35 research outputs found

    Segmentasi Berbasis Region Pada Citra Berwarna Untuk Keperluan Temu Kembali Citra Pada Event Olah Raga Lapangan Hijau

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    Dalam sistem temu kembali citra, segmentasi adalah bagian terpenting dalam tahap awal pemrosesan citra. Metode segmentasi yang tepat sangat mempengaruhi hasil segmentasi suatu citra, terutama pada citra berwarna dan bertekstur yang menjadi permasalahan tersendiri dalam proses segmentasi. Salah satu metode yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini adalah segmentasi berbasis region dengan algoritma JSEG. Proses segmentasi citra dengan algoritma JSEG terbagi atas dua tahap, yaitu proses kuantisasi warna dan proses segmentasi spasial. Penggunaan ruang warna CIE LUV pada tahap kuantisasi warna yang mampu menerima warna menurut persepsi manusia. Warna-warna citra yang terkuantisasi membentuk color class-map untuk membedakan region-region dalam citra. Di tahap segmentasi spasial, dilakukan perhitungan ukuran segmentasi yang “baik� menurut color class-map yang terbentuk pada window lokalnya sehingga menghasilkan “J-image�. Metode region growing digunakan untuk mensegmentasi citra berdasarkan J-image multiskala. Uji coba pada 12 citra event olah raga lapangan hijau dilakukan untuk melihat hasil segmentasi yang sesuai menurut kombinasi nilai parameter threshold yang tepat. Dari variasi parameter threshold kuantisasi warna diperoleh 67% cenderung pada nilai threshold 255 menghasilkan segmentasi yang baik. Sedangkan untuk threshold region merging, cenderung pada nilai threshold 0.4. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa dengan kombinasi parameter nilai threshold yang baik ini, memudahkan dalam proses implementasi sistem temu kembali citra menurut hasil segmentasi warn


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    Nowadays, internet technology in Indonesia has become analternative medium of communication and information exchange. Becausethe effectiveness of human life, an ideas appear to utilize the Internet in the field of health care. Consults in medical process that still applied to many adults isthe patient must spend waiting to turn the consultation or therapy at thehospital. While consultation process itself is usually not fast and requiresa long time therapy. Therefore required an information system that canserve the patient to reserve online, so the patient does not need to wait longer in the hospital and eventually in terms of effectiveness can beachieved.In addition to serving patients in online reservation, this website alsoprovides patient services, so the patient can access information by Short Message Services. To create a system used a PHP in web application server. Key Word : Online registration,php, consultation


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    ABSTRAK Sistem Informasi Geografi adalah sistem informasi yang digunakan untuk memasukkan, menyimpan, memanggil kembali, mengolah, menganalisa, dan menghasilkan data bereferensi geografis atau geospatial, untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan dalam suatu perencanaan. Dengan menggunakan SIG maka diharapkan akan lebih mudah bagi para pengambil keputusan untuk mengetahui pemetaan transportasi dan pelayanan umum yang ada di kota Kediri. Karena dengan adanya SIG maka akan digambarkan juga letak lokasi pelayanan umum pada kondisi sesungguhnya. Pada proyek akhir ini, kami membuat suatu Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) berbasis web tentang system Informasi Geografis untuk Pemetaan Transportasi dan Pelayanan Publik di Kota Kediri. Disini nantinya akan didapatkan suatu analisa-analisa dan visualisasi dalam bentuk web yang dapat digunakan sebagai referensi untuk para pengambil keputusan terutama dalam pencarian lokasi pelayanan publik yang ada di Kota Kediri. Dari informasi yang didapatkan nantinya diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi tentang jalur transportasi dan pelayanan publik yang ada di Kota Kediri berdasarkan query yang dimasukkan. Kata Kunci : SIG, sistem informasi geografis, pelayanan umum, transportasi umu


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    ABSTRACT In this study created a geographic information system mapping of the railway and traffic analysis. This system provides information about train travel. The documents are extracted from various sources, processed by the approach Geographic Information System (GIS) so that the information obtained is expected to be a material consideration in making policy on the train journey. By using Geographic Information System (GIS) it will be easier to analyze data about train travel, including map data path, and the train schedule data. Because with the SIG will be represented also the density of the railway line data on the actual conditions. Stage of the process is done digitasi, mapping, and query the database. Because the system is web-based information, then use the appropriate technology that is MapServer as web servers, php, html, and javascript as a builder of systems. Keyword: Geographic Information System, trains, schedules, traffi

