912 research outputs found


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    Realizing religious moderation has become a medium-term program of the President for the 2020-2024 period. This program has been entrusted to the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Through a moderation team, the Ministry of Religion has formulated indicators of religious moderation, one of which is tolerance. According to the Ministry of Religion, tolerance is defined as having an open, broad-minded, voluntary, and gentle attitude towards accepting differences. Tolerance is always accompanied by respect, accepting those who are different as part of ourselves, and thinking positively. This tolerance is further divided into two categories: inter-religious and intra-religious. The hope of inter-religious tolerance is the emergence of an attitude towards followers of other religions that involves willingness to engage in dialogue, cooperation, support for the establishment of places of worship, and interacting with followers of other religions. On the other hand, Hamka is one of the prominent Muslim scholars in Indonesia known for his remarkable exegesis work that is widely studied in Asia, particularly in Indonesia. Hamka, who lived during a period of political upheaval both domestically and internationally, had a significant impact on his thinking concepts, which were later reflected in his works. This article aims to explore Hamka's views on other religions, particularly Judaism, delve deeper into the existence or absence of Jewish/Zionist conspiracies, and analyze Hamka's acceptance of other religions. The research methodology employed is literature review with a descriptive-analytic analysis as a guide in this article. The findings show that Hamka's exegesis contradicts the concept of religious moderation presented by the Ministry of Religion. In Hamka's exegesis, there are many suspicions towards Jews, although discussions on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, according to observers, are considered conspiracies, fictional, and lack valid evidence. Additionally, Hamka falls into the category of exclusive Islam that does not accept any religion other than Muhammadanism

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kreativitas Anak Melalui Kegiatan Mozaik Di Ra Darul Arafah Desa Lau Bakeri Kutalimbaru

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    AbstrakArtikel ini menjawab persoalan upaya meningkatkan kreativitas anak melalui kegiatan mozaik di RA Darul Arafah Desa Lau Bakeri Kutalimbaru. Dalam hal ini, tidak hanya guru yang berperan, tetapi para orang tua serta masyarakat juga ikut andil dalam meningkatkan kreativitas anak melalui kegiatan mozaik di RA Darul Arafah Desa Lau Bakeri Kutalimbaru. Apalagi semakin berkembangnya suatu zaman, maka meningkatkan kreativitas anak justru dituntut pada kehidupan bermasyarakat. Tujuan kegiatan yaitu: 1). Siswa memahami seni mozaik, 2). Penulis mampu memberi stimulasi untuk perkembangan potensi seni siswa, 3). Siswa memahami pembuatan desain karya seni mozaik 4). Siswa memperoleh keterampilan tentang seni mozaik. Sasaran kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah siswa di RA Darul Arafah Desa Lau Bakeri Kutalimbaru. Metode kegiatan pengabdian ini berupa kualitatif dan pelatihan kepada para siswa di RA Darul Arafah Desa Lau Bakeri Kutalimbaru, yang terdiri dari 3 tahap kegiatan yaitu: 1. Tahap persiapan, 2. Tahap pelaksanaan pelatihan, dan 3. Tahap pasca pelatihan. Metode pelatihan yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah: ceramah, tanya jawab, praktek, dan simulasi. Hasil yang dicapai ialah: 1). Sebanyak 2 kelompok mendapatkan score 85-86 dengan kriteria sangat baik, 2). Sebanyak 2 kelompok mendapatkan score 73-75 dengan kriteria baik, 3) Hampir seluruh siswa memahami tentang konsep seni karya mozaik, 4). Siswa mampu mengembangkan bahan ajar dan mampu membuat karya seni menempel karya mozaik, dengan kriteria mandiri, kreatif, rapi, teknik benar, dan estetik warna serta tema.Kata kunci: kreatif, mozaik, siswa, pengabdian AbstractThis article answers the question of efforts to increase children's creativity through mosaic activities at RA Darul Arafah, Lau Bakeri Village, Kutalimbaru. In this case, not only teachers play a role, but parents and the community also take part in increasing children's creativity through mosaic activities at RA Darul Arafah, Lau Bakeri Village, Kutalimbaru. Moreover, as an era develops, increasing children's creativity is actually demanded in social life. The objectives of the activity are: 1). Students understand the art of mosaics, 2). The author is able to provide stimulation for the development of students' artistic potential, 3). Students understand the making of mosaic art designs 4). Students acquire skills about the art of mosaics. The target of this service activity is students at RA Darul Arafah, Lau Bakeri Village, Kutalimbaru. The method of this service activity is in the form of qualitative and training for students at RA Darul Arafah, Lau Bakeri Village, Kutalimbaru, which consists of 3 stages of activity, namely: 1. Preparation stage, 2. Training implementation stage, and 3. Post-training stage. The training methods used in this service are: lecture, question and answer, practice, and simulation. The results achieved are: 1). A total of 2 groups got a score of 85-86 with very good criteria, 2). A total of 2 groups got a score of 73-75 with good criteria, 3) Almost all students understand the concept of mosaic art, 4). Students are able to develop teaching materials and are able to make works of art attached to mosaic works, with independent, creative, neat criteria, correct technique, and aesthetic colors and themes.Keywords:  creative, mosaic, students, devotion

