23 research outputs found

    Identifying levels of general distress in first line mental health services:can GP- and eHealth clients' scores be meaningfully compared?

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    BACKGROUND: The Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire (4DSQ) (Huisarts Wetenschap 39: 538-47, 1996) is a self-report questionnaire developed in the Netherlands to distinguish non-specific general distress from depression, anxiety, and somatization. This questionnaire is often used in different populations and settings and there is a paper-and-pencil and computerized version. METHODS: We used item response theory to investigate whether the 4DSQ measures the same construct (structural equivalence) in the same way (scalar equivalence) in two samples comprised of primary mental health care attendees: (i) clients who visited their General Practitioner responded to the 4DSQ paper-and-pencil version, and (ii) eHealth clients responded to the 4DSQ computerized version. Specifically, we investigated whether the distress items functioned differently in eHealth clients compared to General Practitioners' clients and whether these differences lead to substantial differences at scale level. RESULTS: Results showed that in general structural equivalence holds for the distress scale. This means that the distress scale measures the same construct in both General Practitioners' clients and eHealth clients. Furthermore, although eHealth clients have higher observed distress scores than General Practitioners' clients, application of a multiple group generalized partial credit response model suggests that scalar equivalence holds. CONCLUSIONS: The same cutoff scores can be used for classifying respondents as having low, moderate and high levels of distress in both settings

    De geprotocolleerde Interapy-behandeling van depressie via het internet; resultaten van een gerandomiseerde trial

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    Psychologische behandelingen via internet bieden een nieuwe mogelijkheid voor de geestelijke gezondheidszorg. In samenwerking met de Stichting Mentrum ggz Amsterdam heeft Interapy een behandeling voor depressie via internet opgezet. De behandeling bestaat uit cognitief-gedragstherapeutische interventies, zoals psycho-educatie, schrijfopdrachten, registratie, activatie, het uitdagen van negatieve automatische gedachten en terugvalpreventie. Dit artikel beschrijft de procedure, de behandeling en de resultaten van een vergelijkende studie onder cliënten die matig tot ernstig depressief waren. De cliënten die direct actief werden behandeld (N = 32) verbeterden significant meer dan de cliënten in de psycho-educatieconditie (N = 14). Deze tweede groep kreeg de actieve behandeling ongeveer twaalf weken later. De effecten waren groot. In de actief behandelde groep liet 75 procent van de cliënten klinisch relevante verbetering zien, in de psycho-educatieconditie was dat percentage 36. Uit de follow-up na zes weken bleek dat de verbeteringen standhielden

    Efficacy and effectiveness of online cognitive behavioral treatment: a decade of interapy research

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    Since 1996, researchers of the Interapy research group of the University of Amsterdam have been examining the effects of online cognitive behavioral treatment (online CBT). Over the years, the group conducted nine controlled trials of online CBT for a variety of mental health disorders, among a total of 840 participants. These studies suggest that online CBT is a viable and effective alternative to face-to-face treatment. Treatment adherence was 82%, and reductions in psychopathology represented a large between-group effect size of SMD = 0.9 (95% CI: .7 to 1.1), which was maintained over long periods. The research culminated in the foundation of the Interapy clinic, which received Dutch health regulatory body approval in 2005. Since then, costs of online CBT are reimbursed through public health insurance. A large study of the treatment outcome of 1,500 patients of the Interapy clinic showed that effects in clinical practice are similar to those observed in the controlled trials, and comparable to selected benchmarks of naturalistic studies of face-to-face CBT. The accumulated evidence provides compelling support for the efficacy and effectiveness of online CBT

    Efficacy and effectiveness of online cognitive behavioral treatment:a decade of interapy research

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    Since 1996, researchers of the Interapy research group of the University of Amsterdam have been examining the effects of online cognitive behavioral treatment (online CBT). Over the years, the group conducted nine controlled trials of online CBT for a variety of mental health disorders, among a total of 840 participants. These studies suggest that online CBT is a viable and effective alternative to face-to-face treatment. Treatment adherence was 82%, and reductions in psychopathology represented a large between-group effect size of SMD = 0.9 (95% CI: .7 to 1.1), which was maintained over long periods. The research culminated in the foundation of the Interapy clinic, which received Dutch health regulatory body approval in 2005. Since then, costs of online CBT are reimbursed through public health insurance. A large study of the treatment outcome of 1,500 patients of the Interapy clinic showed that effects in clinical practice are similar to those observed in the controlled trials, and comparable to selected benchmarks of naturalistic studies of face-to-face CBT. The accumulated evidence provides compelling support for the efficacy and effectiveness of online CBT

    Web-based therapist-assisted cognitive behavioral treatment of panic symptoms:a randomized controlled trial with a three-year follow-up

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    Background: Internet-delivered treatment may reduce barriers to care in those unwilling or unable to access traditional forms of treatment. Objective: To assesses the efficacy of web-based therapist-assisted cognitive behavioral treatment (web-CBT) of panic symptoms. Design: A randomized waiting-list controlled trial with an uncontrolled three-year follow-up. Participants: A community sample of 58 participants with chronic panic symptoms of varying severity (immediate treatment: n = 27, waiting-list control: n = 31). Outcome measures: The primary outcome measures were a one-week Panic Diary and the Panic Disorder Severity Scale - Self-Report (PDSS-SR); secondary measures were the Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire (ACQ), the Body Sensations Questionnaire (BSQ), the Mobility Inventory - Alone subscale (MI-AAL), and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-42). Results: In the RCT, 54 participants (93%) completed posttest measurements. With regard to the primary outcome measures, intention-to-treat ANCOVAs revealed that participants in the treatment condition improved more than the participants in the waiting-list control condition (p < .03), with a pooled between-group effect size of d = .7. After three years (n = 47; 81% study compliance), effects were more pronounced

