19 research outputs found

    Riesgo cardiovascular en estudiantes de medicina del municipio Puerto Padre de Las Tunas

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    Introduction: cardiovascular diseases are the first cause of death in Cuba; as a result, the identification of cardiovascular risks from early ages allows the implementation of health promotion and prevention strategies to reduce their impact in the futureObjective: to identify the cardiovascular risk in medical students in Puerto Padre Municipality, Las Tunas province.Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted. The target group included 545 medical students, 237 of whom were selected by means of a simple random sample. The body mass index and waist-hip ratio were studied. Descriptive statistics was applied.Results: the predominant age group was 18-21 years old (50,2 %). The 51,47 % of the students presented a high waist-hip ratio, 54,02 % a high abdominal circumference, 52,74 % a high body mass index, and in all groups 35,44 % presented blood pressure figures lower than 120/80 mmHg; 39 % had a cardiovascular risk.Conclusions: low percentages of cardiovascular risk were identified in medical students from Puerto Padre Municipality, Las Tunas province, determined by high values of waist-hip index, body mass index and abdominal circumference.Introducción: las enfermedades cardiovasculares constituyen la primera causa de mortalidad en Cuba; por lo cual la identificación de riesgos cardiovasculares desde edades tempranas permite implementar estrategias de promoción y prevención de salud para disminuir su impacto en el futuroObjetivo: identificar el riesgo cardiovascular en estudiantes de medicina del municipio Puerto Padre de Las Tunas.Método: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. El universo estuvo constituido por 545 estudiantes de medicina, seleccionándose 237 mediante un muestreo aleatorio simple. Se estudió el índice de masa corporal, la circunferencia abdominal y la índice cintura cadera. Se empleó estadística descriptiva.Resultados: se encontró predominio del grupo etario de 18 a 21 años (50,2 %). El 51,47 % de los estudiantes presentó un índice cintura-cadera alto, el 54,02 % una circunferencia abdominal alta, el 52,74 % un índice de masa corporal alta, así como en todos los grupos el 35,44 % presentó cifras de tensión arterial inferiores a 120/80 mmHg. El 39 % presentó riesgo cardiovascular.Conclusiones: se identificaron bajos porcientos de riesgo cardiovascular en los estudiantes de medicina del municipio Puerto Padre de Las Tunas, determinado por altos valores los índice cintura-cadera, índice de masa corporal y circunferencia abdominal

    Fibrosis: Sirtuins at the checkpoints of myofibroblast differentiation and profibrotic activity

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    Fibrotic diseases are still a serious concern for public health, due to their high prevalence, complex etiology and lack of successful treatments. Fibrosis consists of excessive accumulation of extracellular matrix components. As a result, the structure and function of tissues are impaired, thus potentially leading to organ failure and death in several chronic diseases. Myofibroblasts represent the principal cellular mediators of fibrosis, due to their extracellular matrix producing activity, and originate from different types of precursor cells, such as mesenchymal cells, epithelial cells and fibroblasts. Profibrotic activation of myofibroblasts can be triggered by a variety of mechanisms, including the transforming growth factor-β signalling pathway, which is a major factor driving fibrosis. Interestingly, preclinical and clinical studies showed that fibrotic degeneration can stop and even reverse by using specific antifibrotic treatments. Increasing scientific evidence is being accumulated about the role of sirtuins in modulating the molecular pathways responsible for the onset and development of fibrotic diseases. Sirtuins are NAD+-dependent protein deacetylases that play a crucial role in several molecular pathways within the cells, many of which at the crossroad between health and disease. In this context, we will report the current knowledge supporting the role of sirtuins in the balance between healthy and diseased myofibroblast activity. In particular, we will address the signalling pathways and the molecular targets that trigger the differentiation and profibrotic activation of myofibroblasts and can be modulated by sirtuins.</p

    Guided Wave Testing

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    Guided waves can propagate long distances in thin-walled structures, such as pipelines or plates. This allows for the efficient monitoring and testing of large structures and for the detection of hidden or inaccessible defects. Guided wave propagation is dispersive and multi-modal, requiring a thorough understanding of the wave propagation and scattering phenomena from simulations. Guided wave dispersion diagrams, mode shapes, and typical signals are illustrated for the example of isotropic plates. Both low and high frequency guided waves have been used for the testing of plate structures, with different wave modes and applications including tomography and arrays for the detection and localization of defects. For multilayered and anisotropic structures, guided wave propagation becomes more complex, and often the fundamental guided wave modes are employed for defect detection. For pipelines different commercially available testing systems have been developed and long propagation distances up to 100 m have been achieved. Careful selection of guided wave mode and excitation frequency allows the minimization of attenuation due to viscoelastic coatings and in buried pipelines. Synthetic focusing using non-axisymmetric modes improves defect imaging and localization. Experimental methods differ from standard ultrasonic testing, as good control of the excited guided wave mode shape and signal are required to achieve improved sensitivity for small defects. In addition to contact piezoelectric transducers, electromagnetic and laser techniques allow for noncontact measurements. Finite Element Analysis is one of the numerical simulation techniques used to obtain a better understanding of guided wave testing and to improve defect characterization