8,106 research outputs found

    Rotational Fluxons of Bose-Einstein Condensates in Coplanar Double-Ring Traps

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    Rotational analogs to magnetic fluxons in conventional Josephson junctions are predicted to emerge in the ground state of rotating tunnel-coupled annular Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). Such topological condensate-phase structures can be manipulated by external potentials. We determine conditions for observing macroscopic quantum tunneling of a fluxon. Rotational fluxons in double-ring BECs can be created, manipulated, and controlled by external potential in different ways than possible in the solid state system, thus rendering them a promising new candidate system for studying and utilizing quantum properties of collective many-particle degrees of freedom.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Text and references changed in response to editor's and reviewers' comments. Error in Eq. (1) correcte

    Are violations to temporal Bell inequalities there when somebody looks?

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    The possibility of observing violations of temporal Bell inequalities, originally proposed by Leggett as a mean of testing the quantum mechanical delocalization of suitably chosen macroscopic bodies, is discussed by taking into account the effect of the measurement process. A general criterion quantifying this possibility is defined and shown not to be fulfilled by the various experimental configurations proposed so far to test inequalities of different forms.Comment: 7 pages, 1 eps figure, needs europhys.sty and euromacr.tex, enclosed in the .tar.gz file; accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Nucleon matrix elements and baryon masses in the Dirac orbital model

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    Using the expansion of the baryon wave function in a series of products of single quark bispinors (Dirac orbitals), the nonsinglet axial and tensor charges of a nucleon are calculated. The leading term yields gA=1.27g_A = 1.27 in good agreement with experiment. Calculation is essentially parameter-free and depends only on the strong coupling constant value αs\alpha_s. The importance of lower Dirac bispinor component, yielding 18% to the wave function normalization is stressed. As a check, the baryon decuplet masses in the formalism of this model are also computed using standard values of the string tension σ\sigma and the strange quark mass msm_s; the results being in a good agreement with experiment.Comment: 8 pages, 2 tables; LaTeX2

    First-Principles Calculations of Hyperfine Interactions in La_2CuO_4

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    We present the results of first-principles cluster calculations of the electronic structure of La_2CuO_4. Several clusters containing up to nine copper atoms embedded in a background potential were investigated. Spin-polarized calculations were performed both at the Hartree-Fock level and with density functional methods with generalized gradient corrections to the local density approximation. The distinct results for the electronic structure obtained with these two methods are discussed. The dependence of the electric-field gradients at the Cu and the O sites on the cluster size is studied and the results are compared to experiments. The magnetic hyperfine coupling parameters are carefully examined. Special attention is given to a quantitative determination of on-site and transferred hyperfine fields. We provide a detailed analysis that compares the hyperfine fields obtained for various cluster sizes with results from additional calculations of spin states with different multiplicities. From this we conclude that hyperfine couplings are mainly transferred from nearest neighbor Cu^{2+} ions and that contributions from further distant neighbors are marginal. The mechanisms giving rise to transfer of spin density are worked out. Assuming conventional values for the spin-orbit coupling, the total calculated hyperfine interaction parameters are compared to informations from experiments.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Tkachenko modes and quantum melting of Josephson junction type of vortex array in rotating Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Using path integral formalism, we show that the Abrikosov-Tkachenko vortex lattice may equivalently be understood as an array of Josephson junctions. The Tkachenko modes are found to be basically equivalent to the low energy excitations (Goldstone modes) of an ordered state. The calculated frequencies are in very good agreement with recent experimental data. Calculations of the fluctuations of the relative displacements of the vortices show that vortex melting is a result of quantum fluctuations around the ordered state due to the low energy excitations (Tkachenko modes)and occurs when the ratio of the kinectic energy to the potential energy of the vortex lattice is 0.001.Comment: revised paper 11 pages with 2 figures, all in Pdf forma

    The dual/global value of SARS-COV- 2 genome surveillance on migrants arriving to Europe via the mediterranean routes

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    Despite the pandemic, 34,154 migrants, refugees or asylum-seekers landed in Sicily (Italy) in 2020, representing the main point of entry by sea into Europe. The SARS-CoV-2 surveillance program among migrants arriving to Sicily via the Mediterranean Sea, made by the combination of clinical examination and molecular testing, has been integrated by full-genome sequencing strains using the NGS technology from the last week of February. To date, more than one hundred full-genome strains have been sequenced and 8 different lineages have been identified mostly belonging to the lineages B.1.1.7 and B.1.525. As global access to COVID-19 vaccines should be ensured, the need to provide more detailed information to inform policies and to drive the possible re-engineering of vaccines needed to deal with the challenge of new and future variants should be highlighted

    Collective responses of Bi-2212 stacked junction to 100 GHz microwave radiation under magnetic field oriented along the c-axis

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    We studied a response of Bi-2212 mesa type structures to 100 GHz microwave radiation. We found that applying magnetic field of about 0.1 T across the layers enables to observe collective Shapiro step response corresponding to a synchronization of all 50 intrinsic Josephson junctions (IJJ) of the mesa. At high microwave power we observed up to 10th harmonics of the fundamental Shapiro step. Besides, we found microwave induced flux-flow step position of which is proportional to the square root of microwave power and that can exceed at high enough powers 1 THz operating frequency of IJJ oscillations.Comment: 11 pages including 5 figures, accepted for publication in JETP Letter

    Composite excitation of Josephson phase and spin waves in Josephson junctions with ferromagnetic insulator

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    Coupling of Josephson-phase and spin-waves is theoretically studied in a superconductor/ferromagnetic insulator/superconductor (S/FI/S) junction. Electromagnetic (EM) field inside the junction and the Josephson current coupled with spin-waves in FI are calculated by combining Maxwell and Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equations. In the S/FI/S junction, it is found that the current-voltage (I-V) characteristic shows two resonant peaks. Voltages at the resonant peaks are obtained as a function of the normal modes of EM field, which indicates a composite excitation of the EM field and spin-waves in the S/FI/S junction. We also examine another type of junction, in which a nonmagnetic insulator (I) is located at one of interfaces between S and FI. In such a S/I/FI/S junction, three resonant peaks appear in the I-V curve, since the Josephson-phase couples to the EM field in the I layer.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Hybrid stars with the color dielectric and the MIT bag models

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    We study the hadron-quark phase transition in the interior of neutron stars (NS). For the hadronic sector, we use a microscopic equation of state (EOS) involving nucleons and hyperons derived within the Brueckner-Bethe-Goldstone many-body theory, with realistic two-body and three-body forces. For the description of quark matter, we employ both the MIT bag model with a density dependent bag constant, and the color dielectric model. We calculate the structure of NS interiors with the EOS comprising both phases, and we find that the NS maximum masses are never larger than 1.7 solar masses, no matter the model chosen for describing the pure quark phase.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Different behaviour of the spin structure functions g1(x)g_1(x) and h1(x)h_1(x) at x0x\to 0

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    We consider low-xx behaviour of the spin structure functions g1(x)g_1(x) and h1(x)h_1(x) in the unitarized chiral quark model which combines ideas on the constituent quark structure of hadrons with a geometrical scattering picture and unitarity. A nondiffractive singular low-xx dependence of g1p(x)g^p_1(x) and g1n(x)g_1^n(x) indicated by the recent SMC experimental data is described. A diffractive type smooth behaviour of h1(x)h_1(x) is predicted at small xx. The expectations for the double-spin asymmetries in the low-mass Drell-Yan production at RHIC in the central region are discussed alongside.Comment: LaTeX, 10 pages, 2 figure