10,169 research outputs found

    Urgency of Notary Deed (Deed of Work Agreement Between Worker & Employer)

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    Labor law is the law that regulates the relationship between workers, employers and the government. Labor law functions to protect the interests of workers from the unlimited power of the employer/entrepreneur (Soepomo, 1999: 8-9). To avoid abuse in the relationship between employers and workers, it is necessary to intervene by the government through statutory regulations. This study aims to determine how urgent the work agreement deed is and how important it is to make a work agreement deed for the world of labor. This research uses a sociological juridical approach, research conducted on the real reality of workers, employers and the role of the government in building better labor laws. Based on research at the Manpower Office of Kendari City, the Manpower Office of Southeast Sulawesi Province and workers, there are several violations of labor regulations and also violations against workers so that the importance of work agreement deeds is that the rights and obligations of both parties can be known together and also notary deeds can be authentic evidence for both parties, and also for workers and employers to be more obedient and obedient to the rules concerning manpower and the urgency of a notary deed is for the development of labor law to make it better in the future, and to minimize labor violations


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    Dayah has existed as one of the education centers and contributed to integrating all aspects at a very significant level in Aceh towards education and politics. In earlier the 20 century, the development of Dayah was supervised by the Dutch government. Nevertheless, Dayah still presented its authority through the idea, pattern, curriculum, and method of dynamic learning. As a result, it played a role as a good model to create Islamic tradition, learning community, and charismatic Islamic scholars. In general, they will transform their responsibility not only as a religious scholar but also as a statesman who dedicates themselves to political change in Aceh


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    Central vein Catheter Treatment (CVC) is the treatment of a hose that is used to provide liquids or medicines. Appliance is installed in a blood vessel near the heart. The primary infection of blood flow occurring within 48 hours after the installation of CVC The purpose of this research is to know the CVC treatment relationship in CVC attached patients to the primary blood flow infection in ICU RSUP. H. Adam Malik Medan. The study uses correlation and observation research methods. The population in this research is the entire patient who CVC has installed, as well as all the nurses who do the CVC treatment. Based on the data obtained by the patient as much as 76 people. Patients are inclusiveness if the patient is hospitalized in less than 24 hours, and drop out if the patient dies in the treatment before it is found signs of IADP,as well as patients who come out of Adam Malik, then there are 32 patients. Research instruments in the form of questionnaires according to IADP. Analysis of data used statistical tests test Chi-Square. The results of the majority of the study of a major vein catether treatment (CVC) were as much as 28 (87.5%), the majority of which did not occur as much as 27 people (84.4%). Statistical test results obtained by the value of p- value =0.000 (<0.05) can be concluded there is a central venous catether treatment Relationship (CVC) in patients attached CVC to the occurrence of primary blood flow infection)

    Keefektifan Aplikasi Sastra Cyber dalam Pembelajaran Ilmu Sastra

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    Tidak dipungkiri perkembangan teknologi telah menyentuh segala bidang, termasuk dalam perkembangan ilmu sastra. Hal ini menyebabkan terjadi beragam perubahan dalam kehidupan sastra. Perubahan ini dapat terlihat dalam genre sastra. Dalam hal kesusastraan, Sastra Indonesia turut menggunakan teknologi dan informasi dalam hal perkembangan dan pengajarannya.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Bagaimana keefektifan Aplikasi Sastra Cyber dalam proses Pembelajaran Ilmu Sastra. Penelitian ini menggunakan Mix Method yang dikembangkan oleh Crashwell. Responden penelitian adalah mahasiswa program studi Sastra Inggris yang sedang menempuh semester 3 dan memprogramkan Mata Kuliah Dasar-dasar Ilmu Sastra


