153 research outputs found

    Identification and Analysis of Landslide Characteristics Out of the Agriculture in Garut Regency

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    Based on the data of earthquake disaster events in Indonesia for the last 12 years then West Java Province was most often experienced landslide disaster. Land movement map of Garut Regency issued by Directorate of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (DVMG), indicated Garut included in the category of vulnerability zone of high ground movement, among others: District Banjarwangi, Singajaya and Peundeuy. This study aimed to identify and analyzed the characteristics of landslides in Garut regency, especially in three districts. The first phase of this study conducted a literature study on various factors causing landslides, followed by making a list of fields as a guide in the field. The identification of landslides was done descriptively. Various factors suspected to be the cause of the landslide were identified and analyzed. Based on the results of observation for 14 months at 32 landslide point that occurred in the research area, there were 2 landslide characteristic encountered, namely 1. Soil scrolling (30 cases or 94%) and 2. Decreased / subsidence (2 cases or 6%). The highest landslide was found on paddy fields as much as 25 dots, followed by mixed gardens (talun) as much as 4 points, in the settlement / infrastructure found 2 points and one season plantation garden

    Reformasi Birokrasi Pelayanan Kehumasan Di Bagian Humas Dan Protokol Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Semarang

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    Bureaucratic reformation is a transformation process in the governance area in order to achieve the Good Government. One of the area is the public service aiming to establish a qualified and well used service by the society. The society's fulfillment of public information becomes strategic in this IT era. This research will talk about the achievement of bureaucratic reformation in the Public Relations services that is handled by the Public Relations and Secretariat Protocol in Semarang District and the inhibiting factors. This research uses the Bureaucratic Reformation theory, public service management theory, and society's participation theory. The technique used to gather data is through observation, interviews, and documented informants which are staff of the Public Relations and Secretariat Protocol in Semarang District. The result of this research has shown that the bureaucratic reformation in public services has not been well done and there were some internal inhibiting factors which are the lack of human resources, the lack of facilities and infrastructures, and two external factors which are the geographical conditions of Semarang District, and the lack of society's capabalities on Information and Technology. Author's suggestion is for the Semarang's dictrict regent to increase his involvement throught budget increases and more surveillance in the execution of bureaucracy reformation in the public relation service. More than that, he may as well enhance more cooperation with investor or private sector in order to make a good community empowerment and civilian state apparatus

    pH, Total Bacteria and Total Fungi Litter Fermentation at Different Ripening Durations

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    This study aims to examine the effect of fermentation time on pH levels, total bacteria and total fungi litter chicken fermented. The research method was carried out by collecting various chicken litters from 16 closed house cages in Semarang City, Demak Regency and Kendal Regency, then combined and fermented. The study used a completely randomized design in the direction of 4 treatments and 4 replications, the treatments were T0 = 0 week litter curing; T1 = 3 weeks litter curing; T2 = 6 weeks of litter curing; T3 = 9 weeks litter curing. The parameters observed were pH value, total bacteria and total litter fungi in broiler chickens. The results showed that there was a significant effect (P 0.05) on all treatments. The conclusion of this research is the best chicken litter fermentation at 6 weeks duration of ripening. Produce a total of bacteria and fungi as much as 0.25 x 103 CFU/g and indicated that they were not pathogenic bacteria and fungi

    Analisis Interaksi Wilayah Komoditas Peternakan Di Provinsi Riau

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    The development of livestock potential is expected to reduce of production and market unbalances. The nature ofRiau Province, requires effective and efficient planning in supporting the market of livestock commodities inter-regions.Knowing patterns of marketing of livestock commodities inter-regions able to increase added value of commodities. Thepurposes this research are: 1) to analyze the flow of livestock commodities marketing inter-region in Riau Province, 2) todetermine the direction of livestock commodities development based commodities marketing. This research was conducted inRiau Province with eleven districts and cities. This study used a model analysis of gravity and entropy models with doubleconstrains. The result showed the distance between regions determine interaction inter-region. The flow of cattle marketing isinfluenced by farmers productivity of origin region. Cattle's production region is directed to Indragiri Hulu, Kampar, RokanHulu and Kuantan Singingi and marketing region to Siak, Bengkalis and Rokan Hilir. The flow of buffalo commoditiesmarketing is more determined by slaughtering in destination region. Buffalo's production is directed to Kampar and KuantanSingingi and marketing to Pekanbaru, Siak, Dumai and Rokan Hilir. The main factors that determine the flow of broilermarketing is population in origin region and consumption of broiler in destination region. Development of Broiler'sproduction region is directed to Pekanbaru, Kampar, Pelalawan, dan Siak, and marketing region to Bengkalis, Dumai,Indragiri Hilir, and Rokan Hilir. The flow of cattle and buffalo commodities market moves from south to north and Broilermoves from region who were in middle to around it

