154 research outputs found

    Sustainability assessment of wheat production using Emergy

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    Sustainability of crop production has to be given high priority when global biomass resources are limited. Here emergy evaluation is applied in order to assess sustainability of crop production exemplified by winter wheat. Emergy evaluation takes into account all inputs involved in a production system (i.e. renewable and non-renewable, local and imported) and transforms them into a common measure of direct and indirect solar energy requirement. The evaluation of winter wheat production is conducted by comparing conventional and organic management on two soil types using Danish reference conditions. The resource use efficiency of wheat production per kg biomass is higher using conventional management practices. This is due to high yield based on large use of non-renewable resources. The environmental loading ratio from organic management practices is about a third of the conventional implying that the organic management can be considered more sustainable

    Subexponential decay and regularity estimates for eigenfunctions of localization operators

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    We consider time-frequency localization operators Aaφ1,φ2 with symbols a in the wide weighted modulation space Mw∞(R2d), and windows φ1, φ2 in the Gelfand–Shilov space S(1)(Rd). If the weights under consideration are of ultra-rapid growth, we prove that the eigenfunctions of Aaφ1,φ2 have appropriate subexponential decay in phase space, i.e. that they belong to the Gelfand–Shilov space S(γ)(Rd) , where the parameter γ≥ 1 is related to the growth of the considered weight. An important role is played by τ-pseudodifferential operators Opτ(σ). In that direction we show convenient continuity properties of Opτ(σ) when acting on weighted modulation spaces. Furthermore, we prove subexponential decay and regularity properties of the eigenfunctions of Opτ(σ) when the symbol σ belongs to a modulation space with appropriately chosen weight functions. As an auxiliary result we also prove new convolution relations for (quasi-)Banach weighted modulation spaces

    The Scientific Bases of Sustainability: Methods, Measures and Correlations

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    Defining and assessing sustainability of complex systems (ecosystems, production systems, territorial systems, etc.) is a crucial challenge for modern science. Several instruments are necessary to answer a lot of questions related to the interactions between man and Nature. Policy makers, businessmen, researchers, managers, environmentalists and common people need information in order to understand what is sustainability and what is the distance of their behaviours from it. Sustainability indicators have been developed with the purpose to answer all these questions.The paper presents the results of the SPIn-Eco project, a sustainability analysis of the Province of Siena (Italy). It has produced a data set that allows a practical comparison among several approaches and indicators by means of correlation analysis. Important correlations were found between Ecological Footprint and CO2 emissions as well as with the non renewable exogenous part of Emergy flow. No correlation was found between total emergy flow and total ecological footprin

    A Sustainability 3D Framework of the 20 Regions of Italy and Comparison With World Countries

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    An Input-State-Output (I-S-O) framework has been recently introduced to investigate the multidimensional aspects of sustainability (namely environmental, social and economic ones) of economic systems through a thermodynamically and logically ordered scheme. This approach provides an overall view of sustainability (the three dimensions together) facilitating the convergence of information from sets of indicators without aggregating results into single numbers and, consequently, losing information. In this paper we present the application of the I-S-O framework for the 20 regions of Italy. The emergy flow, the Gini Index of income distribution, and the regional Gross Domestic Product are used as systemic indicators for input, state, and output of the systems, respectively. We observe diversity among regions in the light of very different values of the three indicators. The per capita use of resources in the North of Italy is generally 2 to 4 times larger than in the South (excluding Puglia and Sardegna); the regional GDP per capita in the North doubles that of the Southern regions. The distribution of income, that is slightly better in two regions of the north (Trentino AA and Friuli VG), some of Center Italy, and Puglia in the South, only partially reflects that North-South discrepancy. Using the same measures, the 20 Regions are included in a global overview recently produced for 99 world countries. Regional values cover a wide range of countries; nevertheless, our values tend to be more similar to those of developed countries. Based on indicator values, Regions are also categorized, which enables interpretation of this overview at both sub-national and supra-national level

    Perceptions and attitudes toward blue energy and technologies in the Mediterranean area: ASKYOURCITIZENSONBE

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    An energy transition is needed in order to meet the European pledge of reaching climate neutrality by 2050. This transition cannot ignore the renewable resources available from 70% of the Earth (namely, the oceans and seas). This concept is fundamental for the planet, especially for the Mediterranean area. Marine renewable energies are still under-deployed in the Mediterranean area for many reasons, including legislative constraints, lower energy availability, and technological readiness. An appropriate participatory process including all actors (e.g., policymakers, firms, citizens, and researchers) is necessary for a correct path toward decarbonization. The BLUE DEAL project was conceived and implemented by 12 Mediterranean partners to tackle these issues and set the route for blue energy deployment in the Mediterranean area. Activities already conducted include a survey to probe the perceptions and attitudes of citizens toward blue energy. The survey targeted about 3,000 persons in 12 Mediterranean sites with the aim of bringing citizens into the discussion on future technologies. The results showed that although blue energy is still relatively unknown to the general public (only 42% of respondents were aware of these technologies), there was a general willingness (70%) to host one or more such installations in their areas. Here, we describe our survey method and some empirical results with suggestions for replicability and recommendations on how to use it for policymaking purposes

    LCA based circularity indices of systems at different scales: a holistic approach

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    Many are the definitions of Circular Economy as well as the policies and strategies for its implementation. However, gaps still exist in quantifying the effects of circularity. The existing approaches are usually sector- or product-specific, limited to microscale systems, and/or fail to simultaneously assess the environmental impacts of the studied system. This paper introduces a generally applicable method in which a set of LCA-based indices of circularity are able to detect the effects of circularity/symbiosis strategies on the environmental performance of meso- and macro-systems. These indices quantify the overall system's circularity level by comparing the impacts of a system in which the components interact with each other (with a certain level of circularity) with an equivalent linear system (where no circularity takes place). The method works both on existing and projected systems, being able to track the effects of future circularity policies. This method obviates the limitations and the gaps mentioned above: it applies to meso- and macro-systems, it is not bound to a specific sector, it allows to capture the environmental impacts, and it is sensitive to the temporal dimension. This approach provides a tool to inform managers and policymakers for planning circularity actions and monitor their effectiveness while also capturing the temporal dimension

    Parental Mentalizing during Middle Childhood: How Is the Adoption of a Reflective Stance Associated with Child’s Psychological Outcomes?

