15 research outputs found

    Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Short Recoil Operated Weapon and Impact of Construction Characteristics on its Operation Cycle

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        Estimation of kinematic and dynamic parameters of weapon mechanisms during operation is one of the crucial elements of design and optimisation. This study presents results of numerical and experimental investigations of a short-recoil-operated weapon action cycle. Theoretical considerations were based on multibody systems and finite element approaches. An experimental stand was adopted to investigate the kinematic characteristics of pistol parts and provide a set of slide displacement and velocity time courses. Comparison of theoretical and experimental data allowed for positive validation of the investigated model. The multibody systems numerical approach ensured a maximum relative discrepancy with experiment of 3.5 per cent for the velocity of recoiled parts, while finite element analysis calculations yielded a value of 12.7 per cent. Finally, parametric analyses were conducted to determine the influence of selected design characteristics on weapon operation. The analyses proved the correctness of the adopted design assumptions

    Quasi-Static Investigations of 240-Bloom Gelatine for Ballistic Tests

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    The paper presents the results of investigations of ballistic gel properties in quasi-static conditions. Specimens were prepared using the 240 Bloom gelatine, which was determined by product availability. Tests were carried out making use of a material testing machine to estimate the influence of gel share on stress-strain characteristics. Considered values of a gel mass content were equal to 10, 12, and 14%. Assumed parameters were determined on the material calibration stage conducted with steel balls with a diameter of 4.5 mm. The most significant influence of a gel content on mechanical properties of specimens were observed for a share of 10% and 12%. The conducted preliminary tests are a part of investigations aimed at assessment if it is possible to calibrate the ballistic gel making use of mechanical characteristics obtained in quasi-static tests without shooting

    Numerical Parametric Analysis of PW INKA Pistol

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    The paper describes the results of the parametric analysis obtained using the multibody systems. Numerical analysis allows checking different variants of the weapon without the need of building a lot of experimental models. As a part of the analysis, the impact of the slide mass, the recoil spring stiffness, the friction coefficients, the propellant gas pressure, and the force of bullet engraving the barrel on the kinematic characteristics of the weapon were checked. The extreme values of the slide mass and the recoil spring stiffness were selected, after crossing them, the correct operation of the weapon would not be possible. The operation of the pistol was checked for its multiple variants, taking into account its lubrication, lack of lubrication, and lack of friction by appropriate selection of the friction coefficients. The propellant gas pressure variants were selected to reflect the pressure in the barrel during shoot using ammunition manufactured according to different standards and of different quality. The models, taking into account the force of bullet engraving the barrel and those ignoring such force, were developed to check their impact on the kinematic characteristics of a short recoil operated weapon

    Wstępne badania porównawcze właściwości balistycznych amunicji pośredniej

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    The preliminary results of comparative investigations on intermediate cartridges were presented in this paper. The research focused mainly on the adopted assumptions and verification of research methods. Pressure ballistic test barrels, manufactured according to NATO EPVAT standards, were used for tests. The pressure courses of propellant gases in the barrel and the projectile velocity at four points of the bullet trajectory were measured. The pressure impulses, R100 parameter at 50 m and average bullet drag coefficient were calculated for each type of cartridge. The results allowed for a preliminary ballistic comparison of the most popular types of intermediate cartridges.W artykule przedstawiono wstępne wyniki badan porównawczych właściwości balistycznych amunicji pośredniej. W badaniach skupiono się głównie na weryfikacji poprawności przyjętych założeń oraz metod badawczych. Do badań wykorzystano ciśnieniowe lufy balistyczne wykonane zgodnie z normą NATO EPVAT. Zmierzono przebiegi ciśnień gazów prochowych w przewodzie lufy oraz prędkość pocisku w czterech punktach toru lotu. Obliczono impulsy ciśnienia, parametr R100 na odległości 50 m oraz średni współczynnik oporu aerodynamicznego dla poszczególnych rodzajów amunicji. Otrzymane rezultaty pozwoliły na wstępne porównanie właściwości balistycznych najpopularniejszych rodzajów amunicji pośredniej. Zdobyte doświadczenie i wyciągnięte wnioski pozwolą na uniknięcie pewnych błędów podczas przyszłych badań na większą skalę

    Eksperymentalna ocena wartości ciśnienia zapłonu 9 mm amunicji pistoletowej

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    n theoretical simulations of internal ballistics phenomena, the value of pressure generated by the ignition system is required. Typically, the ignition pressure value is assumed to be 3 - 5 MPa. The work presents a measurement stand using a “micro closed vessel”, designed to determine the ignition pressure for 9 mm pistol ammunition. Pressure measurements were made for two types of ammunition, differing in the construction of the ignition system. The results of measurements indicate that the value of the ignition pressure is twice as high as usually assumed. In addition, the mass of the ignition charge was determined, which is used in selected models of internal ballistics. The mass value was at the level of 0.02 g.W symulacjach zjawisk balistyki wewnętrznej układów miotających wymagana jest znajomość wartości ciśnienia wytwarzanego przez układ zapłonowy. Wartość ta jest istotna z punktu widzenia opisu procesu spalania materiału miotającego w początkowej fazie strzału, co wynika z znaczącego wpływu ciśnienia gazów prochowych na szybkość spalania materiału miotającego. Ten fakt z kolei przekłada się na maksymalną wartość ciśnienia w przestrzeni zapociskowej. Zazwyczaj przyjmowaną wartością ciśnienia zapłonu jest wartość na poziomie 3 – 5 MPa. Niestety w dostępnej literaturze uwidacznia się brak oszacowań wartości ciśnienia generowanego przez spłonkę amunicji strzeleckiej. Biorąc pod uwagę ten fakt, w pracy przedstawiono stanowisko pomiarowe, wykorzystujące mikrokomorę manometryczną, przeznaczone do pomiaru ciśnienia zapłonu dla 9 mm amunicji pistoletowej. Dokonano pomiarów ciśnienia dla dwóch rodzajów amunicji, różniących się budową układu zapłonowego. Otrzymane rezultaty wskazują, że wartość ciśnienia zapłonu jest dwukrotnie wyższa niż zazwyczaj przyjmowana. Ponadto określono masę ładunku inicjującego, która wykorzystywana jest w wybranych modelach balistyki wewnętrznej. Wartość masy kształtowała się na poziomie 0,02 g

