62 research outputs found

    Enzyme-driven mechanisms in biocorrosion

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    Objectives (abstract of presentation): Recent works carried out in our team concerning enzymes and biocorrosion are presented at the meeting. For aerobic conditions, the direct catalysis of the reduction of oxygen on steel by enzymes or porphyrin was proved and a local electrochemical analysis technique (SVET) was developed to visualize the localization of the catalysis. On anaerobic conditions, the influence of phosphate species and other weak acids on the water reduction on steel was shown. The role of hydrogenase in biocorrosion process was also studied. Any conclusion: In aerobic conditions, many complementary contributions including enzymatic catalysis exist and can reproduce biocorrosion in the lab (MOB, GOD, hopefully porphyrin…) and even more inter-penetration of the thematic areas is still required. In anaerobic conditions, revisiting the previous lab studies taking into account possible involvement of phosphate species (common buffer) is certainly necessary and other mechanism than the FeS formation can also explain biocorrosion as the direct electron transfer between hydrogenase and steel material

    Membrane electrochemical reactors (MER) for NADH regeneration in HLADH-catalysed synthesis: comparison of effectiveness

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    Two membrane electrochemical reactors(MER) were designed and applied to HLADH-catalysed reduction of cyclohexanone to cyclohexanol. The regeneration of the cofactor NADH was ensured electrochemically, using either methyl viologen or a rhodium complex as electrochemical mediator. A semipermeable membrane (dialysis or ultra-filtration) was integrated in the filter-press electrochemical reactor to confine the enzyme(s) as close as possible to the electrode surface. When methyl viologen was used, the transformation ratio of cyclohexanone varied from 0 to 65% depending on the internal arrangement of the reactor. Matching the reactor configuration to the reaction system was essential in this case. With the rhodium complex, the ultra-filtration MER was tested in continuous and recycling configurations. The best conditions led to 100% transformation of 0.1 L volume of 0.1 M cyclohexanone after 70 h with the recycling mode. Finally, the performances of the reactors are discussed with respect to different evaluations of the production yields

    Electroactive cytochromeP450BM3 cast polyion films on graphite electrodes

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    Films of electrochemically active cytochrome P450BM3 were constructed on graphite electrodes using alternate assembly with polyethyleneimin(PEI). The original layer-by-layer adsorption method was slightly modified here to form so-called “cast polyion” films. The cast polyion films were elaborated by immobilizing two successive layers of PEI and protein in very large excess with respect to a monolayer, without any intermediate washing step. Following the immobilization steps by SEM showed that uniform films of a few micrometers were deposited on the graphite surface. The electrochemically activity of the immobilized cytP450 was tested with regard to the reduction of oxygen and the one-electron reduction of the heme. Cyclic voltammetry indicated surface concentration of electrochemically active cytP450 around 0.6 nmol/cm2, which corresponded to 5% of the total amount of protein that was consumed by the immobilisation process. Adapting the procedure to a graphite felt electrode with the view of scaling up porous electrodes for large scale synthesis increased the concentration to 0.9 nmol/cm2. Cast polyion films may represent a simple technique to immobilize high amount of electrochemically active protein, keeping the advantage of the electrostatic interactions of the regular layer-by-layer method

    Electrochemical activity of Geobacter sulfurreducens biofilms on stainless steel anodes

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    Stainless steel was studied as anode for the biocatalysis of acetate oxidation by biofilms of Geobacter sulfurreducens. Electrodeswere individually polarized at different potential in the range−0.20V to +0.20V vs. Ag/AgCl either in the same reactor or in different reactors containing acetate as electron donor and no electron acceptor except the working electrode. At +0.20V vs. Ag/AgCl, the current increased after a 2-day lag period up to maximum current densities around 0.7Am−2 and 2.4Am−2 with 5mMand 10mM acetate, respectively. No current was obtained during chronoamperometry (CA) at potential values lower than 0.00V vs. Ag/AgCl, while the cyclic voltammetries (CV) that were performed periodically always detected a fast electron transfer, with the oxidation starting around −0.25V vs. Ag/AgCl. Epifluorescent microscopy showed that the current recorded by chronoamperometrywas linked to the biofilm growth on the electrode surface, while CVswere more likely linked to the cells initially adsorbed from the inoculum. A model was proposed to explain the electrochemical behaviour of the biofilm, which appeared to be controlled by the pioneering adherent cells playing the role of “electrochemical gate” between the biofilm and the electrode surface

