237 research outputs found
Creatividad y tecnología en la orientación de nuestros futuros músicos
La gestión y planificación de la carrera profesional son ámbitos en los que el estudiante de música debe poner en práctica su creatividad. Ayudar al alumno para desarrollar su creatividad a la hora de explorar el amplio abanico de posibilidades que comprende el mundo profesional de la música es una tarea en la que las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación pueden jugar un importante papel. En este artículo se describe un proyecto de orientación profesional llevado a cabo en un conservatorio de música de Madrid en el que se emplearon las TIC para favorecer la interacción de los alumnos con músicos profesionales, así como un acercamiento al mundo laboral vinculado a la música. Se citan ejemplos de actividades donde se muestra la diversidad de modalidades de interacción que permiten las TIC, incluyendo la interacción de profesionales y alumnos a través de los foros de debate, correo electrónico, “chat”, audioconferencia y videoconferencia. A pesar de las ventajas que ofrecen las TIC, se hace también mención de la necesidad de hacer un uso sensato de las mismas, especialmente valorando los tiempos de dedicación de todos los agentes involucrados en un proceso de formación “online
La excursión virtual como estrategia excursión virtual como estrategia didáctica en el aula de música y de otras materias. Fortalezas y limitaciones
The pedagogical value of field trips has been pointed out by countless experts, even since Ancient Greece, a culture in which music was a particularly valued discipline. Nevertheless, the frequency of field trips in today’s educational centres is often limited due to economic and logistic difficulties, among other causes. The virtual alternative of field trips eliminates many of the problems entailed in planning and delivering this activity, while maintaining the benefits of traditional field trips and offering opportunities worth exploring. A definition of virtual field trips is approached in this paper, as well as an analysis of its most significant strengths and limitations, based on experiences and reflections found in related literature in the last fifteen years. Given our area of specialisation, music education, we pay special attention to the advantages and disadvantages that this teaching strategy may have in the music classroom. A specific section of the paper includes examples of music related virtual field trips that can be of interest to music teachers of all levels.El valor pedagógico de las excursiones escolares ha sido destacado por innumerables expertos, ya incluso desde la antigua Grecia, cultura en la que el valor de la música era especialmente subrayado. No obstante, la frecuencia de las excursiones en los centros de hoy a menudo se ha visto limitada a causa de dificultades de índole económica y logística, entre otras. La alternativa virtual de esta estrategia didáctica permite eliminar muchos de los problemas que conlleva la planificación y desarrollo de una excursión escolar, manteniendo los beneficios de la excursión tradicional y brindando oportunidades que merece la pena explorar. En este artículo se define la excursión virtual y se realiza un análisis de sus fortalezas y limitaciones más significativas, basándonos en experiencias y reflexiones recogidas en publicaciones en torno al tema de los últimos quince años. Dada nuestra área de especialización, la educación musical, hacemos un especial hincapié en las ventajas e inconvenientes que puede suponer esta estrategia didáctica en el aula de música. Incluimos un epígrafe específico sobre ejemplos de excursiones virtuales de contenido musical que pueden interesar a docentes de esta especialidad en todos los niveles
Los alumnos ante el dictado musical. Las TIC como aliadas para mejorar las experiencias
Music dictation, listening and transcribing musical excerpts, has become a considerably frequent activity in the music classroom, and especially so in the teaching of solfege and music theory in conservatoires and music schools. It is interesting to note that music dictation is an activity often accompanied by negative connotations and the dislike of students. This was the starting point of our research, which intends to draw relevant conclusions on students’ experience regarding this activity, from a study where a significant number of pupils from Madrid’s professional conservatoires took part. Data was collected using questionnaires containing open and closed questions. Results show that students perceive the
importance given to auditory training in the music classroom, but they also admit that they experience anxiety and other unpleasant emotions when they carry out these tasks. Our aim should be to ensure that negative attitudes and emotions give way to enjoyment and the pleasure of listening, something which will for sure improve learning outcomes. We consider that the use of ICT when working on music dictation can be a strategy to foster motivation in students and to enable them to experiment greater joy during their learning process. In this paper we start by mentioning some
