14 research outputs found
Rosa Luxemburgo
La figura de Rosa Luxemburgo como descollante protagonista de las luchas revolucionarias alemana y polaca en las turbulentas décadas que precedieron a las insurrecciones de 1917 a 1919 es suficientemente conocida. Sin embargo su contribución a la teoría y la práctica de la revolución socialista permanece insuficientemente divulgada. En este libro Lelio Basso, destacado investigador y dirigente del Partido Socialista Italiano, inicia la labor de salvar ese vacío y a través de los trabajos y las palabras luxemburguianas, extensamente citadas, nos revela a una mujer de una extraordinaria integridad política, brillante intelecto, y sobre todo, heroica. Basso se ha concentrado en aquellas secciones de su obra más directamente concernientes a la problemática actual: su posición ante el imperialismo y sobre la estrategia y las tácticas revolucionarias, así como la relación entre el Partido y las masas y la interacción del movimiento socialista con los movimientos de liberación nacional. El tratamiento de tal temática ha determinado la inclusión de esta obra en la colección La Lucha por el Poder
The Italian Left
It is often said at the present time that the Italian Left is in a state of crisis. This is a fair enough assessment, provided it is not meant in a purely negative sense. The crisis is one of moving out of one stage into another; it is a phase which lays bare many of the left's weaknesses, but it also contains dynamic potential for recovery. To make the present situation clearer, it may be useful to recall some salient aspects of the Left's recent history. The Italian working class movement is undoubtedly the one in Western Europe which has best resisted integration into capitalist society. When the First World War broke out, the P.S.I. (Italian Socialist Party) was the only Socialist Party in the West which took up a position against it, and when the war was over, it refused to join the Social-Democratic International. It was only when the party was in enforced exile during the Fascist period-and was therefore a party of emigres - that it joined the International, in which it held a left-wing position; at that time it was one of the leading parties to establish joint action with the Communists against Fascism. At the end of the Second World War, Italy had a strong Communist Party, which was in alliance with the P.S.I. The P.S.I. took part in reconstituting the International, but then left it immediately in order not to have to break its alliance with the Communists and accept the pro-American Cold War positions then being imposed upon it by Bevin, Spaak, Mollet, etc
Private sphere and genetics Roma, 2-3 dicembre 1994
Programme Biomed 1SIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : AR 15618 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueMinistere de l'Enseignement Superieur et de la Recherche, 75 - Paris (France)FRFranc
Potere e istituzioni oggi : corso di lezioni su parlamento, partito, sindacato, burocrazia, informazione, impresa e sistema internazionale
Potere e parlamento / Lelio Basso. -- Potere e partito / Alessandro Pizzorno. -- Potere e sindacato / Vittorio Foa. -- Potere e burocrazia / Ercole Bonacina. -- Potere e informazione / Nicola Tranfaglia. -- Potere e impresa / Gastone Cottino. -- Potere e sistema internazionale / Lucio Libertini
"Migración y tortura en la Argentina contemporánea"
The article aims to reflect about the linkage between migration and torture in recent Argentinian history. It assumes as work’s hypothesis that this link is inseparable from the characteristics that racism acquires as a system within the framework of the configuration of the neoliberal economy and from the political history of Argentina. The analysis is organized around three historical periods: the first begins with the 1976 coup, the second with the December 2001 crisis and the third with the 2015 presidential elections.Fil: Carpinetti, Juliana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rafaela.; Argentin