21 research outputs found

    Experimental determination of Lamb wave dispersion diagrams over large frequency ranges in fiber metal laminates

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    Fiber metal laminates (FML) are of high interest for lightweight structures as they combine the advantageous material properties of metals and fiber-reinforced polymers. However, low-velocity impacts can lead to complex internal damage. Therefore, structural health monitoring with guided ultrasonic waves (GUW) is a methodology to identify such damage. Numerical simulations form the basis for corresponding investigations, but experimental validation of dispersion diagrams over a wide frequency range is hardly found in the literature. In this work the dispersive relation of GUWs is experimentally determined for an FML made of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer and steel. For this purpose, multi-frequency excitation signals are used to generate GUWs and the resulting wave field is measured via laser scanning vibrometry. The data are processed by means of a non-uniform discrete 2d Fourier transform and analyzed in the frequency-wavenumber domain. The experimental data are in excellent agreement with data from a numerical solution of the analytical framework. In conclusion, this work presents a highly automatable method to experimentally determine dispersion diagrams of GUWs in FML over large frequency ranges with high accuracy

    Analysis of vascularization in thyroid gland nodes with superb microvascular imaging (SMI) and CD34 expression histology: a pilot study

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    Background!#!The Doppler sonography technique known as 'superb microvascular imaging' (SMI) is advancing sonographic micro vascularization imaging in various disciplines. In this study, we aimed to determine whether SMI could reliably reproduce the blood flow in thyroid nodes and whether malignancy could be diagnosed, based on vascularization properties. Immunhistochemical staining by CD34 and SMI where used to determine the vascularization of nodes in terms of quantified vascularization parameters gained by computational evaluation.!##!Methods!#!We used image analysis programs to investigate whether the quantitative value for vascularization strength in the thyroid node, measured with SMI, was correlated with the actual degree of vascularization, determined microscopically. We included 16 patients that underwent thyroid resections. We prepared thyroid gland tissue slices for immunohistochemistry and labelled endothelial cells with CD34 to visualize blood vessels microscopically. We used image analysis programs, ImageJ, to quantify SMI Doppler sonographic measurements and CellProfiler to quantify CD34 expression in histological sections. We evaluated the numeric values for diagnostic value in node differentiation. Furthermore, we compared these values to check for correlations.!##!Results!#!Among the 16 nodes studied, three harboured malignant tumours (18.75%): two papillary and one follicular carcinoma. Among the 13 benign lesions (81.25%), four harboured follicular adenomas. Malignant and benign nodes were not significantly different in sonographic (0.88 ± 0.89 vs. 1.13 ± 0.19; p = 0.2790) or immunohistochemical measurements of vascularization strength (0.05 ± 0.05 vs. 0.08 ± 0.06; p = 0.2260).!##!Conclusion!#!We found a positive, significant correlation (r = 0.55588; p = 0.0254) between SMI (quantitative values for vascularization strength) and immunohistochemistry (CD34 staining) evaluations of thyroid nodes

    Alveoläre Echinokokkose: Eine Herausforderung für Diagnostik, Therapie und Klinisches Management

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    Die Echinokokkosen des Menschen sind Zoonosen. Sie entstehen als Folge einer Infektion mit den Larvenstadien der Gattung Echinococcus, bei denen der Mensch als Fehlzwischenwirt fungiert. Für Mitteleuropa bzw. Deutschland hu¬manmedizinisch relevant sind die zystische Echinokokkose, verursacht durch den Hundebandwurm Echinococcus granulosus, und die alveoläre Echinokokkose, verursacht durch den Fuchsbandwurm Echinococcus multilocularis. Da das Wachstumsverhalten der beiden Spezies unterschiedlich ist, resultieren zwei in Diagnostik, Therapie und Prognose verschiedene Erkrankungen, zudem gibt es epidemiologische Unterschiede zu beachten. Die Ausführungen im Epidemiologischen Bulletin beziehen sich ausschließlich auf die in Deutschland endemische Fuchsbandwurmerkrankung.Peer Reviewe

    Immunohistological detection of small particles of Echinococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus granulosus in lymph nodes is associated with enlarged lymph nodes in alveolar and cystic echinococcosis

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    BACKGROUND Alveolar (AE) and cystic echinococcosis (CE) in humans are caused by the metacestode of the tapeworms Echinococcus multilocularis and Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato (s.l.). Immunohistochemistry with the monoclonal antibodies (mAb) Em2G11, specific for AE, and the mAb EmG3, specific for AE and CE, is an important pillar of the histological diagnosis of these two infections. Our aim was to further evaluate mAb EmG3 in a diagnostic setting and to analyze in detail the localization, distribution, and impact of small particles of Echinococcus multilocularis (spems) and small particles of Echinococcus granulosus s.l. (spegs) on lymph nodes. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS We evaluated the mAb EmG3 in a cohort of formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE) specimens of AE (n = 360) and CE (n = 178). These samples originated from 156 AE-patients and 77 CE-patients. mAb EmG3 showed a specific staining of the metacestode stadium of E. multilocularis and E. granulosus s.l. and had a higher sensitivity for spems than mAb Em2G11. Furthermore, we detected spegs in the surrounding host tissue and in almost all tested lymph nodes (39/41) of infected patients. 38/47 lymph nodes of AE showed a positive reaction for spems with mAb EmG3, whereas 29/47 tested positive when stained with mAb Em2G11. Spegs were detected in the germinal centers, co-located with CD23-positive follicular dendritic cells, and were present in the sinuses. Likewise, lymph nodes with spems and spegs in AE and CE were significantly enlarged in size in comparison to the control group. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE mAb EmG3 is specific for AE and CE and is a valuable tool in the histological diagnosis of echinococcosis. Based on the observed staining patterns, we hypothesize that the interaction between parasite and host is not restricted to the main lesion since spegs are detected in lymph nodes. Moreover, in AE the number of spems-affected lymph nodes is higher than previously assumed. The enlargement of lymph nodes with spems and spegs points to an immunological interaction with the small immunogenic particles (spems and spegs) of Echinococcus spp