3,929 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Fitch, Trecia B. (Grand Lake Stream, Washington County)

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    Flaw IdeNtification Through The Application Of Loading (FINAL)

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    The teardown and inspection of aircraft, which have completed a significant period of service, is a central requirement of many Aircraft Structural Integrity Management Plans (ASIMP). The reasons for this include a need to inspect for the potential onset of wide spread fatigue damage and to assess the impact of corrosion and in-service mechanical damage. Furthermore, service life data from fleet aircraft are required to confirm laboratory fatigue test results and substantiate the assumptions made during safe-life calculations or probabilistic risk and reliability studies. A teardown and inspection of the fracture critical F/A-18 wing attachment bulkheads (or centre barrel - CB) has been initiated to achieve these goals for the RAAF's F/A-18 fleet. Use is being made of ex-service CBs supplied from the Canadian Forces and U.S. Navy (USN) CB replacement programs. Investigations suggest that the largest 'likely' cracks in the critical bulkheads will be less than 1 mm deep at the time a CB is replaced. Since the detectable crack depth threshold for current NDI (using high frequency eddy current (HFEC) detection) is 1.0 mm or greater, these cracks may not be found. To significantly improve the probability of detecting cracks that are below the lower threshold of NDI, an increase in their size by accelerated fatigue testing of the CBs has been implemented. Cyclic loads (using the mini-FALSTAFF spectrum) are applied to the wing attachment lugs of ex-service CBs in a test rig to simulate in-flight wing loads. The loading is of sufficient magnitude and duration to ensure that any existing cracks will be grown to a size that ensures their detection under laboratory conditions. Quantitative fractography has been performed on observed cracking to obtain crack growth data and to determine the size, nature and cause of discontinuities that initiate fatigue cracking. This paper will provide a summary of the teardown philosophy, methodology and preliminary results

    Photonic qubits, qutrits and ququads accurately prepared and delivered on demand

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    Reliable encoding of information in quantum systems is crucial to all approaches to quantum information processing or communication. This applies in particular to photons used in linear optics quantum computing (LOQC), which is scalable provided a deterministic single-photon emission and preparation is available. Here, we show that narrowband photons deterministically emitted from an atom-cavity system fulfill these requirements. Within their 500 ns coherence time, we demonstrate a subdivision into d time bins of various amplitudes and phases, which we use for encoding arbitrary qu-d-its. The latter is done deterministically with a fidelity >95% for qubits, verified using a newly developed time-resolved quantum-homodyne method.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Perceptions and discourses relating to genetic testing : interviews with people with Down syndrome

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    Background: The perceptions of individuals with Down syndrome are conspicuously absent in discussions about the use of prenatal testing. Method: Eight individuals with Down syndrome were interviewed about their views and experience of the topic of prenatal testing. Results: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis revealed two major themes with sub themes: 1) A devalued condition and a valued life and 2) A question of ‘want?’ Foucauldian Discourse Analysis highlighted two main discursive practices: 1) Social deviance and 2) Tragedy and catastrophe of the birth of a baby with Down syndrome. Conclusions: The findings suggest that individuals with intellectual disabilities can make a valuable contribution to discussions surrounding the use of prenatal testing. Implications for clinical practice include the use of information about Down syndrome given to prospective parents, and the possible psychological impact of prenatal testing practices on individuals with Down syndrome


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    Military campaigns in the 21st Century are extremely complex multi-dimensional undertakings. In today’s globalized reality, influence of wars will go beyond the theatre of operations into issues of international economy, human migration, airspace and sea lanes, thus adding new dimensions to campaign planning.  Converting theory and doctrine to practice is never easy.  Realistic training may be the best bridge to ensure that classroom knowledge is correctly applied to the real battlefield.  This paper looks at this challenge through the combined experience of six foreign exchange students who graduated from Indonesia’s Air Command and Staff College, 2018.  The purpose of this paper is to highlight some of the challenges to campaign planning, especially in light of multinational influences, extract lessons learned from recent military campaigns and then provide feedback for Indonesia’s wargaming training methodology as practiced in the air command and staff college.  The foundation to Indonesia’s wargaming exercises is the 14-step Military Decision Making Process (MDMP).  MDMP in its general form is part of the campaign planning processes for the authors’ respective countries too, varying only in the sequence and emphasis on steps and tasks within the process and strategies for exercising the process.  This paper will conclude that even the most theoretically sound campaign planning process would lead to operational failure, unless critical thinking & planning abilities are developed in upcoming military leaders through a sound understanding of theory, realistic wargaming, and deep analysis. This requires realistic training in an open learning environment, and a willingness to analyse one’s own country-specific mistakes and successes

