1 research outputs found

    Determinaci贸n de la virulencia de aislamientos de Rhizoctonia solani K眉hn obtenidos de micelio sobre plantas y de esclerocios de tub茅rculos de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.), y su relaci贸n con la liberaci贸n de 谩cido en medio l铆quido

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    Rhizoctonia solani, se caracteriza por causar da帽os a diferentes cultivos. Asimismo, su acci贸n muestra un alto grado de virulencia hacia tejidos vegetales. Este 煤ltimo factor fue tomado en consideraci贸n para realizar un estudio que vincula la liberaci贸n de sustancias t贸xicas en medios l铆quidos con la patogenicidad de este agente. Se obtuvieron aislamientos de R. solani de dos fuentes, de esclerocios ubicados sobre tub茅rculos, y la otra, de micelio sobre tallos de papa con necrosis. Cada uno de 茅stos fue incubado en un medio especial con indicador de pH. Los cambios de pH se evaluaron cada 24 horas durante 7 d铆as. La virulencia de las cepas se estableci贸 midiendo, en macetas inoculadas con poblaciones variables de cada aislamiento, la emergencia de semillas de raps, altura y peso fresco de aquellas pl谩ntulas que emergieron. Los valores de pH demostraron diferencias significativas entre aislamientos, sugiriendo que en condiciones naturales hay distintas capacidades con relaci贸n a la secreci贸n de 谩cidos, que son inherentes a cada una de ellos. Cada uno de los aislamientos evaluados afect贸 la emergencia de plantas de raps, sin embargo, no fue posible establecer relaci贸n entre aquellos que acidificaron m谩s el medio con aquellos m谩s virulentos sobre estas semillas.Rhizoctonia solani, is characterized for causing damage for different crops. Therefore, it鈥檚 behaviour shows a high degree virulence vegetables tissues. This last factor was taken in consideration to conduct a study that links the liberation of toxic substanses through liquid cultures with the patogenicity of isolates of this agent. Isolations of R. solani were obtained from two sources, from sclerotia that were localized on tubers, and the other, from micelium on potato stems with necrosis. Each of these was incubated into a special medium with pH indicator. The changes of pH were evaluated every 24 h during 7 days. The virus-causing from the cepas was established measuring, the inoculated flower-pots with variable populations of each aisolation, the seeds emergency through the raps, hight and fresh weight from those plantulas that emerged. The pH values demonstrated significant differences between the aisolations, suggesting that in natural conditions, there are different capacities in relation to the secretion from the acids, that comes from each one of them. Each of these evaluated aisolations affected the grow of the raps plants, however, it was not possible established a relationship between those which were fullfied with acids plus the environment of those with more virus problems caused over these seeds