4 research outputs found

    Development of new copper-64 labeled rhodamine: a potential PET myocardial perfusion imaging agent

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    Abstract Background Myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) is one of the most commonly performed investigations in nuclear medicine procedures. Due to the longer half-life of the emerging positron emitter copper-64 and its availability from low energy cyclotron, together with its well-known coordination chemistry, we have synthesized 64Cu-labeled NOTA- and 64Cu-NOTAM-rhodamine conjugates as potential cardiac imaging agents using PET. Results 64Cu-NOTA- and 64Cu-NOTAM-rhodamine conjugates were synthesized using a traightforward and one-step simple reaction. Radiochemical yields were greater than 97% (decay corrected), with a total synthesis time of less than 25 min. Radiochemical purities were always greater than 98% as assessed by TLC and HPLC. These synthetic approaches hold considerable promise as a simple method for 64Cu-rhodamine conjugates synthesis, with high radiochemical yield and purity. Biodistribution studies in normal Fischer rats at 60 min post-injection, demonstrated significant heart uptake and a good biodistribution profile for both the radioconjugates. However, the 64Cu-NOTAM-rhodamine conjugate has shown more heart uptake (~ 10% ID/g) over the 64Cu-NOTA-rhodamine conjugate (5.6% ID/g). Conclusions These results demonstrate that these radioconjugates may be useful probes for the PET evaluation of MPI

    Entomopathogenic Bacteria, Xenorhabdus: An Alternative Biocontrol Agent for Integrated Management of Root-knot Nematode on Grapevine

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    Entomopathogenic bacterium, Xenorhabdus has a mutualistic relationship with entomopathogenic nematode of the genus Steinernema and produces several bio-agent compounds with antimicrobial and nematicidal activities. Root-knot nematodes are considered one of the most important pests facing the cultivation of grapevine worldwide. A micro-plot field trial was conducted in naturally infested soil with Meloidogyne incognita to evaluate the potential of two strains of entomopathogenic bacteria namely Xenorhabdus budapestensis DSM 16342 (EMA) and X. szentirmaii DSM 16338 (EMC) applied separately or integrated with neem cake and/or furadan at half of recommended dose on nematode development and growth improvement of Taify grapevine. Data of nematode populations, number of galls and egg-masses, eggs/g root, plant lengths and weights and number of leaves were recorded four months after application. Results appeared significant differences between treatments and control. The triple application was more effective than dual and single applications in reducing nematode infestation and improving plant growth. Combined application of EMC or EMA with furadan or neem cake increased the efficacy (64.6-68.6%) and improved plant fresh weight (27.4-69.5%). Conclusively, utilization of such bacterial filtrates with either neem cake and/or nematicide could gain a successful approach in integrated nematode management programs

    Epidemiology and Clinical Characteristics of People with Confirmed SARS-CoV-2 Infection during the Early COVID-19 Pandemic in Saudi Arabia

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    This study provides epidemiologic and clinical characteristics of 492 consecutive patients diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre in Saudi Arabia between March and September 2020. Data were collected from electronic case reports. The cohort was 54% male, with 20.4% aged >60 years, 19.9% aged 31–40 years, and 17% aged 41–50 years. The median incubation period was 16 days, with upper and lower 95% quartiles of 27 and 10 days, respectively. Most patients (79.2%) were symptomatic. Variables significantly different between symptomatic and asymptomatic patients were age, blood oxygen saturation percentage, hemoglobin level, lymphocyte count, neutrophil to lymphocyte (NTL) ratio, and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) level. Asymptomatic patients were mostly younger, with lower body mass index and ALT and AST levels but higher lymphocyte counts, NTL ratio, and CD4, CD8, natural killer cell, IgG, and IgM levels. Factors associated with increased risk of mortality were age (>42 years) and comorbidities, particularly diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Patients who were not given an antiviral regimen were associated with better prognosis than patients who received an antiviral regimen (HR, 0.07; 95% CI, 0.011–0.25). These findings will help clinicians and policymakers adopt best management and treatment options for SARS-CoV-2 infection