    Student Monitoring System in SMAN 2 Sidoarjo via Web and Mobile using XML Web Service

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    A student monitoring system which can be easily accessed by parent, is important in order to reduce student violations in school. In this final project, a monitoring system is developed in SMAN 2 Sidoarjo that can provide several information for parent about attendance, payment, score, schedules, violation list, and school activities. This system can be accessed by them trough internet, using mobile devices with Java technology or using web. To simplify the process of data exchange between server and client, this monitoring system is using XML Web Service. Client application (mobile and web) cannot access directly to the database, but by calling methods that provided by the XML Web Service. Using this student monitoring system, parent can quickly find out if their children's are doing violations in school. So they can control and guiding their children's not to do that again. Key words : XML, Web Service, J2M


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    In project management activities required good coordination and cooperation between divisions of a compact team for executing the project. During this time, the conventional makes project planning, review and evaluate the tasks of the project, its need to hold a meeting directly from the people who act as managers and planners. The professional managers often are the ones high mobility so as not to always be in place when needed, so the project coordination will be hampered and becomeinefficient.With the current technological advances in particular the Internet, this problemis very possible to be solved by providing software that is devoted to project management, which can be accessed online for multiuser with real-time nature of theapproach so that managers can perform collaborative work wherever they are locatedduring available computing devices that connect to the Internet. Therefore, it can help managers to perform project management by providing a feature to visually describe the project implementation, namely: Task Sheet, Time Line, and the Work Calendar. With the implementation of the project will facilitate planners in determining the starting and finishing schedule also project compiler tasks Key Word :Project Management,Online,Tim

    Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web Mobile Studi Kasus Penagihan Dan Pembayaran Angsuran Bank

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    BPR is one of the solutions to get soft loans to help the performance of BPR also means helping people prosper. However, in the management of most rural banks are still working manually and do not have integrated information system capable of sheltering and protecting each actor in it As a way of monitoring colector by the BPR, can guarantee customer comfort and performance optimization collector Because it's worth when needed an information system that may include performance optimization of mobile-based collectors are integrated with a web-user application that also shade the customer base through information updates by sms gatewa

    manajemen internet content dan integrasi aplikasi email untuk mendukung enterprise information portal eksekutif

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    The development of internet technology has resulting a rapid explosion of information either from internal or external significantly, so we need a software that can provide information easily, quickly and effectively. The software must be able to manage and control valuable information needed by the executive persons, because executive persons can not escape from needing information, especially strategic information. EIP applications are expected to accomplish the needs of executives and makes it easy for the user. The presence of EIP applications are expected to fulfill the executives needs of external information. This application is also expected to have the ability to collaborate with the e-mail wich is integrated within so that this portal could be the communication media for the executive user


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    In this developing era, the city area are very strategic for de-veloping many kinds of business, the consequences, of course, the land or most used for business purpose. More offices, industries, shops, and even more settlements are build. The effect are worse, without environment oriented city development, there will be lot of problems

    Sistem Informasi Manajemen Perijinan Dinas Perdagangan dan Perindustrian Kota Surabaya

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    ABSTRACT This research is to develop information systems that will implement the field of informatics technology to build an application that will replace the process of licensing services in �Dinas Perdagangan dan Perindustrian kota Surabaya� from licensing service manual to computerized. This application is web based and designed using Java Server Pages (JSP), Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, Adobe Photosop 8.0, and Oracle. Website licensing information system to provide facilities services online licensing application scope of long-distance service, starting from the application at the counter, the input data information company until publhised Decree (SK) licenses, accessing a database, and presents statistical data permitting fast and accurately. This information system consists of two grooves in accordance with its licensing system in Disperindag, namely the trade and industry.Licensing services that exist in this system include the field of trade:Trade Business Licence (SIUP) Company Registration (TDP), the industry: Industrial Registration (TDI), Industrial Bussiness Licence (IUI). While for the other licensing services not provided full information system, only the company's scope of registration only licensing data for monitoring purposes in Disperindag. Keywords: Disperindag, SIM, SIUP, TDI, IUI, TDP, Information systems, jsp, oracl