1,014 research outputs found

    Determination of selected phthalates by gas chromatography\u2013mass spectrometry in mural paintings from Palermo (Italy)

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    Phthalate esters for decades, and probably even now, were used as softeners in water-based paintings. In general, these compounds are dangerous owing to their carcinogenicity and reproductive effects. Phthalates are not chemically but only physically bound to the matrices, hence, they may be leached into the environment and are ubiquitously found in environmental matrices. Considering that, construction is one of most important\ufb01elds in Europe, and probably worldwide, with respect to its economic, technological and environmental impact. In the present work the phthalate esters content of several mural paintings was evaluated by gas chromatography\u2013 mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Because, this issue is especially important to ensure proper security measurements during processes that could involve particulate inhalation, the total concentrations of 15 compounds in the analyzed mural paintings, ranged from 0.8 to 236 mg/Kg d.w. with anaverage of 39.4 mg/Kg d.w. The highest concentration was found in a mural painting sampled in an apartment built about 50 years ago, though, building age was not signi\ufb01cantly correlated with the levels of total and single PAEs. Among the monitored phthalates, only four (bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, diisobutyl phthalate, Di-n-butyl phthalate and diethyl phthalate) were detected in appreciable quantities. Benzyl butyl phthalate was relevant only for one sample and, at trace levels, only for two samples. In all tested mural paintings, except two samples, predominates the bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) (from 30 to 100% of total). In general, occasionally, dinonyl phthalate (DNP) was used as an alternative to DEHP, however, in our case, its occurrence was not found. Diisobutyl phthalate (DiBP) was detected in seven samples and ranged from 0.17 to 13.2 mg/Kg d.w

    Diallyldimethylammonium Chloride (DADMAC) in Water Treated with Poly-Diallyldimethylammonium Chloride (PDADMAC) by Reversed-Phase Ion-Pair Chromatography—Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

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    Poly-diallyldimethylammonium (PDADMAC) chloride is a flocculant agent extensively used in water clarification treatments. Commercial polyelectrolyte formulations often contain residual monomer (DADMAC), reaction by-products and other reactants as contaminants that could potentially affect human health. In the present study, we optimized an analytical method based on reversed-phase ion-pair chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry for quantifying ultra-trace levels of DADMAC, without preliminary treatments, in drinking water distributed by the Palermo aqueduct. The method was validated in terms of accuracy (recovery between 80 to 120%), precision (RSD < 10%), linearity range (from 0.5 to 15 ”g/L), limit of quantification and limit of detection (LOQ 0.42 ”g/L and LOD 0.12 ”g/L). DADMAC was detected in all analysed water samples and the concentration ranged from 1.2 to 3.8 ”g/L whit a mean value of 1.7 ”g/L. To the best of our knowledge, this paper represents the first study concerning DADMAC concentration in water samples collected in Italy and, in this context, this paper can be considered very interesting when comparing future data on DADMAC monitoring in water. Moreover, this is one of a few cases where DADMAC was found in drinking water

    Analytical Method for Quantification of Several Phthalate Acid Esters by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry in Coffee Brew Samples

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    Several phthalate acid esters (PAEs), often called phthalate esters or phthalates, are substances classified as harmful due to their carcinogenic and mutagenic properties, and moreover, as dangerous for humans because they interfere with the endocrine system. In general, phthalic esters are used as plasticizers for different polymers and more other consumer products. In the present study, we describe a simple method to quantify PAEs in coffee brew using a liquid-liquid extraction without purification processes through analysing the obtained organic phase by GCMS in the single ion monitoring mode. The totals of single PAEs, in coffee brew samples analysed by us, are in the range of 159-5305 mu g L-1. Considering that, on average, a person drinks three cups (total 90 mL) of the aforementioned drink per day, this will lead to the uptake of a total 14 to 477 mu g of phthalates

    A Short Review of Simple Analytical Methods for the Evaluation of PAHs and PAEs as Indoor Pollutants in House Dust Samples

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    Studies on indoor air quality are indispensable when considering that people spend approximately 85% of their time in confined environments. This short review mostly takes into consideration research that uses passive samplers to evaluate the quality of indoor environments (houses, school, cars, etc.). This short review summarizes most analytical methods to detect and quantify PAHs and PAEs in house dust used as a passive sampler. The objective of house dust analysis is to identify the presence, amount and distribution of specific hazardous substances in confined spaces and, if possible, to identify their sources. Household dust and the compounds present in it can enter the human body by inhalation, non-food ingestion and absorption through the skin. The observed differences in concentrations of house dust may also indicate important differences in the chemical and physical nature of pollutants caused by air filtration and absorption during the migration of ambient air into the indoor environment

    Determination of Selected Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Wood to Establish the cause of Sinking of an Old Vessel (Scauri wreck) by Fire

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    The aimof this paper was to establish the cause of sinking of an old wooden vessel by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) analyses because wood combustion is a source of PAHs. In particular, the molecular PAH patterns generated by each source are like fingerprints and it is possible to determine the processes that generate PAHs by studying their distribution in wood samples. The relative abundance of high molecular weight PAHs, together with the PAH compound ratios and with total index (proposed by us) has demonstrated that samples owe their PAHs in wood archaeological material to a predominant single mode of origin, i.e. combustion processes, therefore we can say that the sinking of the vessel was caused by a fire

    Sviluppo e ottimizzazione di procedure per la purificazione di estratti ai fini analitici e per il trattamento di matrici contaminate

