439 research outputs found

    Two-photon Double Ionization of H2_2 in Intense Femtosecond Laser Pulses

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    Triple-differential cross sections for two-photon double ionization of molecular hydrogen are presented for a central photon energy of 30 eV. The calculations are based on a fully {\it ab initio}, nonperturbative, approach to the time-dependent Schroedinger equation in prolate spheroidal coordinates, discretized by a finite-element discrete-variable-representation. The wave function is propagated in time for a few femtoseconds using the short, iterative Lanczos method to study the correlated response of the two photoelectrons to short, intense laser radiation. The current results often lie in between those of Colgan {\it et al} [J. Phys. B {\bf 41} (2008) 121002] and Morales {\it et al} [J. Phys. B {\bf 41} (2009) 134013]. However, we argue that these individual predictions should not be compared directly to each other, but preferably to experimental data generated under well-defined conditions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Application of the Complex Kohn Variational Method to Attosecond Spectroscopy

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    The complex Kohn variational method is extended to compute light-driven electronic transitions between continuum wavefunctions in atomic and molecular systems. This development enables the study of multiphoton processes in the perturbative regime for arbitrary light polarization. As a proof of principle, we apply the method to compute the photoelectron spectrum arising from the pump-probe two-photon ionization of helium induced by a sequence of extreme ultraviolet and infrared-light pulses. We compare several two-photon ionization pump-probe spectra, resonant with the (2s2p)1P1o Feshbach resonance, with independent simulations based on the atomic B-spline close- coupling STOCK code, and find good agreement between the two approaches. This new finite-pulse perturbative approach is a step towards the ab initio study of weak-field attosecond processes in poly-electronic molecules

    Breakup of the aligned H2_2 molecule by xuv laser pulses: A time-dependent treatment in prolate spheroidal coordinates

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    We have carried out calculations of the triple-differential cross section for one-photon double ionization of molecular hydrogen for a central photon energy of 7575~eV, using a fully {\it ab initio}, nonperturbative approach to solve the time-dependent \Schro equation in prolate spheroidal coordinates. The spatial coordinates ξ\xi and η\eta are discretized in a finite-element discrete-variable representation. The wave packet of the laser-driven two-electron system is propagated in time through an effective short iterative Lanczos method to simulate the double ionization of the hydrogen molecule. For both symmetric and asymmetric energy sharing, the present results agree to a satisfactory level with most earlier predictions for the absolute magnitude and the shape of the angular distributions. A notable exception, however, concerns the predictions of the recent time-independent calculations based on the exterior complex scaling method in prolate spheroidal coordinates [Phys.~Rev.~A~{\bf 82}, 023423 (2010)]. Extensive tests of the numerical implementation were performed, including the effect of truncating the Neumann expansion for the dielectronic interaction on the description of the initial bound state and the predicted cross sections. We observe that the dominant escape mode of the two photoelectrons dramatically depends upon the energy sharing. In the parallel geometry, when the ejected electrons are collected along the direction of the laser polarization axis, back-to-back escape is the dominant channel for strongly asymmetric energy sharing, while it is completely forbidden if the two electrons share the excess energy equally.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    A Multi-Center Quadrature Scheme for the Molecular Continuum

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    A common way to evaluate electronic integrals for polyatomic molecules is to use Becke's partitioning scheme [J. Chem. Phys.88, 2547 (1988)] in conjunction with overlapping grids centered at each atomic site. The Becke scheme was designed for integrands that fall off rapidly at large distances, such as those approximating bound electronic states. When applied to states in the electronic continuum, however, Becke scheme exhibits slow convergence and it is highly redundant. Here, we present a modified version of Becke scheme that is applicable to functions of the electronic continuum, such as those involved in molecular photoionization and electron-molecule scattering, and which ensures convergence and efficiency comparable to those realized in the calculation of bound states. In this modified scheme, the atomic weights already present in Becke's partition are smoothly switched off within a range of few bond lengths from their respective nuclei, and complemented by an asymptotically unitary weight. The atomic integrals are evaluated on small spherical grids, centered on each atom, with size commensurate to the support of the corresponding atomic weight. The residual integral of the interstitial and long-range region is evaluated with a central master grid. The accuracy of the method is demonstrated by evaluating integrals involving integrands containing Gaussian Type Orbitals and Yukawa potentials, on the atomic sites, as well as spherical Bessel functions centered on the master grid. These functions are representative of those encountered in realistic electron-scattering and photoionization calculations in polyatomic molecules

    Vortex stability of interacting Bose-Einstein condensates confined in anisotropic harmonic traps

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    Vortex states of weakly-interacting Bose-Einstein condensates confined in three-dimensional rotating harmonic traps are investigated numerically at zero temperature. The ground state in the rotating frame is obtained by propagating the Gross-Pitaevskii equation for the condensate in imaginary time. The total energies between states with and without a vortex are compared, yielding critical rotation frequencies that depend on the anisotropy of the trap and the number of atoms. Vortices displaced from the center of nonrotating traps are found to have long lifetimes for sufficiently large numbers of atoms. The relationship between vortex stability and bound core states is explored.Comment: 5 pages, 2 embedded figures, revtex. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let
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