20 research outputs found

    Well-being: Subjective and Objective Aspects

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    The subject of well-being has always excited human society. Various official and scientific research documents have sought to outline the design and content of well-being, but the specific definition depends on the conceptual approach employed: the process, system, or other aspect. The purpose of this research is to create an integrated, multi-component model that can ensure the continued well-being of modern man. The modern man can be defined with regard to two levels of well-being: internal (subjective) and external (objective). Inner well-being is seen as a human, spiritual well-being associated with one's personal characteristics and features. External well-being develops from the perspective of perception and one's evaluation of human society. Each level consists of four key contextual attributes that together constitute well-being: 1) one's existence in accordance with their natural essence (in harmony with others and the environment); 2) an innate understanding of what is good for oneself, and the presence of the ability and willingness to achieve it; 3) one's the ability to realize their human potential and plan for life; 4) the creation of a society and empowering people to fulfill the above stated positions 1, 2, 3, and increase activity and awareness. Such specification of the category “well-being” gives us an opportunity to distinguish between personal well-being of an individual and social well-being of member of society and state. Only discoursing in the framework of such conceptually comprehensive logic, it is possible to derive the “formula” of the well-being of human and society

    The Optimum Ratio of Risk and Return Accrued Pension Funds as a Factor of Influence on the Well-Being of the Older Generation

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    The well-being of the older generation from the perspective of optimal using of pension savings is considered. According to the laws opportunities for investment securities in a simple and portfolio expansion are defined. Four types of securities, which theoretically can be invested pension savings, are analyzed. Diversified portfolios with different levels of risk are composed. The curve of return and risk of different possible investment portfolios is simulated. The fact of the possibility of obtaining a higher level of profitability while maintaining a constant risk is confirmed

    The Optimum Ratio of Risk and Return Accrued Pension Funds as a Factor of Influence on the Well-Being of the Older Generation

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    The well-being of the older generation from the perspective of optimal using of pension savings is considered. According to the laws opportunities for investment securities in a simple and portfolio expansion are defined. Four types of securities, which theoretically can be invested pension savings, are analyzed. Diversified portfolios with different levels of risk are composed. The curve of return and risk of different possible investment portfolios is simulated. The fact of the possibility of obtaining a higher level of profitability while maintaining a constant risk is confirmed

    Social Entrepreneurship: Metaphysics of Entrepreneurship in Practice

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    Contemporary capitalism is in such a condition that the recent objectives of enterprises’ actions neither ensure that the owners of enterprises have any mode of justification nor guarantee legitimization by civil communities, which leads to destructive environmental and social implications. Making a profit at the expense of social and natural costs gets society in deadlock. Changing the vector of development depends on the interconnection of the social and the economic at the present-day life. In this paper we intend to propose a broad explanatory scheme of the evolution of the social throughout the known human history with regard to the present-day situation of blurring the mode of realization of social goals through achieving economic ones. This scheme is to pay great attention to the changes in social life fundamentals for the purpose of revealing the dialectics of the social and the economic within entrepreneurial activities in the phase-in development of knowledge society. The prototype of the new configuration of the social and the economic is the existing model of the social entrepreneurship. The model that harnesses the social and the economic in a new manner has appeared and has been tested in the non-turbulent niche of social entrepreneurship in the form of activity driven by humanistic values rather than merely economic ones. This makes it possible to create conditions, similar to laboratory ones, for earning a private profit by means of solving public problems

    The Care of Elderly People in Vietnam

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    The population ageing as an unprecedented phenomenon in the history of the humanity was considered. It is slow, but persistent and, according to the opinion of the experts, it is irreversible, at least for the next hundred years. Population ageing has a profound impact on economic growth, investment and labor market, the welfare of every citizen of any country. Changes in the structure of the population in terms of aging concerns every person, society, country and the international community. The increase in the number of elderly people determines the necessity of working out new strategies for the stable development of each country in the world. Vietnam is no exception in this case. Population ageing is a contemporary challenge for the worldwide society. It requires the development of the effective strategic and tactic decisions and new systems of care for elder people, aimed at transformation of the population ageing challenges into opportunities, which provide people’s welfare. The main aim of the study is to determine the ways of perfection of the care system of the Vietnamese older people. The methods: system analysis of statistic data about the demographic structure of the Vietnamese population and the morbidity structure of the Vietnamese seniors; situation analyses. The results: specific features and conditions of the system of care of elderly people in Vietnam are studied. The analysis of the main factors that affect the system of care of the older people is conducted. The conclusions and proposals to enhance the system of care of the older people are drawn