    Photonic Quantum Logic with Narrowband Light from Single Atoms

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    Increasing control of single photons enables new applications of photonic quantum-enhanced technology and further experimental exploration of fundamental quantum phenomena. Here, we demonstrate quantum logic using narrow linewidth photons that are produced under nearly perfect quantum control from a single ^87Rb atom strongly coupled to a high-finesse cavity. We use a controlled- NOT gate integrated into a photonic chip to entangle these photons, and we observe non-classical correlations between events separated by periods exceeding the travel time across the chip by three orders of magnitude. This enables quantum technology that will use the properties of both narrowband single photon sources and integrated quantum photonics, such as networked quantum computing, narrow linewidth quantum enhanced sensing and atomic memories.Comment: 5 pates, 3 figure

    The Change Up Project : using social norming theory with young people to address domestic abuse and promote healthy relationships

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    This paper presents the findings of a secondary analysis of data collected during a pilot project, Change Up, which used a social norming approach (SNA) to address domestic violence and abuse (DVA) with young people aged 13–14. A SNA is based upon a well-articulated theory of behavior and evidence-based methodology for addressing social justice issues. This reflects a paradigm shift focusing upon strengths and positives, rather than pathologizing behaviours. Adopting a SNA, the Change Up project comprised a baseline survey followed by the intervention (workshop and peer-to-peer campaign), ending with a post-intervention survey. It was delivered in two high schools in a UK city between 2015 and 16. A secondary analysis of the survey data collected during the surveys and qualitative data collected at the end of each workshop was undertaken and this is reported here. Change Up data illustrates that most young people in the sample thought that DVA is unacceptable. There was, however, a gender difference in the norms held about the social acceptability of girls using physical violence against boys (and vice versa). The analysis of Change Up data indicates that a social norming approach to DVA programs aimed at young people can be successful in promoting attitude and behaviour change. It also highlights a continuing need for young people’s education about relationships and gender equality

    Achievement of combined goals of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol with three different statins: results from VOYAGER

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    Background: Guidelines suggest that the combination of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C) is the most clinically relevant goal for lipid-lowering treatments. Methods: Data from VOYAGER, an individual patient data meta-analysis including 32,258 patients from 37 clinical trials, was used to determine the percentage of patients reaching combined goals of LDL-C and non-HDL-C following treatment with simvastatin, atorvastatin, or rosuvastatin. Paired comparisons were made between each dose of rosuvastatin and the same or higher doses of simvastatin and atorvastatin. Results: Each dose of rosuvastatin brought significantly more patients to the combined goal of LDL-C < 100 mg/dL and non-HDL-C < 130 mg/dL than the same or double dose of atorvastatin; atorvastatin 80 mg was significantly superior to rosuvastatin 10 mg (all p < 0.001). Each dose of rosuvastatin helped significantly more patients reach the combined goal than any dose of simvastatin (all p < 0.001), except for rosuvastatin 10 mg versus simvastatin 80 mg (non-significant). Also, each dose of rosuvastatin helped significantly more patients to reach the combined goal of LDL-C < 70 mg/dL and non-HDL-C < 100 mg/dL than the same or double dose of atorvastatin (all p < 0.001). Every dose of rosuvastatin was significantly superior to all doses of simvastatin (all p ≤ 0.020), except for rosuvastatin 10 mg versus simvastatin 40 mg and 80 mg (non-significant). Conclusions: Physicians' choice of statin and dose is important in helping patients achieve the combined LDL-C and non-HDL-C goals recommended in established guidelines.Björn W. Karlson, Peter P. Toth, Michael K. Palmer, Philip J. Barter, Stephen J. Nicholl

    Effect of long-term dietary sphingomyelin supplementation on atherosclerosis in mice

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    Sphingomyelin (SM) levels in the circulation correlate positively with atherosclerosis burden. SM is a ubiquitous component of human diets, but it is unclear if dietary SM increases circulating SM levels. Dietary choline increases atherosclerosis by raising circulating trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) levels in mice and humans. As SM has a choline head group, we ask in this study if dietary SM accelerates atherosclerotic lesion development by increasing circulating SM and TMAO levels. Three studies were performed: (Study 1) C57BL/6 mice were maintained on a high fat diet with or without SM supplementation for 4 weeks prior to quantification of serum TMAO and SM levels; (Study 2) atherosclerosis was studied in apoE-/- mice after 16 weeks of a high fat diet without or with SM supplementation and (Study 3) apoE-/- mice were maintained on a chow diet for 19 weeks without or with SM supplementation and antibiotic treatment prior to quantification of atherosclerotic lesions and serum TMAO and SM levels. SM consumption did not increase circulating SM levels or atherosclerosis in high fat-fed apoE-/- mice. Serum TMAO levels in C57BL/6 mice were low and had no effect atherosclerosis lesion development. Dietary SM supplementation significantly reduced atherosclerotic lesion area in the aortic arch of chow-fed apoE-/- mice. This study establishes that dietary SM does not affect circulating SM levels or increase atherosclerosis in high fat-fed apoE-/- mice, but it is anti-atherogenic in chow-fed apoE-/- mice.Rosanna W.S. Chung, Zeneng Wang, Christina A. Bursill, Ben J. Wu, Philip J. Barter, Kerry-Anne Ry
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