9 research outputs found
Hadis-Hadis tentang Salat pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 dalam NU dan Muhammadiyah
Artikel ini mengkaji penggunaan hadis-hadis di kalangan NU dan Muhammadiyah tentang pelaksanaan ibadah salat yang merespons suasana pandemi Covid-19. Dalam situasi normal, salat Jum’at wajib dilaksanakan secara berjamaah di masjid, sementara salat lima waktu sangat dianjurkan berjamaah di masjid. Pada 2 Maret 2020, Indonesia mengumumkan kasus pertama Covid-19. Merespons fakta ini, otoritas kesehatan sepakat menganjurkan pembatasan mobilitas sosial. Masyarakat diharuskan melakukan adaptasi kebiasaan baru, termasuk dalam pelaksanaan ibadah salat. Di awal pandemi, otoritas keagamaan di Indonesia mengeluarkan pandangan yang beragam, tidak semuanya menerima situasi darurat ini dan merubah kebiasaannya. Ada tokoh agama yang memahami Covid-19 sebagai azab dari Allah, sehingga masyarakat diajak untuk bertaubat dan memperbanyak doa. NU dan Muhammadiyah sebagai dua organisasi Islam terbesar yang bercorak moderat, melakukan respons ilmiah untuk memutus matarantai penyebaran virus. Selain melakukan upaya penanggulangan, NU dan Muhammadiyah mengeluarkan pandangan keagamaan tentang situasi Covid-19 untuk memahamkan dan membangun kesadaran masyarakat. Hadis-hadis Nabi yang dipahami dengan kaidah-kaidah fikih, prinsip maqasid syariah, serta pandangan para ulama menjadi rujukan NU dan Muhammadiyah dalam mencari legitimasi hukum terkait pelaksanaan salat di rumah. Artikel ini akan menjabarkan pandangan NU dan Muhammadiyah dalam pemahaman hadis-hadis Nabi menyikapi situasi Covid-19
Humans can adjust the way they dress to manage information about their identity. Veiled women in Indonesia often experience negative stigmatization and discrimination. This is due to the fact that the veil is close to the purification of Islam, the appearance of radical Islamic identity, and events of terrorism. Some of these casuistic facts are often generalized to all veiled women. This study looks at the response of a group of veiled women on Instagram in responding to terrorism cases in front of the Makassar Cathedral Church and at the Jakarta Police Headquarters at the end of March 2021, the perpetrators involving veiled women. Instagram has given birth to a new reality in expressing religious beliefs. This research using virtual ethnography method shows about a group of veiled women who use Instagram to display a positive image. The results of observations on several Instagram accounts of women with veils, it appears that this symptom is a form of expression of popular Islamic culture which has moderate and restless views with a negative stigma on the clothes they wear. Through texts, photos and videos uploaded to Instagram, they narrate their open views and do not want to be associated with radicalism. When there are terrorism cases involving women who wear the veil, they are more active in uploading an explanation that the veil is not a radical identity
KEADILAN GENDER DALAM RANAH KEPEMIMPINAN MUHAMMADIYAH (Studi Terhadap Struktur Kepengurusan di IMM Sleman Yogyakarta)
Muhammadiyah is a movement that introduced himself as a reform movement. One of which contains an autonomous organization since 1917 is Aisyiyah, as a representation of women in particular. This became evident that Muhammadiyah upholds degrees women and put them in strategic positions. In the long run, Muhammadiyah through the Legal Affairs Committee and Tajdid trying to rise decisions and edicts in favor of gender equality. Among them, women are allowed to go into politics and become involved in the leadership structure. Not only in the political field iconic public sphere, women are also allowed to lead in the realm of worship to become a priest prayer for the men in particular contekt. Essential staple of gender justice can be understood by the majority of cadres, especially in the PC. IMM Sleman period 2014-2015
The controversy and rejection surrounding the construction of the Muhammadiyah mosque in Bireuen have marked a new chapter in the history of Muhammadiyah in Aceh. Some studies suggest that this is a conflict between Muhammadiyah and traditional Islamic communities. This article presents a different argument, asserting that Muhammadiyah in Aceh has become an organization inadvertently drawn into a religious contestation between two religious communities: the Wahhabi and the Ahlu Sunnah wa Jamaah (Aswaja) groups. Muhammadiyah does not actually have a direct conflict with traditional Islam or the dayah community in Aceh, but it finds itself in a precarious situation when conflicts arise between these two groups. Muhammadiyah becomes entangled with one of these groups due to shared aspects in religious doctrine. The contestation between these two major currents is not only about the domination of doctrines and religious authority but also extends into the competition for access to economic and socio-cultural resources. This situation parallels and echoes the early history of Muhammadiyah in Aceh, where it was inadvertently involved in conflicts between uleebalang/teuku (local rulers) and ulama/teungku (traditional scholars). During that time, Muhammadiyah, allied with uleebalang, found itself confronting ulama
