343 research outputs found

    Innovation Strategy and Total Factor Productivity Growth : Micro Evidence from Taiwanese Manufacturing Firms

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    This paper investigates the relationship between firms’ innovation practices and performance in Taiwan. Using a panel of 4000 firms, we examine the effects of importing technology (versus doing R&D) on Total Factor Porductivity (TFP) growth. The relationship between these two innovation strategies is also explored. We find that R&D strongly contributes to the growth of TFP, whereas the importation of technology is only weakly significant, which makes it difficult to qualify the type of relationship (complementarity or substitutability) that exists between the two innovation strategies.Importation of technology;Newly industrializzed countries;Productivity growth;Firm-level panel data; Manufacturing industries

    Growth Response to Competitive Shocks: Market Structure Dynamics Under Liberalisation - the Case of India

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    Liberalisation transforms market structures through the behavioural responses of incumbent firms and entrants, large firms and small, to enhanced freedom of choice. Change in market share volatility, and change in the effective agility of small and large firms underpin changes in market structure. We analyse these processes for Indian manufacturing industries over the 18-year period from 1980, spanning the domestic liberalisation of 1985 and the more comprehensive reforms of 1991, using a data set of large and medium firms in 83 industries. We find that while market structures themselves appeared to change little, turbulence in market shares, as well as the way growth is related to size responded markedly, differing in direction and magnitude, depending on whether the liberalisation was partial and domestic, or comprehensive. We find that they tended to offset each other, leading to little visible change in market structure itself. We also find that while drivers of market structure traditionally recognised in industrial organisation studies had significant impacts on both components of concentration change, their dynamics are captured very well by a parsimonious model that has just the announcement effects - the reform dates.Liberalisation, Competitive Shocks, Firm growth, Turbulence, Market structure, India

    Knowledge Flows and Capability Building in the Indian IT Sector: A Comparative Analysis of Cluster and Non-Cluster Locations

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    The role of industrial clusters in the industrialization of many emerging economies continues to dominate the debate among policy makers and researchers worldwide. While recent discussions on this debate have focused on knowledge spillovers among participants within clusters, knowledge flows between non local networks and the cluster actors have not been accorded due attention in the literature. Further, the literature does not compare the relative impact of knowledge flows among firms within clusters and firms outside clusters. In this study, we attempt a comparative analysis of the role of knowledge flows in capability formation among firms in the Indian Information Technology sector (IT sector) across cluster and non-cluster locations. The empirical results suggest that at the firm level, leveraging of capabilities to enhance performance and networks to build capabilities is not automatic; structural features of the firms’ location enable this transformation. Moreover, while capabilities affect performance of firms positively only in clusters, economies of scale and some strategies like quality certification used by firms impact performance of firms outside clusters. Interestingly, although economies of scale do not impact the performance of firms within clusters, they do, however affect the capability formation of firms within clusters only. Further, we found that local and national non-customer networks affect capability formation of firms within and outside clusters whereas international customer networks affect capability formation of firms within clusters only. These have implications for how firms can develop appropriate strategies to enhance their performance.Industrial Clustering, Information Technology industry, Networks, Capabilities

    A Conceptual Note on Classification of Literature on Capabilities

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    The research literature has looked at capabilities of a firm from various dimensions. Through this conceptual note, we aim to classify the literature on eight dimensions: Definition, Portfolio, Utilization, Level, Characterization, Demonstration, Lifecycle, and Development. These eight dimensions cover the various perspectives through which capabilities literature has been approached from and furthered to. This classification is expected to enable researchers in this area to position their studies within or across one or more of these dimensions, thus providing a clear contribution by strengthening or furthering research in the area.

    An Exploration into Technological Capabilities among early stage Indian product based Telecom start-ups

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    New technology based start-ups play a very important role in developing the economy of a country. In India, telecom sector has seen unprecedented growth over the last decade and this has led to emergence of several telecom related start-ups. However, product based B2B start-ups are rare and existing ones have to undergo several challenges in commercializing. Surprisingly not much research work has been undertaken in identifying capabilities among early stage start-ups although the early phase represents a very crucial phase for product based firms and has been known to determine the success or failure for start-ups. Present study explores the technological capabilities that enable commercialization among such early stage start-ups by adopting a multiple case (four independent cases) based inductive methodology with Indian telecom start-ups as the context. We have identified architectural design, algorithmic implementation and product adaptation as components of technological capability of such start-ups. We further drill in to each of the sub-components of the technological capabilities to unearth their antecedents and peculiarities in telecom product company context. As a result we also present a classification scheme for studying the product architecture in the telecom context. We analyze and point out differences in technological capability among telecom start-ups vis-�-vis established firms in the sector .

    Performance Implications of Diversification in Professional Service Firms: The Role of Synergies

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    There is growing interest in the Professional service firms because they are seen as archetype of the knowledge-based economy. In this study we look at under researched area of exploitation of synergies in professional service firms and its implications for performance. Overcoming the uni-dimensional nature of extant studies, we examine the performance implications of diversification along the twin dimensions of services they offer and the knowledge of the industry domain of their clients. We hypothesize that moderate levels of coherence in these dimensions lead to improved performance while excess coherence in these domains lead to diminished performance. These predictions are tested and supported by data from the Indian IT industry which is synonymous with emergence of knowledge economy in India. Our study thus contributes to the theory of diversification of professional service firms.

    Intellectual Property Rights Protection and the Location of Research and Development Activities by Multinational Firms

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    We develop a model of the location of global R&D investments by multinational firms, where research investments increase the number of varieties of goods sold globally by the firm, and development activities reduce the cost of producing existing varieties in specific countries. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protection in a country enhances the efficiency of the firms' local research as well as the profitability local development efforts. We test predictions of the model on survey data on foreign and domestic R&D for 605 Japanese multinational firms with manufacturing activities in 42 foreign countries in 1996. We find the strength of IPR protection to have a positive impact both on development expenditures and research expenditures in a country, while both research and development expenditures are also sensitive to local wage costs. Research expenditures depend positively on technological opportunities in the industry and country, while development expenditures are positively affected by potential local demand for the firm's products.R&D, multinational firms, Foreign Direct Investment