    The Application of A Saprahan-Based Economic Learning Model in Senior High School of Sambas District

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate a saprahan-based economic learning paradigm for Sambas Regency high school students. This study employed a quasi-experimental design and a quantitative methodology. Six schools comprising 66 pupils served as the research participants. This study's data analysis employed the Wilcoxon non-parametric t-test. The saprahan-based economic learning model successfully improved the students' economic learning outcomes, as evidenced by the statistical tests using Wilcoxon that showed a significant difference (increase) in the learning outcomes between the pre-test and post-test findings


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     Abstract: This research aims to investigate the development of administration and management science along with the evolution of people's lives in various aspects such as economic, social, political and others. The research method used is library research, which involves collecting data from various sources of library information such as research results, journals and reference books. The research results show that administration has become a very vital field in managing organizations and institutions, both in the public and private sectors. Educational administration and management is also important in improving the quality of education, with a deep understanding of the concepts, principles and practices of administration and management as the key to success. Complex factors such as changes in social, economic, political and technological structures influence the development of this science, which has an impact on the evolution of the field of administration and management. The contribution of this knowledge to organizational practice and community development is very significant, providing an important contribution in managing organizations and advancing society. A deep understanding of the concepts and principles of administration and management encourages the creation of more efficient, effective and adaptive management processes in the organizational context


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    This study aims to apply the Linear Congruent Method (LCM) method using client-server test system, so as to minimize the weakness of examining process and the teacher's mistake in valuation that may occur. LCM method in this research was used to scramble questions data before testing and sent to the Client (Student) by the Server (Teacher) via a TCP/IP Socket. The system was designed through the VB.Net Programming Language. The results showed that by implementing LCM method in test system lead to 100% performanc


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    Artikel ini menelaah paradigma filsafat atheisme berdasarkan pada analisis kritis filsafat agama. Artikel ini pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk memberi kritik terhadap paradigma kefilsafatan atheisme dengan pendekatan filsafat religious. Atheisme sendiri diartikan sebagai keyakinan bahwa tidak ada Tuhan (T besar) ataupun tuhan (t kecil), namun atheisme sendiri, secara sederhana, memiliki beberapa bentuk berdasarkan pada tingkat kepercayaan mereka terhadap entitas Tuhan atau tuhan. Bentuk-bentuk pemahaman lain dari atheisme ialah antitheisme, nontheisme, apatheisme, ignostisisme, antireligion, irreligion, dan non-believer. Para pelopor atau penggerak dari atheisme di antaranya adalah August Comte, Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach, Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche, dan Jean Paul Sartre. Kritik yang diberikan terkait paradigma dari atheisme ialah mengenai argumentasi koeksistensi antara manusia dengan Tuhan. Bagi mereka, para atheisme, kombinasi antara keduanya ialah tidak mungkin. Padahal, di titik itulah letak kelemahannya, terutama dalam konteks praktik manusia dalam menghayati eksistensi Tuhan atau tuhan


