01 ± 0.58 for femaleKey Words: Tondano Lake, Snakehead Fish, Weight-length, condition factor ABSTRAKPengambilan sampel dilakukan di dua tempat yaitu, Kelurahan Tolour Kecamatan Tondano Timur dan Desa Kaweng Kecamatan  Kakas. Sampel diambil dari hasil tangkapan nelayan pada Bulan Juli dan  Agustus 2018. Sampel yang terkumpul  sebanyak 35 ekor, 20 sampel dari Tolour dan 15 dari Kaweng. Selanjutnya ikan dibawah ke Laboraturium Bioekologi Air Tawar  FPIK untuk pengambilan data. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 35 individu yang terdiri atas jenis kelamin jantan 16 individu dan betina 19 individu. Ukuran panjang ikan jantan berkisar antara 25,8-43,2 cm, dan ikan betina berkisar antara 22,0-39,6 cm.  Ukuran berat ikan jantan berkisar antara 157-755 g dan ikan betina beratnya berkisar antara 38-422g. Hubungan panjang berat ikan gabus dalam penelitian ini adalah W= 0,0017L3,4517 untuk gabungan jantan betina, W = 0,0116L2,9161 untuk jenis kelamin jantan  dan W = 0,0009L3,6426 untuk jenis kelamin betina.  Pola pertumbuhan untuk gabungan jantan dan betina adalah isometric (b=3,457).  Pola pertumbuhan ikan gabus adalah pola pertumbuhan isometrik (b=2,9161)   untuk jantan dan allometrik positif (b=3,6426) untuk jenis kelamin betina. Faktor kondisi relative (Kn) seluruh individu adalah 1,06  ± 0,44. Faktor Kondisi  jantan adalah 1,01 ± 0,13. Jenis kelamin betina faktor kondisi adalah 1,01 ± 0,58.Kata kunci: Tondano, ikan gabus, berat-panjag, factor kondis