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    This study aims to determine the increase in motivation to learn Islamic religious education and ethics subjects through PowerPoint learning media in class V students of SD IT Wihdatul Ummah, Takalar Regency. The type of research used in this study was Classroom Action Research. The research was located at SD IT Wihdatul Ummah, Takalar Regency, with ten students as the subjects in class V. The instruments used were in the form of learning motivation observation sheets and PowerPoint media observation sheets. Furthermore, the analytical technique used in this study was observational data analysis on learning motivation. The study concluded that media exposure significantly increased students' motivation to learn about Islamic religious education and ethics from cycle to cycle. The PowerPoint media can improve student learning motivation in grade V students of SD IT Wihdatul Ummah, Takalar Regency.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan motivasi belajar mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti melalui media pembelajaran power point pada peserta didik kelas V SD IT Wihdatul Ummah Kab.Takalar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Lokasi penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) dilaksanakan di SD IT Wihdatul Ummah Kabupaten Takalar dengan jumlah subyek sebanyak 10 peserta didik kelas V. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa lembar observasi motivasi belajar dan lembar observasi media power point. Selanjutnya, teknik analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah analisis data observasi motivasi belajar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dikemukakan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa motivasi belajar peserta didik  Kelas V pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti mengalami peningkatan dari siklus ke siklus secara signifikan melalui  media power point dalam pembelajaran. Penggunaan media power point dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar peserta didik pada siswa kelas V SD IT Wihdatul Ummah Kabupaten Takalar


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    Artikel ini fokus pada menelaah penyelenggaraan dayah dalam kebijakan pemerintah di Aceh Tahun 1966-1998. Beranjak dari sebuah kondisi politik dan keberpihakan pemerintah terhadap dayah yang terkesan dilematis. Artikel ini tertarik untuk menemukan kebijakan pemerintah terhadap dayah. Oleh karena kajian ini mengangkat data-data masa lalu, maka penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan historis dengan penggunaan data dokumen dan wawancara pelaku sejarah. Dari kajian yang dilakukan ditemukan bahwa kebijakan pemerintah terhadap penyelenggaraan pendidikan di dayah mencakup pada aspek kurikulum dalam bentuk perubahan dan integrasi kurikulum dan aspek kelembagaan dengan berkembangnya pesantren tradisional dan modern


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    Perilaku dan kehidupan masyarakat selalu dinamis sesuai dengan kebutuhan hidup sebagai sarana penunjang dalam melakukan aktifitas keseharian. Karena faktor pelayanan publik yang berkaitan dengan angkutan umum tidak jelas akan rute dan trayeknya, maka mayoritas masyarakat lebih memanfaatkan kendaraan pribadi, keadaan ini selaras dengan intensitas penjualan kendaraan. Tempat parkir kendaraan bermotor menjadi kebutuhan bagi pemilik kendaraan, karenanya parkir harus mendapat perhatian yang serius, terutama mengenai pengaturannya. Salah satu hal yang penting dalam pengelolaan parkir adalah mengenai masalah perlindungan bagi konsumen pengguna jasa parkir mengenai keamanan kendaraan yang diparkir di tempat parkir. Pengguna jasa parkir tentunya tidak menginginkan kendaraan yang diparkir mengalami kerusakan atau kehilangan kendaraan yang diparkir. Namun tentu saja kemungkinan tersebut sering terjadi, sehubungan dengan hal tersebut maka timbullah pertanyaan, siapa yang bertanggungjawab terhadap kehilangan atau kerusakan kendaraan bermotor yang di parkir di tempat parkir.People’s lives and behavior are always dynamic in accordance with the necessities of life as a supportive media in performing daily activities. Because of public services related to public transport is unclear and unsure, major people take better advantage of private vehicles, where the fact is the state is in line with the intensity of vehicle sales. Motorbike vehicle parking space is needed, hence the parking should receive serious attention. One thing that is important in the management of the parking is on the issue of protection of parking service consumer that parked in the parking lot. Parking service users certainly do not want a parked vehicle got damaged or lost. But of course the possibility that often occur in connection with the matter, the question arises, who is responsible for the lost or damage to motor vehicles parked in the parking lot

    Pendekatan Kriptografi Hybrid pada Keamanan Dokumen Elektronik dan HypertextTransfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) (Analisis Potensi Implementasi pada Sistem Keamanan)

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    Security issue always to be challenge for the development of information technology. As the security aspects of information systems, both of electronic and document data in hypertext data communications, must be able to meet safety standards. The implementation of security systems calssified as two methods, Symmetric and Asymmetric. Implementation of these methods certainly have their advantages and disadvantages of each, so it is necessary to apply a method to merge some types of the methods. This project was analyzed using a hybrid approach of cryptographic methods that are implemented on the security of electronic documents and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). In the implementation of electronic document used of biometric signatures and DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) and implementation on HTTPS used a combination of asymmetric cryptography and symmetric cryptography. The analysis of this research translated into the implementation of hybrid method on electronic documents and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. From the analysis shows that the hybrid method is able to combine the advantages of symmetric and asymmetric methods, although of course the constraints in implementation complexity of the system will be even greater
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