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    This exploratory cross-sectional study attempts to understand the mechanisms underlying the role of parental mentalizing in a child’s psychological functioning during middle childhood by using Parental Reflective Functioning (PRF) and Parental Insightfulness (PI) constructs. The main aims are to examine the role of PI and PRF as processes capable of influencing a child’s psychological functioning in terms of emotional–behavioral difficulties and social–emotional competencies. Eighty-six community parents (48 mothers, 38 fathers) and their 50 children in middle childhood (Mage = 10.10, SD = 1.13) participated in this study, recruited through a non-probabilistic sampling. The following measures were used to assess the aims of this study: Insightfulness Assessment, Parental Reflective Functioning Questionnaire, Child Behavior Check-list (CBCL) and Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (DESSA) questionnaires. Results showed that parental mentalizing was found to be significantly associated with both child’s internalizing and externalizing symptoms and social–emotional competencies as reported by parents through the CBCL and DESSA questionnaires. This study may offer a contribution to the study of parental mentalizing during middle childhood, supporting the hypothesis that both parents’ ability to understand their child’s mental states could affect the child’s psychological functioning. Clinical and theoretical implications are geared toward a family-based view with a specific focus on the importance of fostering in both parents a positive attitude toward mentalizing processes

    Effects of build orientation and element partitioning on microstructure and mechanical properties of biomedical Ti-6Al-4V alloy produced by laser sintering

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    Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) technology was used to produce tensile and flexural samples based on the Ti-6Al-4V biomedical composition. Tensile samples were produced in three different orientations in order to investigate the effect of building direction on the mechanical behavior. On the other hand, flexural samples were submitted to thermal treatments to simulate the firing cycle commonly used to veneer metallic devices with ceramics in dental applications. Roughness and hardness measurements as well as tensile and flexural mechanical tests were performed to study the mechanical response of the alloy while X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron microscopy (SEM, TEM, STEM) techniques and microanalysis (EDX) were used to investigate sample microstructure. Results evidenced a difference in the mechanical response of tensile samples built in orthogonal directions. In terms of microstructure, samples not submitted to the firing cycle show a single phase acicular α’ (hcp) structure typical of metal parts subject to high cooling rates. After the firing cycle, samples show a reduction of hardness and strength due to the formation of laths of the β (bcc) phase at the boundaries of the primary formed α’ plates as well as to lattice parameters variation of the hcp phase. Element partitioning during the firing cycle gives rise to high concentration of V atoms (up to 20 wt%) at the plate boundaries where the β phase preferentially forms

    Environmental footprint family to address local to planetary sustainability and deliver on the SDGs

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    The number of publications on environmental footprint indicators has been growing rapidly, but with limited efforts to integrate different footprints into a coherent framework. Such integration is important for comprehensive understanding of environmental issues, policy formulation and assessment of trade-offs between different environmental concerns. Here, we systematize published footprint studies and define a family of footprints that can be used for the assessment of environmental sustainability. We identify overlaps between different footprints and analyse how they relate to the nine planetary boundaries and visualize the crucial information they provide for local and planetary sustainability. In addition, we assess how the footprint family delivers on measuring progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), considering its ability to quantify environmental pressures along the supply chain and relating them to the water-energy-food-ecosystem (WEFE) nexus and ecosystem services. We argue that the footprint family is a flexible framework where particular members can be included or excluded according to the context or area of concern. Our paper is based upon a recent workshop bringing together global leading experts on existing environmental footprint indicators

    Integrating Blue Energy in Maritime Spatial Planning of Mediterranean Regions

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    Blue Energy (BE) is expected to play a strategic role in the energy transition of Europe, particularly toward the 2050 horizon. It refers to a set of Marine Energy Sources (MES), including offshore wind, waves, tides, marine currents, sea thermal energy, salinity gradients, and marine biomass, which are exploited by different BE technologies. Nevertheless, the implementation of integrated solutions to exploit MES in marine areas does not just concern technological issues; it requires inclusive planning practices considering different aspects regarding climate and environmental impacts, landscape compatibility, interference with other marine activities (such as shipping, fishing, and tourism), and social acceptance. A replicable BE planning framework has been developed based on interdisciplinary knowledge in three Mediterranean sites in Greece, Croatia, and Cyprus, under the scope of the Interreg Med BLUE DEAL project. It has been implemented by some interdisciplinary experts through a collaborative and iterative process of data elaboration, mapping, evaluation, and visualization. Results concern the localization of suitable sites to install BE plants and the estimation of potential energy production and avoided emissions in selected scenarios. Together with visual simulations, this study shows the potential effects of the implementation of BE in specific marine areas, with a special focus on the most promising offshore floating wind farms and wave energy converters (WECs), as basic information for participative design and stakeholder engagement initiatives, including public authorities, businesses, and citizens
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