71 research outputs found

    Multi-criteria approach for selecting the best solid waste management technologies

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    The growth in urbanization and industrial activities has caused solid waste management problems. As a solution the integrated approach has been chosen to manage the solid waste. Developing and implementing integrated solid waste management involve combined technologies and alternatives which are suitable with local laws condition. This research showed that Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) has the potential as a decision making tool that can be used in selecting process of solid waste management technology. Three levels hierarchy was developed with the goal at the top level, followed by criteria and alternatives. By using this technique, the priority of each considered technology will be determined where technology with the highest priority is more suitable to be developed. Sensitivity analysis was carried out to test the sensitivity of final decision towards inconsistency of judgement. Application of AHP to determine priority in selecting solid waste management technology was explained in this research based on a case study in the Port Dickson Municipal Council. Analysis of result showed that the combination of recycling technology and composting are suitable to be applied in the Port Dickson district

    Composition of Solid Waste in a University Campus and its Potential for Composting

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    The aim of this research is to study the solid waste generation at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). The study areas were divided to four categories; offices, dormitories, faculties, and student affairs. This study is to quantify waste generation and composition, which was separated into organics, papers, plastics, glass, metals, e-waste and others. Waste characteristics studies were done to estimate the moisture content, density, pH and carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N ratio). The average solid waste generation (on monthly basis) at UKM is 137.57 ton. The compositions of solid waste generated are paper (15.9%), glass (0.7%), plastic (12.2%), metal (1.2%), organic (54.8%), e-waste (0.2%) and others waste (15.0%). From the laboratory results, the average moisture content, density, pH and C/N ratio values from the solid waste generated are  43.16%, 273.5 kg/m3, 5.76, and 7:1 respectively. Composting methods would be one most sustainable method to convert organic waste into valuable compounds and reduce the waste  to be disposed into landfills

    Petróleo y el dinero en el análisis del impacto de los precios del petróleo en la inflación, el crecimiento y el dinero

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    In this research, with the proposed model of Kou and Peron (2007), the structural impacts of the Iranian economy due to the exogenous price of oil, with regard to production variables, inflation and volume of money as dependent and endogenous variables during the study period from April 1961 to March 2017 were investigated. The result was that five structural impacts were identified in September 1973, August 1979, August 1990, August 1994, and June 2006. The highest coefficient of oil price impact on production, inflation and growth of money was in the first and fifth regimes, respectively. Also, the highest period of oil price impact on production, inflation and growth of money was in the fourth, second and fifth regimes, respectively.En esta investigación, con el modelo propuesto de Kou y Peron (2007), los impactos estructurales de la economía iraní se deben al precio exógeno del petróleo, con respecto a las variables de producción, la inflación y el volumen de dinero como variables dependientes y endógenas durante el estudio. Período de abril de 1961 a marzo de 2017 fueron investigados. El resultado fue que se identificaron cinco impactos estructurales en septiembre de 1973, agosto de 1979, agosto de 1990, agosto de 1994 y junio de 2006. El coeficiente más alto del impacto del precio del petróleo en la producción, la inflación y el crecimiento del dinero se registró en los regímenes primero y quinto. respectivamente. Además, el período más alto del impacto del precio del petróleo en la producción, la inflación y el crecimiento del dinero se registró en los regímenes cuarto, segundo y quinto, respectivamente. &nbsp

    Predicción de crisis financiera de empresas

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    Financial crises are one of the most common phenomena in the economy.  This research studies important variables in predicting the financial crisis and bankruptcy of companies and have identified the most important financial variables in predicting the financial crisis. After identification, the most important predictors of bankruptcy and a model for forecasting the financial crisis and bankruptcy of the companies have been presented and its predictive power has been tested. To identify the most important variables in the prediction of the financial crisis and bankruptcy of companies, a linear separation function model has been used and a 9-variable model has been designed and presented. The results of the survey show that up to five years before the financial crisis can be predicted using a relatively high accuracy model.Las crisis financieras son uno de los fenómenos más comunes en la economía. Esta investigación estudia variables importantes para predecir la crisis financiera y la bancarrota de las empresas y ha identificado las variables financieras más importantes para predecir la crisis financiera. Después de la identificación, se presentaron los factores predictivos más importantes de la bancarrota y un modelo para pronosticar la crisis financiera y la bancarrota de las empresas y se probó su poder predictivo. Para identificar las variables más importantes en la predicción de crisis financiera y quiebra de empresas, en este estudio se ha utilizado un modelo de función de separación lineal y se ha diseñado y presentado un modelo de 9 variables. Los resultados de la encuesta muestran que se pueden predecir hasta cinco años antes de la crisis financiera mediante un modelo de precisión relativamente alta

