84 research outputs found

    A global existence result for a Keller-Segel type system with supercritical initial data

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    We consider a parabolic-elliptic Keller-Segel type system, which is related to a simplified model of chemotaxis. Concerning the maximal range of existence of solutions, there are essentially two kinds of results: either global existence in time for general subcritical (ρ01<8π\|\rho_0\|_1<8\pi) initial data, or blow--up in finite time for suitably chosen supercritical (ρ01>8π\|\rho_0\|_1>8\pi) initial data with concentration around finitely many points. As a matter of fact there are no results claiming the existence of global solutions in the supercritical case. We solve this problem here and prove that, for a particular set of initial data which share large supercritical masses, the corresponding solution is global and uniformly bounded

    Supercritical Mean Field Equations on convex domains and the Onsager's statistical description of two-dimensional turbulence

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    We are motivated by the study of the Microcanonical Variational Principle within the Onsager's description of two-dimensional turbulence in the range of energies where the equivalence of statistical ensembles fails. We obtain sufficient conditions for the existence and multiplicity of solutions for the corresponding Mean Field Equation on convex and "thin" enough domains in the supercritical (with respect to the Moser-Trudinger inequality) regime. This is a brand new achievement since existence results in the supercritical region were previously known \un{only} on multiply connected domains. Then we study the structure of these solutions by the analysis of their linearized problems and also obtain a new uniqueness result for solutions of the Mean Field Equation on thin domains whose energy is uniformly bounded from above. Finally we evaluate the asymptotic expansion of those solutions with respect to the thinning parameter and use it together with all the results obtained so far to solve the Microcanonical Variational Principle in a small range of supercritical energies where the entropy is eventually shown to be concave.Comment: 35 pages. In this version we have added an interesting remark (please see Remark 1.17 p. 9). We have also slightly modified the statement of Proposition 1.14 at p.8 so to include a part of it in a separate 4-line Remark just after it (please see Remark 1.15 p.9

    On the global bifurcation diagram of the Gel'fand problem

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    For domains of first kind [7,13] we describe the qualitative behavior of the global bifurcation diagram of the unbounded branch of solutions of the Gel'fand problem crossing the origin. At least to our knowledge this is the first result about the exact monotonicity of the branch of non-minimal solutions which is not just concerned with radial solutions [28] and/or with symmetric domains [23]. Toward our goal we parametrize the branch not by the L(Ω)L^{\infty}(\Omega)-norm of the solutions but by the energy of the associated mean field problem. The proof relies on a carefully modified spectral analysis of mean field type equations.Comment: Intro has been expanded. References has been added. Minor expository improvement

    New universal estimates for free boundary problems arising in plasma physics

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    For ΩR2\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^2 a smooth and bounded domain, we derive a sharp universal energy estimate for non-negative solutions of free boundary problems on Ω\Omega arising in plasma physics. As a consequence, we are able to deduce new universal estimates for this class of problems. We first come up with a sharp positivity threshold which guarantees that there is no free boundary inside Ω\Omega or either, equivalently, with a sharp necessary condition for the existence of a free boundary in the interior of Ω\Omega. Then we derive an explicit bound for the LL^{\infty}-norm of non-negative solutions and also obtain explicit estimates for the thresholds relative to other neat density boundary values. At least to our knowledge, these are the first explicit estimates of this sort in the superlinear case.Comment: 14 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2006.0477

    Mean field equations on tori: existence and uniqueness of evenly symmetric blow-up solutions

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    We are concerned with the blow-up analysis of mean field equations. It has been proven in [6] that solutions blowing-up at the same non-degenerate blow-up set are unique. On the other hand, the authors in [18] show that solutions with a degenerate blow-up set are in general non-unique. In this paper we first prove that evenly symmetric solutions on a flat torus with a degenerate two-point blow-up set are unique. In the second part of the paper we complete the analysis by proving the existence of such blow-up solutions by using a Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction method. Moreover, we deduce that all evenly symmetric blow-up solutions come from one-point blow-up solutions of the mean field equation on a "half" torus

    On the global bifurcation diagram of the equation Δu=μx2αeu-\Delta u=\mu|x|^{2\alpha}e^u in dimension two

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    The aim of this note is to present the first qualitative global bifurcation diagram of the equation Δu=μx2αeu-\Delta u=\mu|x|^{2\alpha}e^u. To this end, we introduce the notion of domains of first/second kind for singular mean field equations and base our approach on a suitable spectral analysis. In particular, we treat also non-radial solutions and non-symmetric domains and show that the shape of the branch of solutions still resembles the well-known one of the model regular radial case on the disk. Some work is devoted also to the asymptotic profile for μ\mu\to-\infty.Comment: 15 page

    A Courant nodal domain theorem for linearized mean field type equations

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    We are concerned with the analysis of a mean field type equation and its linearization, which is a nonlocal operator, for which we estimate the number of nodal domains for the radial eigenfunctions and the related uniqueness properties.Comment: 18 page

    Non-degeneracy and uniqueness of solutions to singular mean field equations on bounded domains

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    The aim of this paper is to complete the program initiated in [50], [23] and then carried out by several authors concerning non-degeneracy and uniqueness of solutions to mean field equations. In particular, we consider mean field equations with general singular data on non-smooth domains. The argument is based on the Alexandrov-Bol inequality and on the eigenvalues analysis of linearized singular Liouville-type problems