1,392 research outputs found

    A Different Kind of Wealth: Mapping a Baseline of African Community Foundations

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    This article focuses on how building on existing traditions of solidarity is challenging the conventions of mainstream developmen

    Zaidi Ya Kitu Chenye Mwanzo Hafifu? Kuibuka Kwa Taasisi Jamii Kama Dhana Mpya Ya Maendeleo

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    This paper sets out findings from a baseline study of 50 applications for grants from the Global Fund for Community Foundations. The paper uses information gained from the processes of assessing the grants to learn lessons about the state of the field, what it can contribute in terms of outcomes and impact, and hypotheses in taking forward work of this nature. The paper suggests that community philanthropy may have an important role to play in creating a new paradigm for development

    The New Generation of Community Foundations

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    Community foundations have enjoyed considerable growth in recent years, not only in their number but also in their character. This emergence of a "new generation" of community foundations is occurring within a larger context of other emerging forms of "social solidarity" movements and institutions, including rural development philanthropy, member-based organizing and other hybrid forms of citizen-led actions. In an effort to strengthen a conceptual framework for this phenomenon, this paper identifies synergies and linkages across networks (and their respective bodies of literature) that may previously not have been well connected

    What Does Community Philanthropy Look Like? Case Studies on Community Philanthropy, Vol. 1

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    What makes the global spread of community philanthropy organizations so exciting is the variety of forms they take, adaptations to different local contexts, challenges, resources, and leaders. The core similarities matter -- all in some way help geographic communities mobilize financial and other kinds of capital for improvement of the lives of residents. But so do the differences. Some have endowments, some don't. Some are large, more are small. Some call themselves community foundations, others do not. This diversity is one sign of community philanthropy's flexibility, potential, and rising popularity.But it also presents a challenge to those who want to better understand and support community philanthropy, especially on a global level. A practice so varied, so organic and tied to local conditions, complicates classification, resists general conclusions, and calls for lots of learning through example. A movement relatively young and quickly evolving, with a limited body of applied research, requires ongoing documentation and study.The case studies presented here provide intriguing snapshots of locally driven development in communities across the globe

    What makes a strong ecosystem of support to philanthropy?

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    The stakes over the development of a sound and strong system to support and develop philanthropy have never been higher. In many regions the infrastructure is still emerging and needs to be strengthened and where it is well developed it often faces challenges of sustainability and duplications. This paper, published by WINGS,  provides information and key messages to guide the reflections of funders, philanthropy support leaders and other actors, in developing their infrastructure and turning it into a proper ecosytem. It gives a picture of organizations, functions and activities that are needed for philanthropy infrastructure to play its role unleashing the potential of philanthropy and calls for a new paradigm of collaboration within the field.  More than a publication, it is a step in a long-term process of reflection and action to develop a strong and interconnected global ecosystem of support to philanthropy

    The Value of Community Philanthropy: Results from a Consultation

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    This report sets out results from a consultation to explore ways to stimulate and develop community philanthropy as a means of contributing to the sustainability of civil society and supporting the effectiveness of development aid

    Grantmaking for Social Justice and Peace: Some Practical Lessons

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    This study aims to share the experiences and practices of many different funders and, in doing so, to encourage self reflection. Whether it is framing priority issues, designing grant programmes or listing selection criteria, each of these steps either includes or excludes options for change. What are often seen as technical considerations can, in fact, be incredibly important in identifying potential grantee and collaborative partners. Power does not only lie in foundation boards and chief executives, it is also found in the niches of programme decision making, outreach and administration. Practical Lesson

    More Than the Poor Cousin? The Emergence of Community Foundations as a New Development Paradigm

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    This paper sets out findings from a baseline study of 50 applications for grants from the Global Fund for Community Foundations. The paper uses information gained from the processes of assessing the grants to learn lessons about the state of the field, what it can contribute in terms of outcomes and impact, and hypotheses in taking forward work of this nature. The paper suggests that community philanthropy may have an important role to play in creating a new paradigm for development. This paper is based on a cohort of grantees that will be followed up as part of evaluation work by the Global Fund for Community Foundations

    Understanding Resilience in International Development

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    In the discourse of development and philanthropy, the term resilience is used across the spectrum between two poles. In some contexts, resilience means weathering the transition to change, while in others it implies endurance and adaptation and is used to protect the status quo. In this paper, we explore this paradox. The goal is to develop an understanding of resilience in development and philanthropy so that it can be applied more meaningfully in our work.This paper is based on a dialogue between 14 practitioners from civil society and philanthropy organized in December 2021 with Eva Rehse of Global Greengrants Fund and Halima Mahomed, a research fellow at TrustAfrica, as provocateurs who drew out the tension between two poles of resilience and set up the conditions for us to explore where we stand

    Measuring What Matters

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    This consultation paper is designed to advance a conversation about measurement in civil society. The goal is to identify more meaningful approaches to organizational learning and accountability. The paper is jointly published by published by Candid, the Global Fund for Community Foundations (GFCF) and Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace (PSJP). Over a two?year period, 130 people from civil society from all over the world came together in a series of parallel and intersecting conversations, online and in?person, to co?create this document. It is now being published to widen those discussions and to advance the co?creation process still further. A list of those involved forms Annex A