    Gestión de crisis: política monetaria compatible con la economía petrolera

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    The purpose of this research is to explain monetary policy consistent with the country’s economic conditions. Hence, in this paper, we tried to evaluate the two states of the central bank’s reaction to the dynamic general equilibrium model adapted to the characteristics of the Oil-rich countries economy. In the first instance, the policy maker, with regard to the level of production, diverts inflation from target inflation and exchange rate policy. In the latter case, the basis for deciding the production deviation from potential production, the deviation of future inflation from target inflation and exchange rate, and in both cases, the use of policy experiences is also considered as a variable for policy.El propósito de esta investigación es explicar la política monetaria de acuerdo con las condiciones económicas del país. Por lo tanto, en este documento, intentamos evaluar los dos estados de la reacción del banco central al modelo dinámico de equilibrio general adaptado a las características de la economía de los países ricos en petróleo. En primera instancia, el creador de políticas, con respecto al nivel de producción, desvía la inflación de la inflación objetivo y la política de tipo de cambio. En este último caso, la base para decidir la desviación de la producción de la producción potencial, la desviación de la inflación futura de la inflación objetivo y el tipo de cambio, y en ambos casos, el uso de experiencias políticas también se considera una variable para la política

    Solid waste management by considering composting potential in Malaysia toward a green country

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    Solid waste disposal has become a serious issue for country and municipal governments throughout the nation. As available landfill space decreases and the cost of siting and building new landfill increases, local authorities are struggling to develop alternative means of meeting the waste disposal challenge. Landfilling is the most widely used method for solid waste disposal in countries with tropical settlement. Landfills have created various environmental problems such as emissions and leachate. The public has become more aware concerning landfill issues such as increasing concern on the groundwater contamination, potential release of toxic gases and odor. A big part of these problems come from organic waste into the solid waste. Municipal solid waste in Malaysia has a large percent of food waste (around 50-60 percent) that makes a lot of problems in disposal methods. It has emerged as a potentially viable means by which local governments can reduce the volume of waste entering landfills by diverting the organic fraction. Composting is a biological process, in which the organic matter is biodegraded by microorganisms under controlled conditions of temperature, moisture content, oxygen, PH and the retention time that can be initiated by mixing biodegradable organic matter with bulking agents to enhance the porosity of the mixture. In this study, a composting plant in Malaysia is considered that uses organic waste from the market (market waste). Five tons organic waste per day is received in the plant, and it is treated by the wind raw composting method. After calculating costs and benefits of this method result shows that total quantitative benefit of this plant is not much higher than a total quantitative cost but this result is just for quantitative parameter. This method has a lot of qualitative benefits such as: reducing the amount of municipal solid waste, transportation cost of carrying municipal solid waste to land fill, emissions and leachate of landfill, increasing life span of landfill and reducing land use. Composting organic materials that have been diverted from landfills ultimately avoids the production of methane and leachate formulation in the landfills regarding to 50 percent of organic waste in municipal solid waste of Malaysia. With removing this amount of waste from MSW with using composting method, not only the environmental problems of land filling can be reduced but also the costs of transportation and other costs of disposal can be reduced by 50%. Because of one of the most important problems in tropical settlement is to find proper methods to dispose of municipal solid waste toward decreasing pollution, producing compost can be a suitable way but expanding of this treatment method in Malaysia closely related to economic governmental support

    Removal of Cadmium Chloride from Contaminated Residual Soil using Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs)

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    Industrial waste inorganic pollutants are normally produced from mineral compounds, such as for example heavy metals, salts, and minerals. These inorganic pollutants can be managed by selecting the appropriate removal techniques. By implementing the removal technique, the number of contaminants may decrease as pollutants reach the soils during certain reaction periods because of chemical reactions and sorption. These reactions depend on both the additive removal material in use, the soil and the environment's chemical characteristics. In soil contamination, reaction rates can be experimentally monitored, and the adsorption mechanism can be measured. The aim of this paper is to experimentally observe the mechanism of heavy metal removal of cadmium chloride in contaminated residual soils using carbon nanotube (CNT) adsorbent. In this research, a series of multi-wall carbon nanotube (MWCNTs) adsorption experiments were used to evaluate the adsorption of residual soil contaminants Cadmium chloride with a concentrations range of 50-200 mg / L. The tests were conducted with different weights of MWCNTs and a concentration of 50 to 200 mg / L of Cadmium Chloride contaminant. The temperature was thoroughly investigated on kinetics and the equilibrium of sorption contaminants in MWCNTs. It shows that MWCNT's can be used to remove heavy metal pollutants, evaluated based on the adsorption mechanism of Langmuir and Freundlich's isotherm models, from the contaminated residual soil as an effective adsorbent. As regards adsorbent models, the balance data in the Freundlich equation are reasonably proven compared to the Langmuir isotherm. As regards adsorbent models, the equilibrium data in the Freundlich equation are reasonably proven compared to the Langmuir isotherm

