43 research outputs found

    Goedel's Other Legacy And The Imperative Of A Self­reflective Science

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    The Goedelian approach is discussed as a prime example of a science towards the origins. While mere self­referential objectification locks in to its own by­products, self­releasing objectification informs the formation of objects at hand and their different levels of interconnection. Guided by the spirit of Goedel's work a self­reflective science can open the road where old tenets see only blocked paths. “This is, as it were, an analysis of the analysis itself, but if that is done it forms the fundamental of human science, as far as this kind of things is concerned.” G. Leibniz, ('Methodus Nova ...', 1673

    Encountering Complexity: In Need For A Self-Reflecting (Pre)Epistemology

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    We have recently started to understand that fundamental aspects of complex systems such as emergence, the measurement problem, inherent uncertainty, complex causality in connection with unpredictable determinism, time­irreversibility and non­locality all highlight the observer's participatory role in determining their workings. In addition, the principle of 'limited universality' in complex systems, which prompts us to search for the appropriate 'level of description in which unification and universality can be expected', looks like a version of Bohr's 'complementarity principle'. It is more or less certain that the different levels of description possible of a complex whole ­­ actually partial objectifications ­­ are projected on to and even redefine its constituent parts. Thus it is interesting that these fundamental complexity issues don't just bear a formal resemblance to, but reveal a profound connection with, quantum mechanics. Indeed, they point to a common origin on a deeper level of description

    Statistical properties of time-reversible triangular maps of the square

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    Time reversal symmetric triangular maps of the unit square are introduced with the property that the time evolution of one of their two variables is determined by a piecewise expanding map of the unit interval. We study their statistical properties and establish the conditions under which their equilibrium measures have a product structure, i.e. factorises in a symmetric form. When these conditions are not verified, the equilibrium measure does not have a product form and therefore provides additional information on the statistical properties of theses maps. This is the case of anti-symmetric cusp maps, which have an intermittent fixed point and yet have uniform invariant measures on the unit interval. We construct the invariant density of the corresponding two-dimensional triangular map and prove that it exhibits a singularity at the intermittent fixed point.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Linear And Nonlinear Arabesques: A Study Of Closed Chains Of Negative 2-Element Circuits

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    In this paper we consider a family of dynamical systems that we call "arabesques", defined as closed chains of 2-element negative circuits. An nn-dimensional arabesque system has nn 2-element circuits, but in addition, it displays by construction, two nn-element circuits which are both positive vs one positive and one negative, depending on the parity (even or odd) of the dimension nn. In view of the absence of diagonal terms in their Jacobian matrices, all these dynamical systems are conservative and consequently, they can not possess any attractor. First, we analyze a linear variant of them which we call "arabesque 0" or for short "A0". For increasing dimensions, the trajectories are increasingly complex open tori. Next, we inserted a single cubic nonlinearity that does not affect the signs of its circuits (that we call "arabesque 1" or for short "A1"). These systems have three steady states, whatever the dimension is, in agreement with the order of the nonlinearity. All three are unstable, as there can not be any attractor in their state-space. The 3D variant (that we call for short "A1\_3D") has been analyzed in some detail and found to display a complex mixed set of quasi-periodic and chaotic trajectories. Inserting nn cubic nonlinearities (one per equation) in the same way as above, we generate systems "A2\_nnD". A2\_3D behaves essentially as A1\_3D, in agreement with the fact that the signs of the circuits remain identical. A2\_4D, as well as other arabesque systems with even dimension, has two positive nn-circuits and nine steady states. Finally, we investigate and compare the complex dynamics of this family of systems in terms of their symmetries.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication at Int. J. Bif. Chao

    Quantum Cognition based on an Ambiguous Representation Derived from a Rough Set Approximation

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    Over the last years, in a series papers by Arrechi and others, a model for the cognitive processes involved in decision making has been proposed and investigated. The key element of this model is the expression of apprehension and judgement, basic cognitive process of decision making, as an inverse Bayes inference classifying the information content of neuron spike trains. For successive plural stimuli, it has been shown that this inference, equipped with basic non-algorithmic jumps, is affected by quantum-like characteristics. We show here that such a decision making process is related consistently with ambiguous representation by an observer within a universe of discourse. In our work ambiguous representation of an object or a stimuli is defined by a pair of maps from objects of a set to their representations, where these two maps are interrelated in a particular structure. The a priori and a posteriori hypotheses in Bayes inference are replaced by the upper and lower approximation, correspondingly, for the initial data sets each derived with respect to a map. We show further that due to the particular structural relation between the two maps, the logical structure of such combined approximations can only be expressed as an orthomodular lattice and therefore can be represented by a quantum rather than a Boolean logic. To our knowledge, this is the first investigation aiming to reveal the concrete logic structure of inverse Bayes inference in cognitive processes.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, original research pape