70 research outputs found

    Duality for pathwise superhedging in continuous time

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    We provide a model-free pricing-hedging duality in continuous time. For a frictionless market consisting of dd risky assets with continuous price trajectories, we show that the purely analytic problem of finding the minimal superhedging price of a path dependent European option has the same value as the purely probabilistic problem of finding the supremum of the expectations of the option over all martingale measures. The superhedging problem is formulated with simple trading strategies, the claim is the limit inferior of continuous functions, which allows for upper and lower semi-continuous claims, and superhedging is required in the pathwise sense on a σ\sigma-compact sample space of price trajectories. If the sample space is stable under stopping, the probabilistic problem reduces to finding the supremum over all martingale measures with compact support. As an application of the general results we deduce dualities for Vovk's outer measure and semi-static superhedging with finitely many securities

    Non-asymptotic rates for the estimation of risk measures

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    Consider the problem of computing the riskiness ρ(F(S))\rho(F(S)) of a financial position FF written on the underlying SS with respect to a general law invariant risk measure ρ\rho; for instance, ρ\rho can be the average value at risk. In practice the true distribution of SS is typically unknown and one needs to resort to historical data for the computation. In this article we investigate rates of convergence of ρ(F(SN))\rho(F(S_N)) to ρ(F(S))\rho(F(S)), where SNS_N is distributed as the empirical measure of SS with NN observations. We provide (sharp) non-asymptotic rates for both the deviation probability and the expectation of the estimation error. Our framework further allows for hedging, and the convergence rates we obtain depend neither on the dimension of the underlying stocks nor on the number of options available for trading

    Optimal non-gaussian Dvoretzky-Milman embeddings

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    We construct the first non-gaussian ensemble that yields the optimal estimate in the Dvoretzky-Milman Theorem: the ensemble exhibits almost Euclidean sections in arbitrary normed spaces of the same dimension as the gaussian embedding -- despite being very far from gaussian (in fact, it happens to be heavy-tailed).Comment: This is part two of the paper "Structure preservation via the Wasserstein distance" (arXiv:2209.07058v1) which was split into two part

    Empirical approximation of the gaussian distribution in Rd\mathbb{R}^d

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    Let G1,,GmG_1,\dots,G_m be independent copies of the standard gaussian random vector in Rd\mathbb{R}^d. We show that there is an absolute constant cc such that for any ASd1A \subset S^{d-1}, with probability at least 12exp(cΔm)1-2\exp(-c\Delta m), for every tRt\in\mathbb{R}, supxA1mi=1m1{Gi,xt}P(G,xt)Δ+σ(t)Δ. \sup_{x \in A} \left| \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m 1_{ \{\langle G_i,x\rangle \leq t \}} - \mathbb{P}(\langle G,x\rangle \leq t) \right| \leq \Delta + \sigma(t) \sqrt\Delta. Here σ(t)\sigma(t) is the variance of 1{G,xt}1_{\{\langle G,x\rangle\leq t\}} and ΔΔ0\Delta\geq \Delta_0, where Δ0\Delta_0 is determined by an unexpected complexity parameter of AA that captures the set's geometry (Talagrand's γ1\gamma_1 functional). The bound, the probability estimate, and the value of Δ0\Delta_0 are all (almost) optimal. We use this fact to show that if Γ=i=1mGi,xei\Gamma=\sum_{i=1}^m \langle G_i,x\rangle e_i is the random matrix that has G1,,GmG_1,\dots,G_m as its rows, then the structure of Γ(A)={Γx:xA}\Gamma(A)=\{\Gamma x: x\in A\} is far more rigid and well-prescribed than was previously expected

    Sensitivity of robust optimization problems under drift and volatility uncertainty

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    We examine optimization problems in which an investor has the opportunity to trade in dd stocks with the goal of maximizing her worst-case cost of cumulative gains and losses. Here, worst-case refers to taking into account all possible drift and volatility processes for the stocks that fall within a ε\varepsilon-neighborhood of predefined fixed baseline processes. Although solving the worst-case problem for a fixed ε>0\varepsilon>0 is known to be very challenging in general, we show that it can be approximated as ε0\varepsilon\to 0 by the baseline problem (computed using the baseline processes) in the following sense: Firstly, the value of the worst-case problem is equal to the value of the baseline problem plus ε\varepsilon times a correction term. This correction term can be computed explicitly and quantifies how sensitive a given optimization problem is to model uncertainty. Moreover, approximately optimal trading strategies for the worst-case problem can be obtained using optimal strategies from the corresponding baseline problem