Puitisasi Terjemahan Al-Qur’an Mohammad Diponegoro (Kajian Kabar Wigati dan Kerajaan: Puitisasi Terjemahan Al-Qur’an Juz ke-29 dan ke-30)
Al-Qur’an was revealed by Arabic which was commonly used in the 7th century. As the spread of Islam to many countries, language transfer of the Qur’an becomes a necessity. In Indonesia, translation began with Tarjuman al-Mustafid in the 17th century. Translation became lively in the 20th century. In addition to translation, poetry translations have also emerged. This study reviews the work of Mohammad Diponegoro, Kabar Wigati dan Kerajaan: Puitisasi Terjemahan Al-Qur’an Juz ke-29 dan ke-30, which was originally published in 1977. This work is in the form of lyric poetry and is classified as a new type of poetry. Diponegoro called his work: the poetic translation of the Qur’an, not the poetic translation as HB Jassin’s work. Mukti Ali called this work as art that was born from the Qur’an. In poetry, words are the key, which connects the reader to the poet’s ideas and intuition. Diponegoro arranges linguistic elements and diction choices like poetry in general. Understanding a poem requires an intensification process. This library research will review the poetry of Diponegoro’s translation of the Qur’an with a historical, literary, hermeneutical-interpretative approach
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang praktik salat jumat online bersama KH Wawan Gunawan Abdul Wahid selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Kajian ini menggunakan metode etnografi virtual dalam mencermati ritual keagamaan berupa salat jumat online yang termediatisasi melalui Zoom Clouds Meeting secara real time. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa teknologi media telah menjadi alat untuk memediasi suatu ritual keagamaan. Terjadi dekonstruksi atau pergeseran makna tempat salat atau masjid, serta makna keterhubungan antarjamaah dengan imam. Pelaksanaan salat jumat online dilandasi dengan pemahaman bahwa telah terjadi kesatuan tempat imam dan makmum yang difasilitasi oleh bit-bit teknologi media. Pelaku menilai bahwa selama makmum masih dapat mendengar suara imam dengan jelas, maka itu memenuhi syarat untuk sahnya pelaksanaan salat jumat berjamaah di masa darurat. Pengalaman salat di ruang virtual ini antara lain melahirkan perasaan menyata (sense of the real) dan perasaan mengomunitas (sense of the community) di antara para jamaah yang terpencar di beberapa tempat
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang praktik salat jumat online bersama KH Wawan Gunawan Abdul Wahid selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Kajian ini menggunakan metode etnografi virtual dalam mencermati ritual keagamaan berupa salat jumat online yang termediatisasi melalui Zoom Clouds Meeting secara real time. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa teknologi media telah menjadi alat untuk memediasi suatu ritual keagamaan. Terjadi dekonstruksi atau pergeseran makna tempat salat atau masjid, serta makna keterhubungan antarjamaah dengan imam. Pelaksanaan salat jumat online dilandasi dengan pemahaman bahwa telah terjadi kesatuan tempat imam dan makmum yang difasilitasi oleh bit-bit teknologi media. Pelaku menilai bahwa selama makmum masih dapat mendengar suara imam dengan jelas, maka itu memenuhi syarat untuk sahnya pelaksanaan salat jumat berjamaah di masa darurat. Pengalaman salat di ruang virtual ini antara lain melahirkan perasaan menyata (sense of the real) dan perasaan mengomunitas (sense of the community) di antara para jamaah yang terpencar di beberapa tempat
Board games as an edutainment tool in enhancing understanding of subject Understanding Islam I
The concept of learning through playing is one of a pedagogy that can boost students’ learning interests. In this modern era, the use of board games, in class, for instance, has provided a new interactive platform in the teaching and learning process for students and lecturers. Playing board-games not only can create a fun environment for children but also adults. It is not only a joyful activity, but it also develops the skills of the players, creating strategy, solving problems, and building cooperation between players. A board game will help students understand the subject matter concept quickly and they will get involved in experiential learning, where students can manage and solve problems while playing the board game. Therefore, this study aims at the effectiveness of using a board game, namely IRK-LIDO to enhance the understanding of students in the subject Understanding of
Islam I. The IRK-LIDO will be played by students in groups and request students to answer the questions if they would like to move their steps. 120 students in the Centre for Foundation Studies International Islamic University
Malaysia (CFS IIUM) from different courses will be selected as samples using purposive random sampling to collect data for this pilot project. Overall, the current pilot study proves to be particularly valuable to IRK lecturers
to incorporate board games into their instructional activity. Also, these findings suggest a role for interactive learning in motivating students to enrich their understanding