12 research outputs found

    SARS-CoV-2 infects the human kidney and drives fibrosis in kidney organoids

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    Kidney failure is frequently observed during and after COVID-19, but it remains elusive whether this is a direct effect of the virus. Here, we report that SARS-CoV-2 directly infects kidney cells and is associated with increased tubule-interstitial kidney fibrosis in patient autopsy samples. To study direct effects of the virus on the kidney independent of systemic effects of COVID-19, we infected human-induced pluripotent stem-cell-derived kidney organoids with SARS-CoV-2. Single-cell RNA sequencing indicated injury and dedifferentiation of infected cells with activation of profibrotic signaling pathways. Importantly, SARS-CoV-2 infection also led to increased collagen 1 protein expression in organoids. A SARS-CoV-2 protease inhibitor was able to ameliorate the infection of kidney cells by SARS-CoV-2. Our results suggest that SARS-CoV-2 can directly infect kidney cells and induce cell injury with subsequent fibrosis. These data could explain both acute kidney injury in COVID-19 patients and the development of chronic kidney disease in long COVID

    SARS-CoV-2 infects the human kidney and drives fibrosis in kidney organoids

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    Kidney failure is frequently observed during and after COVID-19, but it remains elusive whether this is a direct effect of the virus. Here, we report that SARS-CoV-2 directly infects kidney cells and is associated with increased tubule-interstitial kidney fibrosis in patient autopsy samples. To study direct effects of the virus on the kidney independent of systemic effects of COVID-19, we infected human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived kidney organoids with SARS-CoV-2. Single cell RNA-sequencing indicated injury and dedifferentiation of infected cells with activation of pro-fibrotic signaling pathways. Importantly, SARS-CoV-2 infection also led to increased collagen 1 protein expression in organoids. A SARS-CoV-2 protease inhibitor was able to ameliorate the infection of kidney cells by SARS-CoV-2. Our results suggest that SARS-CoV-2 can directly infect kidney cells and induce cell injury with subsequent fibrosis. These data could explain both acute kidney injury in COVID-19 patients and the development of chronic kidney disease in Long-COVID

    Screening of Drug-Transporter Interactions in a 3D Microfluidic Renal Proximal Tubule on a Chip

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    Drug-transporter interactions could impact renal drug clearance and should ideally be detected in early stages of drug development to avoid toxicity-related withdrawals in later stages. This requires reliable and robust assays for which current high-throughput screenings have, however, poor predictability. Kidney-on-a-chip platforms have the potential to improve predictability, but often lack compatibility with high-content detection platforms. Here, we combined conditionally immortalized proximal tubule epithelial cells overexpressing organic anion transporter 1 (ciPTEC-OAT1) with the microfluidic titer plate OrganoPlate to develop a screenings assay for renal drug-transporter interactions. In this platform, apical localization of F-actin and intracellular tight-junction protein zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) indicated appropriate cell polarization. Gene expression levels of the drug transporters organic anion transporter 1 (OAT1; SLC22A6), organic cation transporter 2 (OCT2; SLC22A2), P-glycoprotein (P-gp; ABCB1), and multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 and 4 (MRP2/4; ABCC2/4) were similar levels to 2D static cultures. Functionality of the efflux transporters P-gp and MRP2/4 was studied as proof-of-concept for 3D assays using calcein-AM and 5-chloromethylfluorescein-diacetate (CMFDA), respectively. Confocal imaging demonstrated a 4.4 ± 0.2-fold increase in calcein accumulation upon P-gp inhibition using PSC833. For MRP2/4, a 3.0 ± 0.2-fold increased accumulation of glutathione-methylfluorescein (GS-MF) was observed upon inhibition with a combination of PSC833, MK571, and KO143. Semi-quantitative image processing methods for P-gp and MRP2/4 was demonstrated with corresponding Z'-factors of 0.1 ± 0.3 and 0.4 ± 0.1, respectively. In conclusion, we demonstrate a 3D microfluidic PTEC model valuable for screening of drug-transporter interactions that further allows multiplexing of endpoint read-outs for drug-transporter interactions and toxicity

    Screening of Drug-Transporter Interactions in a 3D Microfluidic Renal Proximal Tubule on a Chip

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    Drug-transporter interactions could impact renal drug clearance and should ideally be detected in early stages of drug development to avoid toxicity-related withdrawals in later stages. This requires reliable and robust assays for which current high-throughput screenings have, however, poor predictability. Kidney-on-a-chip platforms have the potential to improve predictability, but often lack compatibility with high-content detection platforms. Here, we combined conditionally immortalized proximal tubule epithelial cells overexpressing organic anion transporter 1 (ciPTEC-OAT1) with the microfluidic titer plate OrganoPlate to develop a screenings assay for renal drug-transporter interactions. In this platform, apical localization of F-actin and intracellular tight-junction protein zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) indicated appropriate cell polarization. Gene expression levels of the drug transporters organic anion transporter 1 (OAT1; SLC22A6), organic cation transporter 2 (OCT2; SLC22A2), P-glycoprotein (P-gp; ABCB1), and multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 and 4 (MRP2/4; ABCC2/4) were similar levels to 2D static cultures. Functionality of the efflux transporters P-gp and MRP2/4 was studied as proof-of-concept for 3D assays using calcein-AM and 5-chloromethylfluorescein-diacetate (CMFDA), respectively. Confocal imaging demonstrated a 4.4 ± 0.2-fold increase in calcein accumulation upon P-gp inhibition using PSC833. For MRP2/4, a 3.0 ± 0.2-fold increased accumulation of glutathione-methylfluorescein (GS-MF) was observed upon inhibition with a combination of PSC833, MK571, and KO143. Semi-quantitative image processing methods for P-gp and MRP2/4 was demonstrated with corresponding Z'-factors of 0.1 ± 0.3 and 0.4 ± 0.1, respectively. In conclusion, we demonstrate a 3D microfluidic PTEC model valuable for screening of drug-transporter interactions that further allows multiplexing of endpoint read-outs for drug-transporter interactions and toxicity

