706 research outputs found

    First quantized electron and photon model of QED and radiative processes

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    In this study we combine the classical models of the massive and massless spinning particles, derive the current-current interaction Lagrangian of the particles from the gauge transformations of the classical spinors, and discuss radiative processes in electrodynamics by using the solutions of the Dirac equation and the quantum wave equations of the photon. The longitudinal polarized photon states give a new idea about the vacuum concept in electrodynamics.Comment: LaTeX file, 20 pages, 7 figures. to appear in Canadian Journal of Physic

    Self-accelerated Universe

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    It is widely believed that the large redshifts for distant supernovae are explained by the vacuum energy dominance, or, in other words, by the cosmological constant in Einstein's equations, which is responsible for the anti-gravitation effect. A tacit assumption is that particles move along a geodesic for the background metric. This is in the same spirit as the consensus regarding the uniform Galilean motion of a free electron. However, there is a runaway solution to the Lorentz--Dirac equation governing the behavior of a radiating electron, in addition to the Galilean solution. Likewise, a runaway solution to the entire system of equations, both gravitation and matter equations of motion including, may provide an alternative explanation for the accelerated expansion of the Universe, without recourse to the hypothetic cosmological constant.Comment: 11 pages; Talk at the 9th Adriatic Meeting, Dubrovnic, Croatia, 4-14 September, 2003, Minor improvement, references added; to appear in ``Progress in General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology Research'', Nova Science Publisher

    Generating Complex Potentials with Real Eigenvalues in Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics

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    In the framework of SUSYQM extended to deal with non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, we analyze three sets of complex potentials with real spectra, recently derived by a potential algebraic approach based upon the complex Lie algebra sl(2, C). This extends to the complex domain the well-known relationship between SUSYQM and potential algebras for Hermitian Hamiltonians, resulting from their common link with the factorization method and Darboux transformations. In the same framework, we also generate for the first time a pair of elliptic partner potentials of Weierstrass ℘\wp type, one of them being real and the other imaginary and PT symmetric. The latter turns out to be quasiexactly solvable with one known eigenvalue corresponding to a bound state. When the Weierstrass function degenerates to a hyperbolic one, the imaginary potential becomes PT non-symmetric and its known eigenvalue corresponds to an unbound state.Comment: 20 pages, Latex 2e + amssym + graphics, 2 figures, accepted in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Weak commutation relations of unbounded operators and applications

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    Four possible definitions of the commutation relation [S,T]=\Id of two closable unbounded operators S,TS,T are compared. The {\em weak} sense of this commutator is given in terms of the inner product of the Hilbert space \H where the operators act. Some consequences on the existence of eigenvectors of two number-like operators are derived and the partial O*-algebra generated by S,TS,T is studied. Some applications are also considered.Comment: In press in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Unified description of 0+ states in a large class of nuclear collective models

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    A remarkably simple regularity in the energies of 0+ states in a broad class of collective models is discussed. A single formula for all 0+ states in flat-bottomed infinite potentials that depends only on the number of dimensions and a simpler expression applicable to all three IBA symmetries in the large boson number limit are presented. Finally, a connection between the energy expression for 0+ states given by the X(5) model and the predictions of the IBA near the critical point is explored.Comment: 4 pages, 3 postscript figures, uses revTe

    Lorentz-covariant reduced spin density matrix and EPR-Bohm correlations

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    We show that it is possible to define a Lorentz-covariant reduced spin density matrix for massive particles. Such a matrix allows one to calculate the mean values of observables connected with spin measurements (average polarizations). Moreover, it contains not only information about polarization of the particle but also information about its average kinematical state. We also use our formalism to calculate the correlation function in the Einstein--Podolsky--Rosen--Bohm type experiment with massive relativistic particles.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Effective dynamics of an electrically charged string with a current

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    Equations of motion for an electrically charged string with a current in an external electromagnetic field with regard to the first correction due to the self-action are derived. It is shown that the reparametrization invariance of the free action of the string imposes constraints on the possible form of the current. The effective equations of motion are obtained for an absolutely elastic charged string in the form of a ring (circle). Equations for the external electromagnetic fields that admit stationary states of such a ring are revealed. Solutions to the effective equations of motion of an absolutely elastic charged ring in the absence of external fields as well as in an external uniform magnetic field are obtained. In the latter case, the frequency at which one can observe radiation emitted by the ring is evaluated. A model of an absolutely nonstretchable charged string with a current is proposed. The effective equations of motion are derived within this model, and a class of solutions to these equations is found.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, format changed, minor change

    Fermion Zero Modes in Odd Dimensions

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    We study the zero modes of the Abelian Dirac operator in any odd dimension. We use the stereographic projection between a (2n−1)(2n-1) dimensional space and a (2n−1)(2n-1) sphere embedded in a 2n2n dimensional space. It is shown that the Dirac operator with a gauge field of uniform field strengths in S2n−1S^{2n-1} has symmetries of SU(nn)×\timesU(1) which is a subgroup of SO(2n2n). Using group representation theory, we obtain the number of fermion zero modes, as well as their explicit forms, in a simple way.Comment: 14 page

    The Vector Analyzing Power in Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering

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    We compute the vector analyzing power (VAP) for the elastic scattering of transversely polarized electrons from protons at low energies using an effective theory of electrons, protons, and photons. We study all contributions through second order in E/ME/M, where EE and MM are the electron energy and nucleon mass, respectively. The leading order VAP arises from the imaginary part of the interference of one- and two-photon exchange amplitudes. Sub-leading contributions are generated by the nucleon magnetic moment and charge radius as well as recoil corrections to the leading-order amplitude. Working to O(E/M)2{\cal O}(E/M)^2, we obtain a prediction for AnA_n that is free of unknown parameters and that agrees with the recent measurement of the VAP in backward angle epep scattering.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures. Typos fixe

    Scattering and Bound State Green's Functions on a Plane via so(2,1) Lie Algebra

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    We calculate the Green's functions for the particle-vortex system, for two anyons on a plane with and without a harmonic regulator and in a uniform magnetic field. These Green's functions which describe scattering or bound states (depending on the specific potential in each case) are obtained exactly using an algebraic method related to the SO(2,1) Lie group. From these Green's functions we obtain the corresponding wave functions and for the bound states we also find the energy spectra.Comment: 21 Latex pages. Typos corrected. Results unchanged. Version to appear in JM
