49 research outputs found
The epiphytic bryophyte succession of Buxus sempervirens forests in the Fırtına Valley, Rize (North Türkiye)
In this study, the epiphytic bryophyte succession of the Buxus sempervirens L. forests in Fırtına Valley (Çamlıhemşin-Rize, North Türkiye), one of the nine biodiversity hotspots in Türkiye, were investigated. For this purpose, a total of 60 sampling plots were taken from the live trunks of the B. sempervirens trees of different ages. Twenty-nine epiphytic bryophyte species were determined (24 mosses and 5 liverworts) within the sample plots. Also, six different life form types and four different habitat affinity categories were determined. The mat type life form is in the first place with 34.4% whereas the and cortico-saxicolous species are the most common with 51.7%. Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) classified the epiphytic bryophyte communities on the trunks of the B. sempervirens at the second level into two main clusters (A and B) and three sub-clusters (A1, B1 and, B2). Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) axis 1 was interpreted as gradient along the height of the epiphytic habitat (from the lower base to the upper zone) on trunks and the DCA axis 2 was interpreted as gradient of moisture (from mesic to xeric). Exsertotheca crispa (Hedw.) S.Olsson, Enroth & D.Quandt was the species with the highest Index of Ecological Significance (IES) value on the lower bases of the aged trees. Species diversity and epiphytic cover in the upper zones were lower than in the basal and middle zones in the study area. While Metzgeria furcata, (L.) Corda, Oxyrrhynchium hians (Hedw.) Loeske, Plagiothecium nemorale (Mitt.) A.Jaeger, and Radula lindenbergiana Gottsche ex C.Hartm were only found on old trees, Ctenidium molluscum (Hedw.) Mitt. and Pseudoleskeella nervosa (Brid.) Nyholm were only found on middle-aged trees
Mersin (C12), Trabzon ve Gümüşhane (A4)’ den bazı karayosunu (musci) kayıtları
Bu çalışma ile Mersin, Gümüşhane ve Trabzon ve Türkiye Karayosunu Florasına katkı sağlamak amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma alanlanından farklı lokalitelerden 2009–2010 yıllarında toplanan 170 karayosunu örneği incelenmiştir. Yapılan incelemeler sonucunda, 23 familyaya ait 47 cins ve 94 takson listelenmiştir. Henderson’un kareleme sistemine göre; C12(Mersin) karesi için yeni kare kaydı sayısı 13 ve A4 (Gümüşhane ve Trabzon) karesi için yeni kare kaydı sayısı 3’dür. Bu çalışmada içerdiği takson sayısı bakımından en zengin familyalar ve toplam takson sayısına göre yüzde oranları şu şekildedir: Pottiaceae (15, %16.0), Grimmiaceae (14, %14.9), Brachytheciaceae (12, %12.8), Bryaceae (9, %9.6), Polytrichaceae (6, %6.4), Orthotrichaceae (5, %5.3).
Anahtar Kelimeler: Karayosunu florası, Gümüşhane, Mersin, Trabzon, A4, C1
Burdur ilinde karayollarının yakınından toplanan bazı karayosunu örneklerinde ağır metal seviyelerinin belirlenmesi
The main sources of atmospheric heavy metals deposition are agricultural activities, fossil fuels, central heating
stations and the exhaust gases of motor vehicles. In this study, the total of 29 mosses samples were collected from
contaminated points near the Isparta-Antalya, Burdur-Denizli, Burdur-Afyonkarahisar, Burdur-Fethiye (Muğla)
and Burdur-Antalya highways (2-20m) and uncontaminated areas in 2012. Samples were analyzed by flame and
graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) later microwave digestion methods. The highest
accumulation levels detected as µg.g−1 Fe (1419.02)>Zn (158.44)>Mn (362.77)>Ni (109.53)>Cr (60.51)>Pb
(30.38)>Cd (35.866)>Cu (25.17) for mosses. Element levels are differ depending on moss species and the location
of collecting localities.Atmosferik Ağır metal birikiminin ana kaynakları, tarımsal faaliyetler, fosil yakıtlar, merkezi ısıtma istasyonları
ve bölgedeki motorlu taşıtların egzoz gazlarıdır. Bu çalışmada, 2012 yılında Isparta-Antalya, Burdur-Denizli,
Burdur-Afyonkarahisar, Burdur-Fethiye (Muğla) ve Burdur-Antalya karayollarının yakınından (2-20m) kirlenmiş
bölgeden ve bu yollara uzak noktalardan temiz bölgeden 29 karayosunu örneği toplanmıştır. Örnekler mikrodalga
çözünürleştirme sonrasında alev ve grafit fırın atomik absorpsiyon spektrometresi (AAS) metodu ile analiz
edilmiştir. Karayosunları için en yüksek birikim seviyeleri µg.g−1 olarak şu şekilde tespit edildi; Fe (1419.02)>Mn
(362.77)>Zn (158.44)>Ni (109.53)>Cr (60.51)>Pb (30.38)>Cd(35.866)>Cu (25.17). Element seviyesi,
karayosunu türlerine ve toplanma lokalitelerinin durumuna bağlı olarak farklıdır
New Bryophyte Records from Turkey and Southwest Asia
Five bryophytes collected during bryological forays to the Ordu and Burdur regions of Turkey were of
particular interest. Among them, Orthotrichum hookeri, Plagiothecium neckeroideum and Thamnobryum
neckeroides were found to be new to Turkey. Orthotrichum hookeri and Plagiothecium neckeroideum are also
new to Southwest Asia. Descriptions, illustrations, ecology, geographic distribution and comparisons with
morphologically similar taxa are presented. Two species, Hookeria acutifolia and Orthotrichum sordidum, were
recorded only for the second time in Turkey
New epiphytic bryophyte communities from Turkey
The epiphytic bryophyte vegetation of the Kümbet Plateau (Dereli-Giresun) was
investigated. A total of 40 relevés taken from tree trunks in different vegetation
periods of the year 2019 were analysed using multivariate analysis methods such
as detrended correspondence analysis (DECORANA) and two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN), and the Braun-Blanquet method was also applied. As a
result, Frullanio tamarisci-Neckeretum pumilae Alataş, Ezer, Batan & Erata ass. nov.