    Simple design of cast myoglobin/polyethyleneimine modified electrodes

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    Negatively charged myoglobin (at pH values above its isoelectric point) was immobilized with the positively charged polyion polyethyleneimine (PEI) on pyrolytic graphite electrodes. A modified form of the common layer-by-layer technique was proposed, which consisted in forming non-ordered cast polyion films. The modified Mb electrodes obtained by both techniques were compared by cyclic voltammetry. The cast polyion technique gave less reproducible results but enable the immobilization of higher percentages of the total quantity of protein required to prepare the electrodes. The electrochemical properties of the negatively charged myoglobin were determined, and its capability to catalyze the electrochemical reduction of oxygen and the dechlorination of trichloroacetic acid was demonstrated. The mechanisms are discussed, and the modified pathway that has been proposed to take into account the influence of pH in the Mb-catalyzed reduction of oxygen was confirmed here

    Study of the influence of phosphoric acid in steel anaerobic corrosion via the hydrogen evolution reaction.

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    Although it is well known that the phosphate species are quiet electrochemically inert when considering their calculated redox potential, few studies since the end of 80’s reported electrochemical phenomenon observed in the reduction domain which were linked to the presence of phosphate species. Some authors proposed that phosphate ions and weak acids in general catalysed the electrochemical reduction of water [1-3] following the kind of reactions written above: Electrochemical reactions H2PO4- + e- Had + HPO42- (1) Had + H2PO4- + e- H2 + HPO42- (2) Acido-basic equilibrium H2PO4- + OH-- H2O + HPO42- (3) Combining the reactions, the reduction of water was obtained 2 H2O + 2e- H2 + 2OH- (4) Marinovic and Despic [1] assumed that the hydrogen evolution was more likely to occur from species other than water, since the bond between the hydrogen atom and the rest of the molecule is weaker in weak acid compared with the hydrogen-oxygen bond in a water molecule. This was shown on silver electrodes [2] and also on platinum ones [1]. In a previous work [3], we showed that phosphate ions exhibited the same electrochemical behaviour on stainless steel. A theoretical model was proposed according to the experimental data the model showed that a significant quantity of molecular hydrogen was produced by the mechanism presented above. In the present paper, the influence of phosphoric acid on hydrogen evolution reaction has been studied by voltammetry on platinum and stainless steel rotating disc electrodes. A linear correlation between acid concentration and the absolute value of the current at certain reduction potential has been verified. The effect of the pH value of the solution in the obtained current has demonstrated to be strongly related to the dissociation state of the acid. In a second part, as the hydrogen evolution reaction is the principal cathodic reaction of metal corrosion in anaerobic aqueous environments, the role that weak acids can play in this process was studied. Corrosion experiments on carbon steel were carried out in phosphoric acid solution under anaerobic conditions. The influence of hydrogen in the solution was also studied. In the absence of oxygen, a substantial increase of corrosion rate was found when carbon steel samples were submerged in low phosphoric acid concentration solution compared to that obtained in distilled water

    Possible role of Geobacter sulfurreducens in anaerobic corrosion of steels

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    Geobacteraceae are the most widespread microorganisms in soils and sediments in which microbial reduction of Fe(III) is an important process, either in the natural degradation of organic compounds or in their bioremediation. Geobacter species have been shown to be predominant microorganisms on electrodes harvesting electricity from the sediments. They have the capability to oxidize organic electron donor to carbon dioxide transferring the electron directly to electrodes [1]. On the other side, the ability of Geobacter sulfurreducens to reduce nitrate to nitrite or fumarate to succinate with a graphite electrode serving as electron donor has also been demonstrated [2]. Direct electron transfer to solid electrodes is achieved through periplasmic and outer membrane c-type cytochromes [3]. Outer membranes proteins and even some kind of conductive pili that serve as biological nanowires are also involved in the electron transfer chains, mainly to Fe(III) and Mn(IV) oxides [4]. The aim of this study was to assess the possible influence of G. sulfurreducens on the occurrence of corrosion of steels. Experiments were performed with pure cultures of G. sulfurreducens on mild steel (XC45) and three different kinds of stainless steels (ferritic steel, 304L, 316L). In each case the free potential increased by 200 to 300 mV after the injection of the bacteria. On the contrary, control experiments performed with the injection of the sterile medium or the bacteria suspension after filtration on a 0.2 µm filter did not induce any variation in the free potential. The presence of the cell was consequently directly responsible for the potential increase of the coupons. The occurrence or not of corrosion was discussed with respect to this potential increase and the nature of the medium. Besides, preliminary results allow assessing the possibility to use G. sulfurreducens to design protective biofilms

