4 research outputs found

    Cetáceos de El Salvador, una revisión y actualización sobre sus registros

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    This work includes the review of different bibliographic sources, personal communications and records of the authors between 2002 and 2019. In addition, the record of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) was reviewed in this regard. With the information collected, the occurrence of 18 species of cetaceans (3 mysticetes and 13 odontocetes) is documented, from the sighting of individuals and groups of these off the coastal departments of the coast of El Salvador. The existence of these species in Salvadorean waters is discussed with authors from the Central American region of Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. In general, the species for which there is more information are: humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae), spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata) and bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), which occurrence mainly in front of the coast while species oceanic information is limited. The present work constitutes the first consolidated contribution of documented sightings of cetaceans in El Salvador.El presente trabajo comprende la revisión de diferentes fuentes bibliográficas, comunicaciones personales y registros de los autores entre 2002 y 2019. Además, se revisó el registro del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (MARN). Con la información recabada se documenta la ocurrencia de 16 especies de cetáceos (3 misticetos y 13 odontocetos), a partir del avistamiento de estos individuos y grupos frente a los departamentos costeros del litoral de El Salvador. La existencia de las referidas especies en aguas salvadoreñas es discutida con autores de la región centroamericana: Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Panamá. En general, las especies de las que se cuenta con mayor información son la ballena jorobada (Megaptera novaeangliae), el delfín manchado (Stenella attenuata) y delfín nariz de botella (Tursiops truncatus), las cuales ocurren principalmente frente a la costa, mientras que de especies oceánicas la información es limitada. Este trabajo constituye el primer aporte consolidado de avistamientos documentados de cetáceos en El Salvado

    Consenso Mexicano para el Tratamiento de la Hepatitis C

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    El objetivo del Consenso Mexicano para el Tratamiento de la Hepatitis C fue el de desarrollar un documento como guía en la práctica clínica con aplicabilidad en México. Se tomó en cuenta la opinión de expertos en el tema con especialidad en: gastroenterología, infectología y hepatología. Se realizó una revisión de la bibliografía en MEDLINE, EMBASE y CENTRAL mediante palabras claves referentes al tratamiento de la hepatitis C. Posteriormente se evaluó la calidad de la evidencia mediante el sistema GRADE y se redactaron enunciados, los cuales fueron sometidos a voto mediante un sistema modificado Delphi, y posteriormente se realizó revisión y corrección de los enunciados por un panel de 34 votantes. Finalmente se clasificó el nivel de acuerdo para cada oración. Esta guía busca dar recomendaciones con énfasis en los nuevos antivirales de acción directa y de esta manera facilitar su uso en la práctica clínica. Cada caso debe ser individualizado según sus comorbilidades y el manejo de estos pacientes siempre debe ser multidisciplinario. Abstract The aim of the Mexican Consensus on the Treatment of Hepatitis C was to develop clinical practice guidelines applicable to Mexico. The expert opinion of specialists in the following areas was taken into account: gastroenterology, infectious diseases, and hepatology. A search of the medical literature was carried out on the MEDLINE, EMBASE, and CENTRAL databases through keywords related to hepatitis C treatment. The quality of evidence was subsequently evaluated using the GRADE system and the consensus statements were formulated. The statements were then voted upon, using the modified Delphi system, and reviewed and corrected by a panel of 34 voting participants. Finally, the level of agreement was classified for each statement. The present guidelines provide recommendations with an emphasis on the new direct-acting antivirals, to facilitate their use in clinical practice. Each case must be individualized according to the comorbidities involved and patient management must always be multidisciplinary

    Quitones (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) de El Salvador, América Central

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    En El Salvador se habían registrado los poliplacóforos Chaetopleura lurida (Sowerby, 1832); Ischnochiton guatemalensis (Thiele, 1910); Ceratozona angusta (Thiele, 1909); Chiton stokesii (Broderip, 1832) y Acantochitona exquisita (Pilsbry, 1893). Recolectamos quitones en aguas someras de El Salvador en julio del 2002, agragando a la lista a Lepidochitona beanii (Carpenter, 1857); Ischnochiton dispar (Sowerby, 1832); Stenoplax limaciformis (Sowerby, 1832); Callistochiton expressus (Carpenter, 1865); Acanthochitona arragonites (Carpenter, 1867); Acanthochitona ferreirai (Lyons, 1988) y Acanthochitona hirudiniformis (Sowerby, 1832). Ampliamos la distribución documentada de I. dispar hacia el norte y describimos brevemente una especie innominada de Lepidochitona

    Coral Reef Conservation in the Eastern Tropical Pacific

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    This chapter reviews and evaluates coral reef conservation strategies along the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP), a narrow biogeographic region on the Pacific American coast that extends from southern Baja California, Mexico to northern Peru, including several oceanic islands. The ETP is a natural laboratory, a model for understanding the development of coral biotopes in a changing environment. We evaluate conservation strategies in seven countries in the ETP region (Peru was not included for apparent lack of coral habitats). A survey of current Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) highlights great variation in the number, scale and management approaches. Generally, MPAs with no-take areas are relatively uncommon, with multi-purpose areas favored. The Cabo Pulmo MPA in Baja California, Mexico demonstrates that when a local community is involved in the creation and enforcement measures of an MPA, conservation success can be achieved. Despite such apparent successes, inadequate and confusing legal practices have generally forestalled effective protection of coral ecosystems in the ETP. However, in several instances nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have assisted with planning, negotiation and stakeholder engagement. Nonetheless these findings underscore how the establishment of an MPA does not guarantee that conservation goals will be achieved. This calls for a new approach that incorporates contributions from ecological studies along with a high investment in capacity development and training to ensure that the goals of MPAs better complement effective fisheries and ecosystem management within and outside their borders.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (CIMAR