    Organic anion transporter 1 and 3 influence cellular energy metabolism in renal proximal tubule cells

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    Organic anion transporter (OAT) 1 and 3 are, besides uptake transporters, key in several cellular metabolic pathways. The underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. Hence, we used human conditionally immortalized proximal tubule epithelial cells (ciPTEC) overexpressing OAT1 or OAT3 to gain insight into these mechanisms. In ciPTEC-OAT1 and -OAT3, extracellular lactate levels were decreased (by 77% and 71%, respectively), while intracellular ATP levels remained unchanged, suggesting a shift towards an oxidative phenotype upon OAT1 or OAT3 overexpression. This was confirmed by increased respiration of ciPTEC-OAT1 and -OAT3 (1.4-fold), a decreased sensitivity to respiratory inhibition, and characterized by a higher demand on mitochondrial oxidative capacity. In-depth profiling of tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle metabolites revealed reduced levels of intermediates converging into α-ketoglutarate in ciPTEC-OAT1 and -OAT3, which via 2-hydroxyglutarate metabolism explains the increased respiration. These interactions with TCA cycle metabolites were in agreement with metabolomic network modeling studies published earlier. Further studies using OAT or oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) inhibitors confirmed our idea that OATs are responsible for increased use and synthesis of α-ketoglutarate. In conclusion, our results indicate an increased α-ketoglutarate efflux by OAT1 and OAT3, resulting in a metabolic shift towards an oxidative phenotype

    Organic anion transporters 1 and 3 influence cellular energy metabolism in renal proximal tubule cells

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    Organic anion transporter (OAT) 1 and 3 are, besides uptake transporters, key in several cellular metabolic pathways. The underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. Hence, we used human conditionally immortalized proximal tubule epithelial cells (ciPTEC) overexpressing OAT1 or OAT3 to gain insight into these mechanisms. In ciPTEC-OAT1 and -OAT3, extracellular lactate levels were decreased (by 77% and 71%, respectively), while intracellular ATP levels remained unchanged, suggesting a shift towards an oxidative phenotype upon OAT1 or OAT3 overexpression. This was confirmed by increased respiration of ciPTEC-OAT1 and -OAT3 (1.4-fold), a decreased sensitivity to respiratory inhibition, and characterized by a higher demand on mitochondrial oxidative capacity. In-depth profiling of tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle metabolites revealed reduced levels of intermediates converging into α-ketoglutarate in ciPTEC-OAT1 and -OAT3, which via 2-hydroxyglutarate metabolism explains the increased respiration. These interactions with TCA cycle metabolites were in agreement with metabolomic network modeling studies published earlier. Further studies using OAT or oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) inhibitors confirmed our idea that OATs are responsible for increased use and synthesis of α-ketoglutarate. In conclusion, our results indicate an increased α-ketoglutarate efflux by OAT1 and OAT3, resulting in a metabolic shift towards an oxidative phenotype

    Human scattered tubular cells represent a heterogeneous population of glycolytic dedifferentiated proximal tubule cells

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    Scattered tubular cells (STCs) are a phenotypically distinct cell population in the proximal tubule that increase in number after acute kidney injury. We aimed to characterize the human STC population. Three-dimensional human tissue analysis revealed that STCs are preferentially located within inner bends of the tubule and are barely present in young kidney tissue (<2 years), and their number increases with age. Increased STC numbers were associated with acute tubular injury (kidney injury molecule 1) and interstitial fibrosis (alpha smooth muscle actin). Isolated CD13+CD24−CD133− proximal tubule epithelial cells (PTECs) and CD13+CD24+ and CD13+CD133+ STCs were analyzed using RNA sequencing. Transcriptome analysis revealed an upregulation of nuclear factor κB, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and inflammatory pathways in STCs, whereas metabolism, especially the tricarboxylic acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation, was downregulated, without showing signs of cellular senescence. Using immunostaining and a publicly available single-cell sequencing database of human kidneys, we demonstrate that STCs represent a heterogeneous population in a transient state. In conclusion, STCs are dedifferentiated PTECs showing a metabolic shift toward glycolysis, which could facilitate cellular survival after kidney injury

    Human scattered tubular cells represent a heterogeneous population of glycolytic dedifferentiated proximal tubule cells

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    Scattered tubular cells (STCs) are a phenotypically distinct cell population in the proximal tubule that increase in number after acute kidney injury. We aimed to characterize the human STC population. Three-dimensional human tissue analysis revealed that STCs are preferentially located within inner bends of the tubule and are barely present in young kidney tissue (<2 years), and their number increases with age. Increased STC numbers were associated with acute tubular injury (kidney injury molecule 1) and interstitial fibrosis (alpha smooth muscle actin). Isolated CD13+CD24−CD133− proximal tubule epithelial cells (PTECs) and CD13+CD24+ and CD13+CD133+ STCs were analyzed using RNA sequencing. Transcriptome analysis revealed an upregulation of nuclear factor κB, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and inflammatory pathways in STCs, whereas metabolism, especially the tricarboxylic acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation, was downregulated, without showing signs of cellular senescence. Using immunostaining and a publicly available single-cell sequencing database of human kidneys, we demonstrate that STCs represent a heterogeneous population in a transient state. In conclusion, STCs are dedifferentiated PTECs showing a metabolic shift toward glycolysis, which could facilitate cellular survival after kidney injury