6,977 research outputs found

    Resistance Thermometer for Heat Transfer Measurements in a Shock Tube

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    This report describes a method for the application of the well-known principle of the resistance thermometer to the problem of measuring surface temperatures and heat transfer rates under highly transient conditions, such as are experienced in a shock tube. By using a thin platinum film sputtered on glass, a resistance thermometer gage is obtained which has a response lag of less than 1 µ sec, a linear output of 2-3 mv/°c, repeatability and durability. The gage preparation, including the sputtering technique, calibration method, and response characteristics are discussed, and some measurements of surface temperatures and heat transfer rates on models in the shock tube are presented in order to illustrate the performance that can be expected from this instrument

    Tests of silicon sensors for the CMS pixel detector

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    The tracking system of the CMS experiment, currently under construction at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland), will include a silicon pixel detector providing three spacial measurements in its final configuration for tracks produced in high energy pp collisions. In this paper we present the results of test beam measurements performed at CERN on irradiated silicon pixel sensors. Lorentz angle and charge collection efficiency were measured for two sensor designs and at various bias voltages.Comment: Talk presented at 6th International Conference on Large Scale Applications and Radiation Hardness of Semiconductor Detectors, September 29-October 1, 2003, Firenze, Italy. Proceedings will be published in Nuclear Instr. & Methods in Phys. Research, Section

    The hydrogen atom in an electric field: Closed-orbit theory with bifurcating orbits

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    Closed-orbit theory provides a general approach to the semiclassical description of photo-absorption spectra of arbitrary atoms in external fields, the simplest of which is the hydrogen atom in an electric field. Yet, despite its apparent simplicity, a semiclassical quantization of this system by means of closed-orbit theory has not been achieved so far. It is the aim of this paper to close that gap. We first present a detailed analytic study of the closed classical orbits and their bifurcations. We then derive a simple form of the uniform semiclassical approximation for the bifurcations that is suitable for an inclusion into a closed-orbit summation. By means of a generalized version of the semiclassical quantization by harmonic inversion, we succeed in calculating high-quality semiclassical spectra for the hydrogen atom in an electric field

    Finite size effects on transport coefficients for models of atomic wires coupled to phonons

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    We consider models of quasi-1-d, planar atomic wires consisting of several, laterally coupled rows of atoms, with mutually non-interacting electrons. This electronic wire system is coupled to phonons, corresponding, e.g., to some substrate. We aim at computing diffusion coefficients in dependence on the wire widths and the lateral coupling. To this end we firstly construct a numerically manageable linear collision term for the dynamics of the electronic occupation numbers by following a certain projection operator approach. By means of this collision term we set up a linear Boltzmann equation. A formula for extracting diffusion coefficients from such Boltzmann equations is given. We find in the regime of a few atomic rows and intermediate lateral coupling a significant and non-trivial dependence of the diffusion coefficient on both, the width and the lateral coupling. These results, in principle, suggest the possible applicability of such atomic wires as electronic devices, such as, e.g., switches.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    Photoabsorption spectra of the diamagnetic hydrogen atom in the transition regime to chaos: Closed orbit theory with bifurcating orbits

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    With increasing energy the diamagnetic hydrogen atom undergoes a transition from regular to chaotic classical dynamics, and the closed orbits pass through various cascades of bifurcations. Closed orbit theory allows for the semiclassical calculation of photoabsorption spectra of the diamagnetic hydrogen atom. However, at the bifurcations the closed orbit contributions diverge. The singularities can be removed with the help of uniform semiclassical approximations which are constructed over a wide energy range for different types of codimension one and two catastrophes. Using the uniform approximations and applying the high-resolution harmonic inversion method we calculate fully resolved semiclassical photoabsorption spectra, i.e., individual eigenenergies and transition matrix elements at laboratory magnetic field strengths, and compare them with the results of exact quantum calculations.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, submitted to J. Phys.

    Near real-time GPS applications for tsunami early warning systems

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    GPS (Global Positioning System) technology is widely used for positioning applications. Many of them have high requirements with respect to precision, reliability or fast product delivery, but usually not all at the same time as it is the case for early warning applications. The tasks for the GPS-based components within the GITEWS project (German Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System, Rudloff et al., 2009) are to support the determination of sea levels (measured onshore and offshore) and to detect co-seismic land mass displacements with the lowest possible latency (design goal: first reliable results after 5 min). The completed system was designed to fulfil these tasks in near real-time, rather than for scientific research requirements. The obtained data products (movements of GPS antennas) are supporting the warning process in different ways. The measurements from GPS instruments on buoys allow the earliest possible detection or confirmation of tsunami waves on the ocean. Onshore GPS measurements are made collocated with tide gauges or seismological stations and give information about co-seismic land mass movements as recorded, e.g., during the great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of 2004 (Subarya et al., 2006). This information is important to separate tsunami-caused sea height movements from apparent sea height changes at tide gauge locations (sensor station movement) and also as additional information about earthquakes' mechanisms, as this is an essential information to predict a tsunami (Sobolev et al., 2007). <br><br> This article gives an end-to-end overview of the GITEWS GPS-component system, from the GPS sensors (GPS receiver with GPS antenna and auxiliary systems, either onshore or offshore) to the early warning centre displays. We describe how the GPS sensors have been installed, how they are operated and the methods used to collect, transfer and process the GPS data in near real-time. This includes the sensor system design, the communication system layout with real-time data streaming, the data processing strategy and the final products of the GPS-based early warning system components

    Desingularization of vortices for the Euler equation

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    We study the existence of stationary classical solutions of the incompressible Euler equation in the plane that approximate singular stationnary solutions of this equation. The construction is performed by studying the asymptotics of equation -\eps^2 \Delta u^\eps=(u^\eps-q-\frac{\kappa}{2\pi} \log \frac{1}{\eps})_+^p with Dirichlet boundary conditions and qq a given function. We also study the desingularization of pairs of vortices by minimal energy nodal solutions and the desingularization of rotating vortices.Comment: 40 page

    Enhanced dielectronic recombination of lithium-like Ti19+ ions in external ExB fields

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    Dielectronic recombination(DR) of lithium-like Ti19+(1s2 2s) ions via 2s->2p core excitations has been measured at the Heidelberg heavy ion storage ring TSR. We find that not only external electric fields (0 <= Ey <= 280 V/cm) but also crossed magnetic fields (30 mT <= Bz <= 80 mT) influence the DR via high-n (2p_j nl)-Rydberg resonances. This result confirms our previous finding for isoelectronic Cl14+ ions [Bartsch T et al, PRL 82, 3779 (1999)] that experimentally established the sensitivity of DR to ExB fields. In the present investigation the larger 2p_{1/2}-2p_{3/2} fine structure splitting of Ti19+ allowed us to study separately the influence of external fields via the two series of Rydberg DR resonances attached to the 2s -> 2p_{1/2} and 2s -> 2p_{3/2} excitations of the Li-like core, extracting initial slopes and saturation fields of the enhancement. We find that for Ey > 80 V/cm the field induced enhancement is about 1.8 times stronger for the 2p_{3/2} series than for the 2p_{1/2} series.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Journal of Physics B, see also http://www.strz.uni-giessen.de/~k