and Frullanio tamarisci-Neckeretum pumilae-isothecietosum alopecuroidis Alataş,
Ezer, Batan & Erata subass. nov. were described as new syntaxa from Turkey. In
addition, Ulotetum crispae -sanionietosum uncinatae was recorded for the first time
from Turkey, while Ulotetum crispae was recorded for the second time from Turkey. These syntaxa were analysed in terms of their ecological and floristic aspects
Three Sphagnum taxa new to Turkey and South-West Asia
Sphagnum jensenii, S. fallax var. isoviitae, and S. pylaesii were found as new to Turkey and Southwest Asia following a bryological field trip to the Giresun province
of Turkey. Sphagnum fallax var. isoviitae was also new to Asia. Descriptions, illustrations, world distribution, ecology, and comparisons with related species are
European endemic Ptychostomum minii (Bryaceae, Bryophyta) - new to Turkey and its significant range extention to SW Asia
In this study, Ptychostomum minii, a European endemic species is recorded for the first time in Turkey and Southwest Asia. The species was found in the Bolkar Mountains in Turkey. Insights into recent discoveries, along with accompanying photographs, ecology, and location specifics in Turkey are presented
Bryophyte Checklist of Giresun, North East Turkey
A check-list of the bryophytes of Giresun province is provided in this study. A total of 252 taxa have been recorded including of 235 taxa (consisting 105 genera) of mosses and 17 taxa (consisting 15 genera) of liverworts. The moss genera including the largest number of taxa are Grimmia (11), Didymodon (9), Ptychostomum (8), Brachythecium (6), Bryum (6), Dicranum (6), Schistidium (6), Sphagnum (6), Syntrichia (6), Orthotrichum (6), Mnium (5), Plagiomnium (5), Racomitrium (5) and Tortella (5). Besides, Lophocolea (2) and Pellia (2) are the richest in species number in liverworts. The checklist is given in alphabetical order
Epiphytic Bryophytes and Vegetation of the Platanus orientalis Trees in Zonguldak
WOS: 000341557900007In this study, the epiphytic bryophyte flora and vegetation of the Platanus orientalis trees, which are protected in Zonguldak, were investigated between the years 2012-2013, as a result of the investigation of 33 sampling releves different sizes taken from the trunks of P orientalis trees by the Braun-Blanquet method, two epiphytic bryophyte associations which belong to the Orthotrichetalia order of the Frullanio dilatatae-Leucodontetea sciuroidis class were detected. The Pylaisietum polyanthae and Syntrichietum papillosae associations were found for the first time from Turkey. The life forms and life strategies of the syntaxa examined in terms of ecological and floristic have been analyzed. Weft and cushion are dominant of the life forms while perennial stayers are dominant in the life strategies. In addition, most taxa of the floristic list are found to have mesophytic, sciophyt, and subneutrophyt as a character
New and noteworthy moss records for Turkey and Southwest Asia
Following a recent bryological foray to northern Turkey Rhizomnium striatulum (Mitt.) T.J.Kop., Leucodon coreensis
Cardot and Leucobryum bowringii Mitt. are reported new to Turkey, the Mediterranean and Southwest Asia. Cyrtomnium Holmen is a new genus record for Turkey and Southwest Asia and Cyrtomnium hymenophylloides (Hübener) T.J.Kop. a new record for Turkey and Southwest Asia. Illustrations, ecology, geographic distribution and brief comparisons with morphologically similar taxa are given