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis fenomena flypaper effect di Provinsi Aceh setelah berlakunya otonomi daerah. Data yang digunakan adalah data panel 23 kabupaten/kota di Aceh tahun 2011-2013. Model yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Pooled Least Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pendapatan Asli Daerah, Dana Bagi Hasil, Dana Alokasi Khusus, Dana Alokasi Umum, dan Dana Otonomi Khusus dan Penyesuaian secara statistik memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap Belanja Daerah. Terbukti bahwa terdapat flypaper effect di Aceh karena koefisien pendapatan asli daerah lebih kecil daripada koefisien dana bagi hasil yang menunjukkan Aceh belum mandiri. Berdasarkan analisis deskriptif, provinsi yang memiliki kontribusi sektor tersier yang dominan terhadap PDRB menunjukkan semakin mandiri. Untuk mencapai kemandirian daerah, flypaper effect dapat diatasi dengan menggeser struktur perekonomian dari sektor primer dan sekunder menjadi sektor tersier. Dengan demikian, kontribusi PAD terhadap belanja daerah melebihi kontribusi dana transfer yang diterima dari pemerintah pusat.Kata Kunci :flypaper effect, pooled least square, data pane

    Yaw Angle Tracking Control Design of Underactuated AUV By Using State Dependent Riccati Equations (SDRE)-LQT

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    In realizing yaw angle control tracking on AUV, the use of the State Dependent Riccati Equations method based on Linear Quadratic Tracking (SDRE-LQT) is realized. This algorithm calculates changes in yaw angle tracking problems through calculation of parameter changes from online AUV with Algebraic Riccati Equations.So that the control signal given to the plant can follow the changing conditions of the plant itself.

    Hadis-Hadis tentang Salat pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 dalam NU dan Muhammadiyah

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    Artikel ini mengkaji penggunaan hadis-hadis di kalangan NU dan Muhammadiyah tentang pelaksanaan ibadah salat yang merespons suasana pandemi Covid-19. Dalam situasi normal, salat Jum’at wajib dilaksanakan secara berjamaah di masjid, sementara salat lima waktu sangat dianjurkan berjamaah di masjid. Pada 2 Maret 2020, Indonesia mengumumkan kasus pertama Covid-19. Merespons fakta ini, otoritas kesehatan sepakat menganjurkan pembatasan mobilitas sosial. Masyarakat diharuskan melakukan adaptasi kebiasaan baru, termasuk dalam pelaksanaan ibadah salat. Di awal pandemi, otoritas keagamaan di Indonesia mengeluarkan pandangan yang beragam, tidak semuanya menerima situasi darurat ini dan merubah kebiasaannya. Ada tokoh agama yang memahami Covid-19 sebagai azab dari Allah, sehingga masyarakat diajak untuk bertaubat dan memperbanyak doa. NU dan Muhammadiyah sebagai dua organisasi Islam terbesar yang bercorak moderat, melakukan respons ilmiah untuk memutus matarantai penyebaran virus. Selain melakukan upaya penanggulangan, NU dan Muhammadiyah mengeluarkan pandangan keagamaan tentang situasi Covid-19 untuk memahamkan dan membangun kesadaran masyarakat. Hadis-hadis Nabi yang dipahami dengan kaidah-kaidah fikih, prinsip maqasid syariah, serta pandangan para ulama menjadi rujukan NU dan Muhammadiyah dalam mencari legitimasi hukum terkait pelaksanaan salat di rumah. Artikel ini akan menjabarkan pandangan NU dan Muhammadiyah dalam pemahaman hadis-hadis Nabi menyikapi situasi Covid-19


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    Humans can adjust the way they dress to manage information about their identity. Veiled women in Indonesia often experience negative stigmatization and discrimination. This is due to the fact that the veil is close to the purification of Islam, the appearance of radical Islamic identity, and events of terrorism. Some of these casuistic facts are often generalized to all veiled women. This study looks at the response of a group of veiled women on Instagram in responding to terrorism cases in front of the Makassar Cathedral Church and at the Jakarta Police Headquarters at the end of March 2021, the perpetrators involving veiled women. Instagram has given birth to a new reality in expressing religious beliefs. This research using virtual ethnography method shows about a group of veiled women who use Instagram to display a positive image. The results of observations on several Instagram accounts of women with veils, it appears that this symptom is a form of expression of popular Islamic culture which has moderate and restless views with a negative stigma on the clothes they wear. Through texts, photos and videos uploaded to Instagram, they narrate their open views and do not want to be associated with radicalism. When there are terrorism cases involving women who wear the veil, they are more active in uploading an explanation that the veil is not a radical identity
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