39 research outputs found

    Can a Free Press Survive Its Postal Nightmare

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    Statement of Senator Barry Goldwater Before Subcommittee on Irrigation and Reclamation Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee

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    Document: Statement of Senator Barry Goldwater Before Subcommittee on Irrigation & Reclamation, Senate Interior & Insular Committee, April 23, 196

    Transcription of Telegram for the President

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    Telegram: From Barry Goldwater, to The President, June 8, 1964 (thermofax

    Letter - United States Senate

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    Letter: From Senator Barry Goldwater, to Carl Hayden, April 16, 1963 (thermofax

    Statement of Senator Barry Goldwater Before Subcommittee on Irrigation and Reclamation Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee

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    Document: Statement of Senator Barry Goldwater Before Subcommittee on Irrigation & Reclamation, Senate Interior & Insular Committee, April 23, 1964, page 2-2- Two weeks of testimony have shown me that California's intentions are to upset the findings of the Supreme Court by legislation. I believe also that we would be tampering dangerously with Western water concepts if we were to adopt the proposed amendment guaranteeing California 4.4 million acre feet of water from the Colorado above considerations to the other states. I believe there are valid constitutional arguments against such a law and I believe also that we would be setting an unwise precedent if we were to accept this amendment. I suggest that the problems of all the states concerned can be reasonably solved in the absence of such a guarantee. I believe, Mr. Chairman, that the Committee has ample evidence to proceed with its consideration of legislation which would result in the delivery of Arizona's share of the Colorado River water into Arizona where it is so urgently needed.Epson Perfection 4870 Photo, 400 dpi, 8 bit, 734,280 byte

    Letter - United States Senate

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    Letter: From Senator Barry Goldwater, to Carl Hayden, April 16, 1963 (thermofax), page 1(??) United States Senate WASHINGTON D.C. April 10, 1963 The Honorable (??)enry M(??) Chairman Interior and Insular (??) 3106 (??) Senate (??) Building Washington 25, D.C. Dear Scoop ! In your Létter of April 5, you re(??) (??) comments on the applications of the Bureau of Reclamation to (??) (??) 13,000 acres in the Kaibab National (??) as an al(??)nate (??) (??) proposed Marbles Canyon D(??). I appreciate the opportunity to offer (??) views on this application. First, I think it should be poi(??) out that the Arizona Power Authority has an application penning before the (??) Power Commission for a li(??) to construct, operate, and (??) (??) development at Marble Canyon. This application was file with the e(??)ment of interested (??) agencies and delegation on June (??) 19(??). Until fairly recent (??) this application had the (??) support of the Arizona (??) delegation as well as interested state officers. Late in 1961, the Secretary of the Interior interpose an objection to the application, yet (??) the brief presented by him, the (??) in September, 19(??), issuance a statement favorin the issuance of the lice (??) to Arizona and appeared on the thresheld of a decision in favo(??) (??) Arizona Power Authority when the Secretary of the Interior (??) (??) (??). The lisens application was furtune apropriate with the introduction this seasion of (??) of (??) (??) (??) FPC from issuing any li(??) (??) (??) Canyon and Hoover Dem until the (??) of (??). Scoop, I am now, as I have always (??) in favor of the application of the A(??) Power Authority to construct Marble Canyon Dem. The application (??) (??) of certain lande described in the letter of Mach (??), 196(??) (??) (??) F. Doyle, asistant directer of the Bureau of Land (??)ces ealy be interpreted as one more step on the part of the Department of the Interior to delay and forcetall approval of the APA application. (??) libe to quote a message which I received on April 9, (??) (??) (??), Chairman of the Arizona Power Authority, with (??) (??) (??) (??) (??):Epson Perfection 4870 Photo, 400 dpi, 24 bit, 2,117,129 byte

    Letter - United States Senate

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    Letter: From Senator Barry Goldwater, to Carl Hayden, April 16, 1963 (thermofax), page 2The Hooverable Henry N. Jacks -2- April 16, 1963 "Interior's proposed power site with (??) Marble Canyon (??) Site at river mile (??) is the site covered by Arizona's application to the Federal Power Commission for liconse to contract Marble Canyon, project (??) by Interior to (??) public (??) which purposed (??) site at river mile 32. (??) public (??) the proposed (??) are in total (??) of Arizona's application and section 24 of the Federal Power Act which states: (??) States included in any proposed project under are provisions of this part shall from the date of filling or application (??) entry, locations or other disposal under the (??) otherwice directed by the Commission or (??) Arizona Power Authority of course, opposal to the attempt by Interior to further limit the juristiction in the (??) Scoop, I strongly protect the proposed withdraval of this site by the Bureau of Reclamation. The State of Arizona is ancquately prepared and able to move (??) with the construction of Marble Canyon Dem. There is so logical reason for Marble Canyon to be a federal project so long as Arizona is able and willing to provide for its construction. I am in faver of federal construction in cases where private and state funds are (??) available or are not able to (??) job. But, this is overtainly not so in the instance of Marble Canyon (??) not the delays is licensing this project been insticated, I am sure that Arizona (??) already be pourin concrete at the (??). I support of this letter, I am (??) a copy of the latest report of the Arizona Power Authority which (??) with the Marble Canyon story. I submit this statement for Consideration of your committee with the hope that approval will be (??) the application of Reclamation to withdraw lanis at the site of the Marble Canyon project. Sencerely, (??)Epson Perfection 4870 Photo, 400 dpi, 24 bit, 2,025,139 byte

    Statement of Senator Barry Goldwater Before Subcommittee on Irrigation and Reclamation Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee

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    Document: Statement of Senator Barry Goldwater Before Subcommittee on Irrigation & Reclamation, Senate Interior & Insular Committee, April 23, 1964, page 1Statement of Senator Barry Goldwater Before Subcommittee on Irrigation and Reclamation Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee April 23, 1964 First, I want to thank the Chairman and the members of this Subcommittee for permitting me the privilege of sitting as a participant during these hearings. This is a courtesy that I deeply appreciate because of the vital interest of my state in the legislation before us. I would like to request that before this record is closed, within the next few days, I would be able to file, with Senator Hayden, a more complete statement which would deal point by point with some of the issues raised during the past two weeks of hearings. However, prior to that, I think it can be said that what we are seeking to develop is some sort of a workable regional water plan which will satisfy the needs of the lower basin states. I recognize many of the problems which California faces, but I recognize also that we have the decision of the Supreme Court of the Arizona v. California case behind us and that we must work forward to implement this decree. For this reason, and I speak for myself, I would not be opposed to a regional plan which establishes a lower basin account, provided such a proposal embodies the Central Arizona Project as set forth in S. 1658, as first priority, and provided further that such a regional plan is not used as a vehicle to delay the construction of the Central Arizona Project. I cannot, of course, commit myself to the details of such a regional plan at this point, but I believe that the hearings so far have shown that it is entirely possible for a reasonable plan to be developed. Because of the natural limitations of the Colorado River, I think it is evident that eventually we must look to a solution to a broad Western plan or an expanded concept of a combination of Canadian and American water to meet the needs of the entire West.Epson Perfection 4870 Photo, 400 dpi, 24 bit, 1,351,890 byte