3 research outputs found

    Administrative management in the budget process of the education sector in subnational governments of Peru

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar la influencia de la gestión administrativa en el proceso presupuestal en una dependencia de un gobierno regional en el Perú; La metodología seguida fue de enfoque cuantitativo, para ello se ha recurrido a un diseño no experimental, de recojo de datos en un solo momento, tomando como informantes a 147 servidores públicos, se aplicó un instrumento tipo Likert a través de la encuesta, se procesó y analizó los datos con estadística descriptiva, utilizando tablas de frecuencias; en el caso de resultados inferenciales se ha determinado a través de la prueba estadística regresión logística ordinal; Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el 61.9% de encuestados considera que la gestión administrativa es buena y el 51% considera que el proceso presupuestal es aceptable,  así mismo se ha encontrado un seudo R-cuadrado de 0.918 calculado con la prueba de Nagelkerke, con una significancia de 0.000 menor a p=0.05, lo que nos indica que la gestión administrativa explica el 91.8% del comportamiento de la variable proceso presupuestal; Concluyendo que existe una alta influencia de la gestión administrativa en el proceso presupuestal en una dependencia del sector educación en un gobierno regional en el Perú.The main objective of this research is to determine the influence of administrative management in the budgeting process in a dependency of a regional government in Peru; The one followed was a quantitative approach, for this a non-experimental design has been used, data collection in a single moment, taking 147 public servants as informants, a Likert-type instrument was applied through the survey, it was processed and analyzed the data with descriptive statistics, using frequency tables; In the case of inferential results, it has been determined through the ordinal logistic regression statistical test; The results obtained show that 61.9% of respondents consider that administrative management is good and 51% consider that the budget process is acceptable, likewise a pseudo R-square of 0.918 has been found calculated with the Nagelkerke test, with a significance of 0.000 less than p = 0.05, which indicates that administrative management explains 91.8% of the behavior of the budget process variable; Concluding that there is a high influence of administrative management in the budget process in a dependency of the education sector in a regional government in Peru

    The role of entrepreneurship and green innovation intention on sustainable development: moderating impact of inclusive leadership

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    Today, sustainable development (SD) is a worldwide requirement due to the numerous environmental challenges that require the attention of academics. Consequently, the current study explores the effect of entrepreneurial and green innovation aims on SD in Peru. In addition, the study examines the moderating effect of inclusive leadership on entrepreneurship, green innovation intention, and sustainable development in Peru. The study utilized primary data collection instruments such as questionnaires to collect information from the selected respondents. The paper also used smart-PLS to examine the data's dependability and the correlation between factors. In Peru, entrepreneurship and green innovation intentions were found to have a good relationship with sustainable development. In addition, the data demonstrated that inclusive leadership moderates the relationship between entrepreneurship, green innovation intention, and SD in Peru. The essay supports policy-making authorities in formulating SD-related policies by refocusing entrepreneurs' attention on green innovation.Wilson Cruz Mamani (Universidad Peruana Unión Juliaca), Germain Marcos Lagos Manrique (Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal), Soraya del Pilar Carranco Madrid (Universidad Central del Ecuador), Edward Espinoza Herrera (Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal), David Barrial Acosta (Universidad Nacional Micaela Bastidas de Apurímac), Rolando Remy Rivas-Diaz (Universidad Nacional de San Agustín), José Luis Arias-Gonzáles (University of British Columbia), Yuselino Maquera Maquera (Universidad Nacional del Altiplano Puno), Francisco Samael Saravia Ramos (Universidad Nacional De San Agustín)Includes bibliographical references

    Responsible leadership: a comparative study between Peruvian national and private universities

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    Purpose: A university community that works for and supports students along their developmental trajectory through responsible leadership is important for a sustainable and accountable educational environment. Public and private institutions differ in their student leadership responsibilities. In light of this, the objective of this study is to analyze the level of responsible leadership between public and private colleges in Peru in 2022. Design/Methodology/Approach: This study employs quantitative and descriptive-comparative research methods. This study's sample included 459 instructors from six public and private institutions in Peru. The survey-based method was used to collect data on responsible education leadership. Findings: The study's findings emphasized the importance of responsible leadership in colleges. This study shows that private institutions in Peru have a better level of responsible leadership than governmental universities. Practical Implications: This study underlines that strong leadership should always seek innovation in the field of education, keeping current with the most recent achievements and collecting feedback from university teachers and students. To obtain a higher education level, institutions should therefore foster responsible leadership. Originality/value: This research contributes to a previously unexplored section of the literary canon. Several prior studies have researched responsible leadership; however, the context of the present study is neglected by those prior studies. Previous research neglected the significance of responsible leadership within universities. Rarely have past studies compared national universities in Peru to private ones. Therefore, this work made a substantial contribution to the corpus of knowledge.Campus Arequip