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    Nel presente lavoro di dottorato di ricerca ho focalizzato la mia attenzione sullo sviluppo e sull\u2019ottimizzazione di procedure per la purificazione di estratti ai fini analitici e per il trattamento di matrici contaminate. In merito la tematica del trattamento di estratti organici ai fini analitici, ho sviluppato e ottimizzato tecniche di purificazione fotochimica a basso impatto ambientale per la determinazione dei policlorobifenili (PCBs) e i clorobenzeni (CBs) in estratti organici di campioni di sedimento marino. Per quanto concerne i PCBs, la migliore metodica di purificazione \ue8 stata individuata nell\u2019irradiazione dell\u2019estratto organico a \u3bb = 350 nm per 3 ore previo gorgogliamento di Ossigeno per 10 minuti. Per quanto concerne i CBs, la migliore metodica di purificazione \ue8 stata individuata nell\u2019irradiazione diretta dell\u2019estratto organico a \u3bb = 350 nm per 6 ore. In merito la tematica del trattamento di matrici contaminate, ho sviluppato e ottimizzato metodiche per la degradazione di esteri ftalici (PAEs) su pitture murali mediante tecniche fotochimiche, metodiche per la rimozione di policlorobifenili mediante adsorbimento su sfere di alginato e alginato montmorillonite e metodiche per la degradazione del nitrofenolo (4-NP) in soluzione acquosa mediante processo foto-Fenton utilizzando come catalizzatore sfere di alginato montmorillonite ferro arricchita (Fe-MABs). Per quanto concerne la fotodegradazione dei PAEs, percentuali di rimozioni medie del 68% sono state ottenute irradiando direttamente campioni di intonaco a \u3bb di 254 nm per un tempo di 8 ore. Nell\u2019ambito della rimozione dei PCBs mediante adsorbimento su sfere di alginato e alginato-montmorillonite, \ue8 possibile rimuovere il 90% di PCBs da una soluzione acquosa di 10 ppb mediante 20 sfere di alginato montmorillonite (0,5 g di sfere bagnate). Inoltre \ue8 stato possibile evidenziare l\u2019effetto sui meccanismi di adsorbimento derivanti dell\u2019aggiunta di montmorillonite su sfere di alginato, evidenziando un meccanismo di adsorbimento cooperativo (di tipo S) nel caso in cui si utilizzino sfere di alginato montmorillonite. Nell\u2019ambito della degradazione del 4-NP in soluzione acquosa mediante processo foto-Fenton, \ue8 stato possibile rimuovere oltre il 70% di 4-NP in una soluzione acquosa di 10 ppm in appena 40 minuti di irradiazione utilizzando 25 sfere (0,103 g) di alginato montmorillonite ferro arricchite (FE-MABs) e 100 ppm i H2O2. Nell\u2019ambito dell\u2019inattivazione di Escherichia coli nella drinking water mediante reazione di foto Fenton condotta su sfere di alginato montmorillonite ferro arricchite (Fe-MABs) \ue8 stato possibile disinfettare l\u2019acqua destinata a consumo umano in appena un\u2019ora di trattamento

    Faulting, sediment loading, and flow of underlying ductile units : A case study from the Western Ionian Basin Offshore Eastern Sicily

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    Acknowledgements Bathymetric data are from a compilation provided by Gutscher et al. (2017) and from EMODnet open dataset (http://www.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/). Digital topography was achieved from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (https://www.eorc.jaxa.jp/ALOS/en/aw3d30/index.htm). The authors also acknowledge the use of MOVE Software Suite granted by Petroleum Experts Limited (www.petex.com). Bernard Mercier de Lepinay (GeoAzur, UniversitĂ© de Nice/CNRS), is also acknowledged for the CIRCEE-HR seismic data processing. Juan I. Soto (The University of Texas at Austin) is warmly acknowledged for the critical and constructive discussions provided. The research was partly funded by the University of Catania in the framework of the project ‘SeismoFront’ (resp. G. Barreca), Grant n. 22722132176.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Synthesis of Pyrazoles by 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition under Aqueous Micellar Catalysis

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    Ethyl diazoacetate (EDA), which is easily prepared from ethyl glycinate and NaNO2, reacts in situ with alkynes in a water micelle environment without organic solvent to form pyrazoles. The reaction is pH dependent, as in the presence of protic catalysis (H2SO4 4%, pH 3.5) a mixture of 3,5- and 4,5-disubstituted pyrazoles was obtained, while, at pH 5.5, only the 3,5-disubstituted isomer was obtained. The presence of the surfactant TPGS-750-M was crucial to secure clean crude reaction mixtures and high yields of the products. The same protocol was successfully applied to the synthesis of substituted pyrazolines. © 2022 The Author

    Adapting the Climate Change: The Remarkable Decline in the U.S. Temperature-Mortality Relationship Over the 20th Century

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    Adaptation is the only strategy that is guaranteed to be part of the world's climate strategy. Using the most comprehensive set of data files ever compiled on mortality and its determinants over the course of the 20th century, this paper makes two primary discoveries. First, we find that the mortality effect of an extremely hot day declined by about 80% between 1900-1959 and 1960-2004. As a consequence, days with temperatures exceeding 90°F were responsible for about 600 premature fatalities annually in the 1960-2004 period, compared to the approximately 3,600 premature fatalities that would have occurred if the temperature-mortality relationship from before 1960 still prevailed. Second, the adoption of residential air conditioning (AC) explains essentially the entire decline in the temperature-mortality relationship. In contrast, increased access to electricity and health care seem not to affect mortality on extremely hot days. Residential AC appears to be both the most promising technology to help poor countries mitigate the temperature related mortality impacts of climate change and, because fossil fuels are the least expensive source of energy, a technology whose proliferation will speed up the rate of climate change