    On distribution of multi-dimensional planes in the Euclidian space

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    Reflections of two-dimensional squares of m-planes and normal (n-m)-planes of distribution in, defined by two corresponding functions of two arguments meeting the Cauchy-Riemann conditions have been studied

    Psychometric evaluation of the Russian version of the flourishing scale in a sample of older adults living in Siberia

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    Background: The development of measures of psychological functioning has received less attention in Russiacompared to other countries. Moreover, despite the growing interest in the psychological well-being of olderadults, there is a lack of research on this segment of the population in Siberia. Therefore, in this study we aimed toevaluate the psychometric properties of the Russian version of the Flourishing Scale (FS) and to measure psychologicalfunctioning in a sample of older adults living in Siberia.Methods: The FS was translated and adapted to Russian language and culture using the back-translation procedure.The Russian version was administered to 851 older adults (aged from 65 to 93 years, mean = 75.3; female = 510). Aprincipal axis factor analysis (PFA) and a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were used to assess thestructural validity. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients (internal consistency) and item-total correlations were alsoanalysed. To test the convergent validity, the FS was compared with other scales assessing mental wellbeing Results: The PFA and the CFA showed that the FS had good psychometric properties. A one-factorstructure was a good model of fit, even if some items had a low loading (ranging between 0.39 and 0.80).The Cronbach’s alpha value was 0.82 and the Cronbach’s alpha values if an item were deleted ranged from0.78 to 0.81. The item-total correlation coefficients ranged from 0.54 to 0.76. The FS also showed goodconvergent and divergent validity with other scales (correlation coefficients ranging from 0.39 to 0.54). Themean flourishing score (40.9) reported by the older adults in our sample is lower than that reported inprevious studies. Conclusions: The Russian version of the FS seems to have good psychometric properties and to be a validand reliable instrument to evaluate flourishing among Russian older adults. This study provides the firstevaluation of an instrument that Russian researchers and policymakers can use to better understand thedeterminants of successful ageing in this society. Future studies should further assess the validity andreliability of the FS and should generalize these results to different groups (e.g., adolescent or workers)

    Social Security and Population Ageing in Vietnam: A Guarantee for the Elderly People’s Life

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    Demographic change affects the socio-economic development of any country. In Vietnam, the population and housing censuses from 1989 to 2019 showed an appreciable increasing proportion of the elderly in the total population and fast ageing pace. Older people have many difficulties in their life. Among them, only 27% have pensions or stable incomes, and the rest 73% live without pensions, facing many difficulties. Vietnam is a developing country, and social security policies are in the process of completion. Therefore, improving the social security system, as well as creating opportunities for active ageing and wellbeing for older people, was one of the strategic goals of the Long-Term Development Plan that Vietnam’s government has been carried out for more than half a century. In this article, the issues of demographic change, population ageing, social security system, social assistance and pension benefits as the actual sociological problem are studied by using quantitative methods and comparative analysis approach to confirm the research questions; the proposals made by the authors can be helpful for today’s reforming social security system in Vietnam and social policy making in context of ageing in Vietnam where a large number of elderly people do not have any social benefits

    Typology of Innovative Development of AIRR-Regions (Association of Russian Innovative Regions)

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    The article describes typology of regions of AIRR based on factor and cluster analysis. The main purpose of typology in this study is seeking for opportunities to transform interregional differentiation from problem into an additional source of development of regions with different complementary models of innovation development. It highlights 4 main and 2 additional types (subtypes) of regions of AIRR: Type 1 “Industrial innovation-active regions” (Subtype 1 “regions with developed medium-technological industries” and Subtype 2 “regions with developed high-technological industries”), Type 2 “Industrial regions providing demand for innovations (“market”), Type 3 “Regions with developed scientific-educational complex”, Type 4 “Mixed (catching-up)”. Peculiarities of different types of regions allow each region achieving an efficient innovative activity through complementarity of resources if each region fulfills its role, defined by type of innovative development. It makes actual the problem of development of mechanism of interregional innovation policy as one of the area of development of a synergistic approach in the state innovative policy

    Multilevel state policy on the basis of the open model of innovation process management

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    The paper presents the viewpoint of the authors concerning the concept of state innovation policy on the basis of economic synergy and evolution theoretical propositions. The improvement of approaches to the innovation policy formation is necessitated by the behavior changes in the innovation activity of subjects and by the spreading of the open model of the innovation process management at the microlevel. The paper reveals synergy methodological principles in the context of the innovation policy formation, the significance of every management level from the viewpoint of organization and self-organization processes. The necessity of spatial-level interactions both "subject-object" and "subject-subject" is substantiated