    Maggot nutrition content in various growing media (vegetable, fruit, and food processing industry): fish flour substitution

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    Vegetable, fruit, and food processing industrial waste has a low nutritional content. The quality of the nutritional content is improved by processing it through fermentation. The study was conducted experimentally using a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial pattern. There were two factors (3 x 3), namely Factor I various maggot growing media (D1 = mustard greens, cabbage, and cauliflower leaves, D2 = banana, pineapple, and papaya, D3 = coconut dregs, tofu dregs, and cassava waste ) and Factor II fermentation time (L1 = 2 days, L2 = 4 days and L3 = 6 days), with three replications. The parameters of this study consisted of the nutritional content of maggot in the form of water content, dry matter, crude protein, crude fiber, crude fat, and ash. The results showed that various maggot-growing media had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the ash content and a very significant effect (P<0.01) on crude protein. No significant effect (P>0.05) was found on moisture content, dry matter, crude fiber, and crude fat. The duration of fermentation of maggot growing media had a significant effect (P<0.05) on crude protein and crude fat but had no significant effect (P>0.05) on moisture content, dry matter, ash content, and crude fiber. There was an interaction between various types of waste and the duration of fermentation of the media on the protein content of maggot. Still, there was no interaction with the water content, dry matter, crude fiber, crude fat, and ash


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    The obligations of the Special Mining Business License (IUPK) holders to the Government are only given without the active participation of the DGT and the central and local governments to test IUPK compliance as taxpayers. These obligations have the potential to ignore Article 33 and Article 23A of the 1945 Constitution. Based on the normative juridical study using the access to justice and the sustainable development approach, two conclusions are drawn. First, the enactment of several regulations shows that the IUPK's obligation to pay 4% to the Central Government and 6% to the Regional Government from net profits is only given, based on financial reports that have been audited by a public accountant. Second, Article 129 of the Minerba Law, Article 4 (1), Article 6 (1), and Article 9 (1) of the Income Tax Law, as well as Article 15 (3) of PP No. 37 of 2018 must be implemented through monitoring, evaluation, and regular audits of net profits before taxable income on the actual self-assessment reporting conducted by IUPK. It is proposed to make joint audit rules in testing compliance with good mining practice and IUPK obligations, as well as compliance of filling and actual payment of taxes owed

    Morphology and physiology characteristic of some varities of rice under salinity stress

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    This experiment was aimed to evaluate yield potential and adaptability of some varieties of rice based on some morphological and physiological characters. This study was conducted at Paluh Merbau village, Percut Sei Tuan Sub-District, Deli Serdang District, North Sumatera, Indonesia on March 2012 till July 2012. This research was arranged in a randomized block design non factorial with three replications. Eight varieties used are Ciherang, IR 64, Lambur, Batanghari, Banyuasin, IR 42, Inpara 10 and Margasari. Salinity stress in rice leads to changes in both morphological and physiological characters of plants, where the response of each genotype varies depending on the nature of tolerance or sensitivity to salt stress. Observation of growth and production showed that genotif IR 42 had the best growth and the highest production as compared with other varietie

    Seat Interference Antar Penumpang Pada Model Boarding Pesawat Terbang

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    Ada dua keadaan untuk sebuah pesawat, keadaan pertama adalah pada saat pesawat tersebut sedang berada di darat dan keadaan kedua adalaha saat peswat tersebut sedang berada di udara. Maskapai penerbangan akan mendapat keuntungan pada saat pesawat mereka sedang terbang. Banyak hal yang mempengaruhi lama pesawat berada di darat, antara lain : waktu penumpang turun, bongkar muat barang, pengisian bahan baker, boarding time, dll. Penelitian ini menyajikan beberapa model boarding untuk mengurangi seat interference dan untuk mengurangi waktu boarding. Mixed Integer Non Linier Programing digunakan untuk menghasilkan model boarding. ProModel digunakan untuk simulasi, hasil simulasi adalah waktu boarding dan seat interference. Airbus-320 digunakan untuk menerapkan model simulasi ini. Beberapa hal yang mempengaruhi strategi boarding adalah jumlah baris, jumlah grup dan jumlah penumpang yang dimasukkan untuk tiap grup. Hasil simulasi memperlihatkan bahwa model boarding dengan 6 grup dapat mengurangi jumlah seat interference sebesar 85,5% dan mengurangi waktu boarding sebesar 6,82% dibandingkan dengan menggunakan model tradisional back to front