320 research outputs found

    Pseudo-hermitian interaction between an oscillator and a spin half particle in the external magnetic field

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    We consider a spin half particle in the external magnetic field which couples to a harmonic oscillator through some pseudo-hermitian interaction. We find that the energy eigenvalues for this system are real even though the interaction is not PT invariant.Comment: Latex, no figs, 8 pages. (To appear in Mod. Phys. Lett. A

    Dual giant gravitons in AdSm_m ×\times Yn^n (Sasaki-Einstein)

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    We consider BPS motion of dual giant gravitons on AdS5×Y5S_5\times Y^5 where Y5Y^5 represents a five-dimensional Sasaki-Einstein manifold. We find that the phase space for the BPS dual giant gravitons is symplectically isomorphic to the Calabi-Yau cone over Y5Y^5, with the K\"{a}hler form identified with the symplectic form. The quantization of the dual giants therefore coincides with the K\"{a}hler quantization of the cone which leads to an explicit correspondence between holomorphic wavefunctions of dual giants and gauge-invariant operators of the boundary theory. We extend the discussion to dual giants in AdS4×Y7AdS_4 \times Y^7 where Y7Y^7 is a seven-dimensional Sasaki-Einstein manifold; for special motions the phase space of the dual giants is symplectically isomorphic to the eight-dimensional Calabi-Yau cone.Comment: 14 pages. (v2) typo's corrected; factors of AdS radius reinstated for clarity; remarks about dual giant wavefunctions in T^{1,1} expanded and put in a new subsectio

    Supersymmetric Electromagnetic Waves on Giants and Dual-Giants

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    We set up the BPS equations for a D3-brane moving in AdS_5 \times S^5 which preserves two supercharges and with all bosonic fields turned on in the world-volume theory. By solving these, we find generalizations of Mikhailov giants and wobbling dual-giants that include electromagnetic waves propagating on their world-volume. For these giants (dual-giants) we show that the BPS field strength is the real part of the pull-back of a holomorphic 2-form in the ambient space C^3 (C^{1,2}) onto the world-volume.Comment: 18 page

    Supersymmetric States in M5/M2 CFTs

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    We propose an exact, finite NN formula for the partition function over 1/4th1/4^{th} BPS states in the conformal field theory on the world volume of NN coincident M5 branes and 1/8th1/8^{th} BPS states in the theory of NN coincident M2 branes. We obtain our partition function by performing the radial quantization of the Coulomb Branches of these theories, and rederive the same formula from the quantization of supersymmetric giant and dual giant gravitons in AdS7×S4AdS_7 \times S^4 and AdS4×S7AdS_4 \times S^7. Our partition function is qualitatively similar to the analogous quantity in N=4{\cal N}=4 Yang Mills. It reduces to the sum over supersymmetric multi gravitons at low energies, but deviates from this supergravity formula at energies that scale like a positive power of NN.Comment: 24 pages, harvmac; v2 reference adde

    Classical integrability in the BTZ black hole

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    Using the fact the BTZ black hole is a quotient of AdS_3 we show that classical string propagation in the BTZ background is integrable. We construct the flat connection and its monodromy matrix which generates the non-local charges. From examining the general behaviour of the eigen values of the monodromy matrix we determine the set of integral equations which constrain them. These equations imply that each classical solution is characterized by a density function in the complex plane. For classical solutions which correspond to geodesics and winding strings we solve for the eigen values of the monodromy matrix explicitly and show that geodesics correspond to zero density in the complex plane. We solve the integral equations for BMN and magnon like solutions and obtain their dispersion relation. Finally we show that the set of integral equations which constrain the eigen values of the monodromy matrix can be identified with the continuum limit of the Bethe equations of a twisted SL(2, R) spin chain at one loop.Comment: 45 pages, Reference added, typos corrected, discussion on geodesics improved to include all geodesic

    Free Fermions and Thermal AdS/CFT

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    The dynamics of finite temperature U(N) gauge theories on S3S^3 can be described, at weak coupling, by an effective unitary matrix model. Here we present an exact solution to these models, for any value of NN, in terms of a sum over representations. Taking the large NN limit of this solution provides a new perspective on the deconfinement transition which is supposed to be dual to the Hawking-Page transition. The large NN phase transition manifests itself here in a manner similar to the Douglas-Kazakov phase transition in 2d Yang-Mills theory. We carry out a complete analysis of the saddle representation in the simplest case involving only the order parameter TrU{\rm Tr}U. We find that the saddle points corresponding to thermal AdSAdS, the small black hole and the large black hole can all be described in terms of free fermions. They all admit a simple phase space description {\it a la} the BPS geometries of Lin, Lunin and Maldacena.Comment: (0+34) pages and 9 figures, v2 references adde

    Baryonic Generating Functions

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    We show how it is possible to use the plethystic program in order to compute baryonic generating functions that count BPS operators in the chiral ring of quiver gauge theories living on the world volume of D branes probing a non compact CY manifold. Special attention is given to the conifold theory and the orbifold C^2/Z_2 times C, where exact expressions for generating functions are given in detail. This paper solves a long standing problem for the combinatorics of quiver gauge theories with baryonic moduli spaces. It opens the way to a statistical analysis of quiver theories on baryonic branches. Surprisingly, the baryonic charge turns out to be the quantized Kahler modulus of the geometry.Comment: 44 pages, 7 figures; fonts change

    At the horizon of a supersymmetric AdS_5 black hole: Isometries and half-BPS giants

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    The near-horizon geometry of an asymptotically AdS_5 supersymmetric black hole discovered by Gutowski and Reall is analysed. After lifting the solution to 10 dimensions, we explicitly solve the Killing spinor equations in both Poincare and global coordinates. It is found that exactly four supersymmetries are preserved which is twice the number for the full black hole. The full set of isometries is constructed and the isometry supergroup is shown to be SU(1,1|1) X SU(2) X U(3). We further study half-BPS configurations of D3-branes in the near-horizon geometry in Poincare and global coordinates. Both giant graviton probes and dual giant graviton probes are found.Comment: 26 pages. v2:Typos corrected, minor change

    Toric AdS4/CFT3 duals and M-theory Crystals

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    We study the recently proposed crystal model for three dimensional superconformal field theories arising from M2-branes probing toric Calabi-Yau four-fold singularities. We explain the algorithms mapping a toric Calabi-Yau to a crystal and vice versa, and show how the spectrum of BPS meson states fits into the crystal model.Comment: 24 pages, 24 figure

    Logarithmic Corrections to Schwarzschild and Other Non-extremal Black Hole Entropy in Different Dimensions

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    Euclidean gravity method has been successful in computing logarithmic corrections to extremal black hole entropy in terms of low energy data, and gives results in perfect agreement with the microscopic results in string theory. Motivated by this success we apply Euclidean gravity to compute logarithmic corrections to the entropy of various non-extremal black holes in different dimensions, taking special care of integration over the zero modes and keeping track of the ensemble in which the computation is done. These results provide strong constraint on any ultraviolet completion of the theory if the latter is able to give an independent computation of the entropy of non-extremal black holes from microscopic description. For Schwarzschild black holes in four space-time dimensions the macroscopic result seems to disagree with the existing result in loop quantum gravity.Comment: LaTeX, 40 pages; corrected small typos and added reference