theories regarding hearing and music dictation, before giving details on the research methods used and the results we obtained. We then
analyse the advantages of a series of tools that can be used in listening and music dictation tasks.El dictado musical, la escucha y posterior transcripción de fragmentos musicales, es una actividad que se ha ido convirtiendo en una práctica más o menos habitual en el aula de Música, y especialmente en las enseñanzas de Lenguaje Musical en conservatorios y escuelas de música. Se trata de una actividad que curiosamente viene acompañada de connotaciones negativas para los alumnos, y como consecuencia de ello, el desagrado de su realización en las clases. Éste fue el punto de partida de nuestra investigación, la cual trata de aportar conclusiones relevantes sobre cómo experimentan los alumnos esta actividad, partiendo de un estudio realizado a un número significativo de alumnos de los conservatorios profesionales de música de la Comunidad de Madrid. Se recogieron datos a través de cuestionarios con preguntas cerradas y abiertas. Los resultados muestran que los alumnos
perciben la importancia que se le otorga a la educación auditiva en el aula de Lenguaje Musical, pero también reconocen experimentar inseguridad, ansiedad, y otras sensaciones desagradables cuando realizan esta actividad. Nuestro objetivo debe ser lograr que las actitudes y emociones negativas del alumnado dejen paso al disfrute y al goce del hecho auditivo que, sin duda, hará posible un avance positivo en los resultados. Consideramos que la aplicación de las TIC en el trabajo de los dictados musicales puede ser una de las estrategias para favorecer la motivación de los alumnos y conseguir que éstos vivan con mayor ilusión su proceso de aprendizaje. En este artículo partimos de algunas referencias a teorías sobre la audición y el dictado musical como actividad, antes de detallar la metodología y resultados de nuestro estudio. Posteriormente analizamos la utilidad de una serie de herramientas que pueden ser empleadas en tareas de audición y dictado musical, haciendo hincapié en las ventajas que pueden ofrecer cada una de ellas
Scale Mixture of Rayleigh Distribution
In this paper, the scale mixture of Rayleigh (SMR) distribution is introduced. It is proven that this new model, initially defined as the quotient of two independent random variables, can be expressed as a scale mixture of a Rayleigh and a particular Generalized Gamma distribution. Closed expressions are obtained for its pdf, cdf, moments, asymmetry and kurtosis coefficients. Its lifetime analysis, properties and Rényi entropy are studied. Inference based on moments and maximum likelihood (ML) is proposed. An Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm is implemented to estimate the parameters via ML. This algorithm is also used in a simulation study, which illustrates the good performance of our proposal. Two real datasets are considered in which it is shown that the SMR model provides a good fit and it is more flexible, especially as for kurtosis, than other competitor models, such as the slashed Rayleigh distribution
Long-distance dispersal, low connectivity and molecular evidence of a new cryptic species in the obligate rafter Caprella andreae Mayer, 1890 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidae)
The amphipod Caprella andreae Mayer, 1890
was recorded for the first time in Southern Iberian Peninsula (36440
1500N, 3590
3800W). This species is the only
obligate rafter of the suborder Caprellidea and has been
reported to attach not only to floating objects such as ropes
or driftwoods but also to turtle carapaces. Mitochondrial
and nuclear markers were used to examine dispersal
capabilities and population genetic structure of C. andreae
across seven localities in the Mediterranean and Atlantic
Ocean collected from floating substrata with different dispersal patterns. The strong population differentiation with
no haplotypes shared between populations suggests that
C. andreae is quite faithful to the substratum on which it
settles. In addition, the proportionally higher genetic
diversity displayed in populations living on turtles as well
as the presence of highly differentiated haplotypes in the
same turtle population may be indicative that these populations survive longer, which could lead C. andreae to
prefer turtles instead of floating objects to settle and disperse. Therefore, rafting on floating objects may be sporadic, and ocean currents would not be the most important
factor shaping patterns of connectivity and population
structure in this species. Furthermore, molecular phylogenetic analyses revealed the existence of a cryptic species
whose estimates of genetic divergence are higher than
those estimated between C. andreae and other congeneric
species (e.g. Caprella dilatata and Caprella penantis).