    Introduction to Environmental Engineering: A Problem-based Learning Approach to Enhance Environmental Awareness among Civil Engineering Students

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    AbstractThe Department of Civil & Structural Engineering (JKAS), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia offers an Introduction to Environmental Engineering course (KH2173). This is an introductory course for civil engineering students with the main purpose is to ensure that the students understand the basic engineering and science of environmental pollution. The course applied a PBL approach in the teaching and learning process, with PBL component constitutes to approximately 30% from the total course assessment. Team working was applied in the PBL approach with 3 to 5 students in a group. Various PBL topics on environmental issues were given to or proposed by the students

    Gestión de crisis: Crisis financiera y combinación de fondos

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    The main purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between the financial crisis and fund structure in companies admitted to Stock Exchange during the period of 2001-2017. To collect theoretical foundations of this research, the library method and to collect statistical information from financial statements and notes It has been used along with it. In terms of purpose, the research method is applied research, in terms of substance and content, is a correlation type that is used to explore the correlation between variables by the post-event method. The results of information analysis show that there is a significant relationship between financial crisis and fund combination, and the financial crisis has a positive effect on the fund combination of the company, as well as the findings from the sub-hypotheses, which shows that the observed effect and the growth of corporate assets have a negative effect on the structure have to fund.El objetivo principal de esta investigación es investigar la relación entre la crisis financiera y la estructura de los fondos en compañías admitidas en la Bolsa de Valores durante el período 2001-2017. Para recopilar los fundamentos teóricos de esta investigación, el método de la biblioteca y para recopilar información estadística de los estados financieros y notas, se ha utilizado junto con ella. En términos de propósito, el método de investigación es la investigación aplicada, en términos de sustancia y contenido, es un tipo de correlación que se utiliza para explorar la correlación entre variables mediante el método posterior al evento. Los resultados del análisis de la información muestran que existe una relación significativa entre la crisis financiera y la combinación de fondos, y la crisis financiera tiene un efecto positivo en la combinación de fondos de la empresa, así como en los hallazgos de las sub hipótesis, lo que demuestra que El efecto observado y el crecimiento de los activos corporativos tienen un efecto negativo en la estructura que deben financiarse

    Sukarelawan alam sekitar: penerimaan dan kefahaman pelajar

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    Pendidikan alam sekitar melalui aktiviti sukarelawan bertujuan untuk menggalakkan kebaikan dan meningkatkan kualiti hidup manusia selain pelajar mudah memahami subjek yang dipelajari. Pelajar sukar untuk menerima proses pembelajaran jika dilakukan secara paksaan walaupun diberikan kredit dalam bentuk markah. Kajian ini penting untuk menentukan penerimaan pelajar Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina (FKAB) terhadap aktiviti pemeliharaan alam sekitar yang dijalankan secara sukarela dan kesediaan mereka untuk menyertai aktiviti sukarelawan alam sekitar (ekorelawan) pada masa akan datang. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kaji selidik. Responden yang terlibat adalah seramai 108orang pelajar FKAB dari 9 program pengajian kejuruteraan peringkat prasiswazah dan majoriti pelajar ini adalah daripada tahun 1 pengajian (64.80%). Kaji selidik ini merangkumi kefahaman pelajar tentang aktiviti sukarelawan, kepentingan sukarelawan terhadap aktiviti pemuliharaan alam sekitar dan kesediaan pelajar menyertai aktiviti sukarelawan alam sekitar. Hasil kajian mendapati keprihatinan pelajar terhadap penjagaan alam sekitar adalah tinggi dengan peratusan setuju (S) dan sangat setuju (SS) ialah 91.23 % manakala 85.97 % (S dan SS) pelajar sanggup melakukan aktiviti sukarela tanpa meminta apa-apa ganjaran. Sebanyak 68.5 % pelajar pernah menyertai aktiviti sukarelawan dan mereka memahami peranan sebagai seorang sukarelawan. Kesediaan dan kefahaman pelajar dalam aktiviti sukarelawan mampu menarik minat pelajar walaupun tanpa diberikan ganjaran markah atau upah. Oleh yang demikian, aktiviti sukarelawan terutamanya berkaitan penjagaan alam sekitar perlu diberi pendedahan yang luas kepada pelajar