    Geobacter sulfurreducens can protect 304L stainless steel against pitting in conditions of low electron acceptor concentrations

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    The effect of Geobacter sulfurreducens cells was studied on the electrochemical behaviour of 304L stainless steel, emphasizing the role of the soluble electron acceptor (fumarate). In fumarate-lacking media, the presence of G. sulfurreducens induced free potential ennoblement in a few hours. This ennoblement has already been observed in standard media that contained fumarate. Our previous studies have shown that G. sulfurreducens shifted the pitting potential toward the positive values. The pits induced by the presence of the bacteria were wider and deeper than in the absence of bacteria. Here, in fumarate-lacking media, similar shift in pitting potential was observed, but the repassivation phase was strongly improved. AFM analysis showed that pits were identical with those observed in the absence of bacteria at lower potential. In contrast with all the previous work where G. sulfurreducens enhanced corrosion, here at a low concentration of electron acceptor, the presence of the bacteria protected the steel against pitting

    Local analysis of oxygen reduction catalysis by scanning vibrating electrode technique : a new approach to the study of biocorrosion

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    The scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET)was employed to investigate oxygen reduction catalysis by the presence of enzyme in an aerobic medium. Heme protoporphyrin (hemin) was chosen as a model of the enzymes that are able to catalyze oxygen reduction. A strict experimental protocol was defined for preparing the graphite surface by deposition of hemin with a simple configuration mimicking the presence of enzyme on the samples. The same configuration was adapted to a stainless steel electrode. Different geometric arrangementswere investigated by SVET to approach the local conditions. The results demonstrated that hemin deposited on the electrode surface led to an increase in the cathodic current, which indicated a catalytic effect. Based on the SVET analysis, itwas demonstrated that hemin caused the appearance of galvanic cells on the material surface. The SVET proved able to locate active catalytic centres and therefore to foresee the contribution of the enzyme to the creation of galvanic cells, thus leading to localized corrosion. The application of SVET to the study of the interaction between biological molecules and material provides a newapproach for visualizing and understanding microbially influenced corrosion (MIC) in an aerobic medium

    Effect of the semi-conductive properties of the passive layer on the current provided by stainless steel microbial cathodes

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    Geobacter sulfur reducens biofilms were formed under constant polarisation at −0.6 V vs. Ag/AgCl on stainless steel cathodes to catalyse the reduction of fumarate. The time-evolution of the current strongly depended on the quality of the inoculum. Inoculating with young cells significantly shortened the initial lag-phase and using the same inoculum improved the reproducibility of the current–time curves. The whole set of experiments showed that 254SMO stainless steel provided higher current densities (on average 14.1 A/m2) than biofilms formed on 316L stainless steel (on average 4.5 A/m2). Biofilm coverage assessed by epifluorescent microscopy showed that coverage ratios were generally higher for 316L than for 254SMO. It must be concluded that 254SMO is more efficient in transferring electrons to bacterial cells than 316L. Mott–Schottky diagrams recorded on both materials under conditions of electrolysis in the absence of microorganisms showed that the surface oxide layers had similar n-type semi-conductive behaviour for potential values higher than the flat band potential. In contrast, 316L exhibited slight p-type behaviour at potential lower than the flat band potential, while 254SMO did not. The higher electrochemical performances of biocathodes formed on 254SMO are explained by semi-conductive properties of its passive layer, which prevented the p-type behaviour occurring in cathodic electrolysis conditions