Discovery of cryptic species among widely distributed
small marine invertebrates is quite common and, in this
case, prompts for a more detailed phylogenetic analysis and
taxonomic revision of genus Caprella. On the other hand,
this study also means the first record of the gammarids
Jassa cadetta and Elasmopus brasiliensis and the caprellid
Caprella hirsuta on drifting objects.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de España y Fondos FEDER. CGL2011-22474Consejería de Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucía. P11-RNM-7041III Plan Propio de Investigación de la Universidad de Sevilla
Colémbolos (Hexapoda, Collembola) asociados con carpóforos de basidiomicetes recolectados en el SW de Cataluña
Collembola (Hexapoda, Collembola) associated with Basidiomycetes sporocarps in SW
Catalonia. We have studied the collembola species found in basidiomata of 41 different species of fungi
belonging to the Class Basidiomycetes, collected in several districts of the mediterranean SW Catalonia. We have found 5575 individuals of collembola of nine different species. Ceratophysella tergilobata represents the 99,8% of the total individuals and is present in the 94,8% of analysed basidiomata. In consequence this
species must be considered an habitual inhabitant of the basidiomata of the mediterranean districts of Catalonia. The examination of the gut content of the studied col1embola reveals that their relationship with the basidiomata is of nutritional type.Se han estudiado las especies de colémbolos presentes en basidiomas de 41 especies distintes de hongos de la Clase Basidiomicetes, recolectadas en diferentes comarcas de la Cataluña mediterrànea. Se
han encontrado 5.575 ejemplares de colémbolos, pertenecientes a nueve especies. Ceratophysella
tergilobata representa el 99,8% del total de ejemplares y esta presente en el 94,8% de los basidiomes examinados, por lo que se considera un habitante habitual de las setas de las comarcas de la Cataluña mediterránea. El examen del contenido intestinal de los colémbolos estudiados revela que su relación con los cuerpos fruetíferos de los hongos es de tipo nutricional
Necesidades de orientación en los conservatorios profesionales de música
Music conservatory students have specific guidance needs, due to their characteristics, the particularities of the courses they are taking and the complexity of the professional world that awaits them when they finish their studies. From an early age, conservatory students receive a professionalized education that extends over a long period of time, an education that should provide them with an adequate preparation in order to play diverse roles in an ever-changing professional landscape. The mission of these institutions in Spain is a real challenge, especially taking into account that at the present moment they are lacking professional guidance counsellors and guidance departments.; El alumno de un conservatorio profesional de música, por sus características, por las particularidades de los estudios que cursa y por la complejidad del mundo profesional que le espera cuando termine sus estudios, presenta unas necesidades específicas de orientación. Desde una temprana edad, el alumno de estos centros recibe una enseñanza profesionalizada, y además hace frente a unos estudios de larga duración que le deben preparar adecuadamente para asumir diversos roles en un mundo profesional siempre cambiante. La misión de estos centros en España constituye un verdadero reto, sobre todo, teniendo en cuenta la total ausencia en los mismos del perfil del profesional que debería hacerse cargo de esta función tan específica: nos referimos a los orientadores especializados y a los departamentos de orientació
A synthetic collagen-binding arg-gly-asp (rgd) biomimetic peptide enhances bone cell differentiation
RGD (arginine-glycine-aspartic acid) peptides have shown some promising abilities to promote the attachment of cells to biomaterials and to direct their differentiation. However, anchoring these peptides to the biomaterial’s surface is mandatory and usually implies several chemical linking steps. The aim of this work was to design and characterize a synthetic RGD biomimetic peptide that includes a collagen-binding domain for easy one-step functionalization of absorbable collagen sponges (ACSs), which are of frequent use in orthopaedic surgery.
The stable binding of biotinylated CBD-RGD peptide loaded onto ACSs was confirmed using chemiluminisence detection after washing of the sponges. Furthermore, the effect of the peptide on MC3T3-E1 mouse preosteoblasts and rat bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in vitro was characterized in terms of caspase activity, proliferation, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, matrix mineralization and formation of focal adhesions. Finally, a rat ectopic osteogenesis model was used to determine if the co-administration of CBD-RGD could lower the dose of BMP-2 necessary to induce bone formation.
The CBD-RGD peptide was demonstrated to bind stable to ACSs, even after extensive washing. In vitro, the peptide did not induce apoptosis of the cells, but positively affected both cell growth and differentiation. It also seemed to affect the cytoskeleton arrangement of MC3T3-E1 cells, favoring the establishment of focal adhesions. At last, the in vivo experiments showed that ACSs functionalized with this peptide and loaded with a subfunctional dose of BMP-2 gave rise to ectopic bone.