    Improving Web-Based Treatment Intake for Multiple Mental and Substance Use Disorders by Text Mining and Machine Learning: Algorithm Development and Validation

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    Background: Text mining and machine learning are increasingly used in mental health care practice and research, potentially saving time and effort in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients. Previous studies showed that mental disorders can be detected based on text, but they focused on screening for a single predefined disorder instead of multiple disorders simultaneously. Objective: The aim of this study is to develop a Dutch multi-class text-classification model to screen for a range of mental disorders to refer new patients to the most suitable treatment. Methods: On the basis of textual responses of patients (N=5863) to a questionnaire currently used for intake and referral, a 7-class classifier was developed to distinguish among anxiety, panic, posttraumatic stress, mood, eating, substance use, and somatic symptom disorders. A linear support vector machine was fitted using nested cross-validation grid search. Results: The highest classification rate was found for eating disorders (82%). The scores for panic (55%), posttraumatic stress (52%), mood (50%), somatic symptom (50%), anxiety (35%), and substance use disorders (33%) were lower, likely because of overlapping symptoms. The overall classification accuracy (49%) was reasonable for a 7-class classifier. Conclusions: A classification model was developed that could screen text for multiple mental health disorders. The screener resulted in an additional outcome score that may serve as input for a formal diagnostic interview and referral. This may lead to a more efficient and standardized intake process

    Web-based therapist-assisted cognitive behavioral treatment of panic symptoms: A randomised controlled trial with a three-year follow-up

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    Background: Internet-delivered treatment may reduce barriers to care in those unwilling or unable to access traditional forms of treatment. Objective: To assesses the efficacy of web-based therapist-assisted cognitive behavioral treatment (web-CBT) of panic symptoms. Design: A randomized waiting-list controlled trial with an uncontrolled three-year follow-up. Participants: A community sample of 58 participants with chronic panic symptoms of varying severity (immediate treatment: n = 27, waiting-list control: n = 31). Outcome measures: The primary outcome measures were a one-week Panic Diary and the Panic Disorder Severity Scale - Self-Report (PDSS-SR); secondary measures were the Agoraphobic Cognitions Questionnaire (ACQ), the Body Sensations Questionnaire (BSQ), the Mobility Inventory - Alone subscale (MI-AAL), and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-42). Results: In the RCT, 54 participants (93%) completed posttest measurements. With regard to the primary outcome measures, intention-to-treat ANCOVAs revealed that participants in the treatment condition improved more than the participants in the waiting-list control condition (p < .03), with a pooled between-group effect size of d = .7. After three years (n = 47; 81% study compliance), effects were more pronounced

    E-mailed standardized cognitive behavioural treatment of work-related stress:a randomized controlled trial

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effects of a 7-week standardized cognitive behavioural treatment of work-related stress conducted via e-mail. A total of 342 people applied for treatment in reaction to a newspaper article. Initial screening reduced the sample to a heterogeneous (sub)clinical group of 239 participants. Participants were assigned randomly to a waiting list condition (n = 62), or to immediate treatment (n = 177). A follow-up was conducted 3 years after inception of the treatment. The outcome measures used were the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-42) and the Emotional Exhaustion scale of the Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey (MBI-GS). Fifty participants (21%) dropped out. Both groups showed statistically significant improvements. Intention-to-treat analysis of covariance (ANCOVAs) revealed that participants in the treatment condition improved significantly more than those in the waiting control condition (0.001<p < or = 0.025). In the treatment group, the effects were large to moderate (0.9 (stress) > or = d > or = 0.5 (anxiety)). The between-group effects ranged from d = 0.6 (stress) to d = 0.1 (anxiety). At follow-up, the effects were more pronounced, but this result requires replication in view of high attrition at follow-up. The results warrant further research on Internet-driven standardized cognitive behavioural therapy for work-related stress. Such research should include the direct comparison of this treatment with face-to-face treatment, and should address the optimal level of therapist contact in Internet-driven treatment

    The effectiveness of online cognitive behavioral treatment in routine clinical practice

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    Context Randomized controlled trails have identified online cognitive behavioral therapy as an efficacious intervention in the management of common mental health disorders. Objective To assess the effectiveness of online CBT for different mental disorders in routine clinical practice. Design An uncontrolled before-after study, with measurements at baseline, posttest, 6-week follow-up, and 1-year follow-up. Participants & Setting 1500 adult patients (female: 67%; mean age: 40 years) with a GP referral for psychotherapy were treated at a Dutch online mental health clinic for symptoms of depression (n = 413), panic disorder (n = 139), posttraumatic stress (n = 478), or burnout (n = 470). Interventions Manualized, web-based, therapist-assisted CBT, of which the efficacy was previously demonstrated in a series of controlled trials. Standardized duration of treatment varied from 5 weeks (online CBT for Posttraumatic stress) to 16 weeks (online CBT for Depression). Main Outcome Measures Validated self-report questionnaires of specific and general psychopathology, including the Beck Depression Inventory, the Impact of Event Scale, the Panic Disorder Severity Scale-Self Report, the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory, and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales. Results Treatment adherence was 71% (n = 1071). Study attrition was 21% at posttest, 33% at 6-week FU and 65% at 1-year FU. Mixed-model repeated measures regression identified large short-term reductions in all measures of primary symptoms (d = 1.9±0.2 to d = 1.2±0.2; P<.001), which sustained up to one year after treatment. At posttest, rates of reliable improvement and recovery were 71% and 52% in the completer sample (full sample: 55%/40%). Patient satisfaction was high. Conclusions Results suggest that online therapist-assisted CBT may be as effective in routine practice as it is in clinical trials. Although pre-treatment withdrawal and long-term outcomes require further study, results warrant continued implementation of online CBT