    Analiza porównawcza różnych typów luf balistycznych wykorzystywanych w badaniach amunicji

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    Manufacturers offer different types of ballistic barrels made according to various standards. The paper presents comparison of three types of ballistic barrels: pressure, velocity, and accuracy barrels made according to C.I.P. and NATO EPVAT standards. Projectile velocities in several measuring points on the flight path and propellant gas pressures in the barrels were measured and then compared. The main aim of the article is to discuss whether all types of barrels to conduct most ballistic tests are needed, or whether one, the most universal in a specific calibre is enough.Producenci oferują różne typy luf balistycznych wykonanych według różnych standardów. W artykule przedstawiono porównanie trzech typów luf balistycznych: ciśnieniowej, prędkościowej i skupieniowej wykonanych według norm C.I.P. i NATO EPVAT. Zmierzono i porównano prędkości pocisków w kilku punktach pomiarowych na torze lotu oraz ciśnienie gazów prochowych w lufach. Głównym celem artykułu jest omówienie, czy do przeprowadzenia większości badań balistycznych potrzebne są wszystkie rodzaje luf, czy wystarczy jedna, najbardziej uniwersalna w danym kalibrze

    Opracowanie wstępnego modelu numerycznego broni działającej na zasadzie krótkiego odrzutu lufy z zastosowaniem metody układów wieloczłonowych

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    The paper contains a literature review of studies on several firearms operation systems and a review of articles on modern methods of calculating the kinematic characteristics of weapons. It includes the presentation of the short recoil operated 9 mm PW INKA pistol numerical model. The model was created in the MCS Adams software which uses the multibody systems. The boundary conditions for each part were specified and their implementation was determined. As the preliminary results of numerical investigations, the slide and barrel velocity and displacement curves were obtained. Comparison of a numerical solution with the literature data allowed for its qualitative verification.W artykule zawarto przegląd literaturowy opracowań dotyczących różnych zasad działania broni strzeleckiej oraz przegląd artykułów dotyczących nowoczesnych metod obliczeń kinematyki broni. Przedstawiono sposób budowy modelu numerycznego 9 mm pistoletu PW INKA działającego na zasadzie krótkiego odrzutu lufy. Model stworzono w programie komputerowym MCS Adams, który korzysta z metody układów wieloczłonowych. Opisano warunki początkowo brzegowe przyjęte dla modelu. Przedstawiono wstępne wyniki obliczeń w postaci wykresów drogi oraz prędkości w funkcji czasu i porównano je z danymi literaturowymi w celu ich weryfikacji jakościowej

    Estimation of Ignition Pressure in Ammunition

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    This paper presents the experimental estimation of the ignition pressure value produced by a primer in small arms ammunition. Investigations were performed using a chamber of the capacity equal to the capacity of the 12.7 mm ammunition case. The inner volume of the chamber was adjusted to the free volume in the cartridge by inserting a sleeve or glass balls of a diameter of 2 or 4 mm. The pressure values were measured inside the chamber after the action of the primer. The maximum pressure value was used as an estimation of the ignition pressure value. Depending on the nature of the filling, considerably different values were obtained; they were compared with the values of pressure measured inside the case at the live firing. A considerable difference between the ignition pressure values measured inside the case and those measured in the model setup was detected. Based on these results, a discussion concerning the choice of the starting pressure in interior ballistics lumped parameters models was carried out

    Application of Design of Experimental Methods in Theoretical Analysis of the Gas-Delayed Blowback Operation Firearm Action

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    A mathematical model of the gas-delayed blowback operation firearm action is presented in the paper. Mathematical equations and relations describing the action of this automatic weapon system are shown. Results of theoretical calculations are analyzed from the point of view of the influence of system (weapon) parameters (factors) on braking the recoiling assembly movement. In the analysis of computer simulation results, the design of experimental methods are used. The significance of the effects of individual parameters on output characteristics are estimated. This enables us to eliminate insignificant parameters and to assess the character of the dependence on significant parameters. The obtained results serve as a basis for the design of a new laboratory stand and for planning experiments which significantly reduce the time and cost of experimental tests. The stand will be used for a detailed verification and validation of the proposed model

    Application of Design of Experimental Methods in Theoretical Analysis of the Gas-Delayed Blowback Operation Firearm Action

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    A mathematical model of the gas-delayed blowback operation firearm action is presented in the paper. Mathematical equations and relations describing the action of this automatic weapon system are shown. Results of theoretical calculations are analyzed from the point of view of the influence of system (weapon) parameters (factors) on braking the recoiling assembly movement. In the analysis of computer simulation results, the design of experimental methods are used. The significance of the effects of individual parameters on output characteristics are estimated. This enables us to eliminate insignificant parameters and to assess the character of the dependence on significant parameters. The obtained results serve as a basis for the design of a new laboratory stand and for planning experiments which significantly reduce the time and cost of experimental tests. The stand will be used for a detailed verification and validation of the proposed model