In conclusion. the combination of CBD-RGD with the currently used collagen/BMP system might be a promising approach to improve osteogenesis and to reduce the doses of BMPs needed in clinical orthopaedics.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech
Servicios de orientación para el desarrollo de la carrera musical. Análisis comparativo
ABSTRACTMusic conservatories in Spain are currently lacking guidance departments and professional career counsellors. Career guidance is one of the multiple functions that teacher-tutors must carry out without external aids. It would be advisable in these institutions to design career guidance services inspired by those in conservatories abroad. Career guidance services offered by prestigious music education institutions outside Spain are analyzed and compared in this article: the Royal College of Music in the United Kingdom, as well as several institutions in the United States (The Juilliard School, Manhattan School of Music, New England Conservatory, Berklee College of Music, Eastman School of Music). We consider various categories in which to classify the guidance strategies implemented: existence of professional guidance counsellors, offering of courses concerning music careers guidance, holding of conferences and seminars concerned with career guidance, information resources about the music business and job opportunities databases. The implementation of similar strategies in Spanish music conservatories would contribute to the development of a necessary creativity in students when taking professional decisions and managing a career in music.RESUMENLos conservatorios de música en España carecen actualmente de departamentos de orientación y orientadoresespecializados. La orientación académica y profesional de los estudiantes es una de las múltiplesfunciones que deben desempeñar los profesores-tutores sin contar con apoyos externos. Sería muy recomendableponer en marcha en estos centros servicios de orientación inspirados en aquellos existentes enconservatorios extranjeros. En este artículo analizamos y comparamos los servicios de orientación ofrecidospor prestigiosas instituciones de formación musical fuera de España: el Royal College of Music enel Reino Unido, así como varias instituciones en Estados Unidos (The Juilliard School, ManhattanSchool of Music, New England Conservatory, Berklee College of Music, Eastman School of Music).Contemplamos varias categorías en las que clasificar las estrategias de orientación empleadas: la existenciade orientadores especializados, la oferta de asignaturas y cursos relacionados con la orientaciónpara el desarrollo de la carrera musical, la celebración de conferencias y seminarios puntuales relacionadoscon la orientación profesional, la existencia de diversos recursos informativos sobre el mundoprofesional de la música y la gestión de bases de datos de oportunidades de empleo. La puesta en marchade estrategias similares en los conservatorios españoles favorecería el desarrollo de una creatividadnecesaria en los estudiantes a la hora de tomar decisiones profesionales y gestionar una carrera en elcampo de la música.ABSTRACTMusic conservatories in Spain are currently lacking guidance departments and professional career counsellors.Career guidance is one of the multiple functions that teacher-tutors must carry out withoutexternal aids. It would be advisable in these institutions to design career guidance services inspired bythose in conservatories abroad. Career guidance services offered by prestigious music education institutionsoutside Spain are analyzed and compared in this article: the Royal College of Music in the UnitedKingdom, as well as several institutions in the United States (The Juilliard School, Manhattan School ofMusic, New England Conservatory, Berklee College of Music, Eastman School of Music). We considervarious categories in which to classify the guidance strategies implemented: existence of professionalguidance counsellors, offering of courses concerning music careers guidance, holding of conferencesand seminars concerned with career guidance, information resources about the music business and jobopportunities databases. The implementation of similar strategies in Spanish music conservatories wouldcontribute to the development of a necessary creativity in students when taking professional decisionsand managing a career in music
Colémbolos (Hexapoda, Collembola) asociados con carpóforos de basidiomicetes recolectados en el SW de Cataluña
Collembola (Hexapoda, Collembola) associated with Basidiomycetes sporocarps in SW
Catalonia. We have studied the collembola species found in basidiomata of 41 different species of fungi
belonging to the Class Basidiomycetes, collected in several districts of the mediterranean SW Catalonia. We have found 5575 individuals of collembola of nine different species. Ceratophysella tergilobata represents the 99,8% of the total individuals and is present in the 94,8% of analysed basidiomata. In consequence this
species must be considered an habitual inhabitant of the basidiomata of the mediterranean districts of Catalonia. The examination of the gut content of the studied col1embola reveals that their relationship with the basidiomata is of nutritional type.Se han estudiado las especies de colémbolos presentes en basidiomas de 41 especies distintes de hongos de la Clase Basidiomicetes, recolectadas en diferentes comarcas de la Cataluña mediterrànea. Se
han encontrado 5.575 ejemplares de colémbolos, pertenecientes a nueve especies. Ceratophysella
tergilobata representa el 99,8% del total de ejemplares y esta presente en el 94,8% de los basidiomes examinados, por lo que se considera un habitante habitual de las setas de las comarcas de la Cataluña mediterránea. El examen del contenido intestinal de los colémbolos estudiados revela que su relación con los cuerpos fruetíferos de los hongos es de tipo nutricional
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