72 research outputs found

    Free-Energy Relationships in Ion Channels Dually Activated by Voltage and Ligand

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    Charge-voltage curves of Shaker potassium channel are not hysteretic at steady state

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    Charge-voltage curves of many voltage-gated ion channels exhibit hysteresis but such curves are also a direct measure of free energy of channel gating and, hence, should be path-independent. Here, we identify conditions to measure steady-state charge-voltage curves and show that these are curves are not hysteretic. Charged residues in transmembrane segments of voltage-gated ion channels (VGICs) sense and respond to changes in the electric field. The movement of these gating charges underpins voltage-dependent activation and is also a direct metric of the net free-energy of channel activation. However, for most voltage-gated ion channels, the charge-voltage (Q-V) curves appear to be dependent on initial conditions. For instance, Q-V curves of Shaker potassium channel obtained by hyperpolarizing from 0 mV is left-shifted compared to those obtained by depolarizing from a holding potential of -80 mV. This hysteresis in Q-V curves is a common feature of channels in the VGIC superfamily and raises profound questions about channel energetics because the net free-energy of channel gating is a state function and should be path independent. Due to technical limitations, conventional gating current protocols are limited to test pulse durations of \u3c500 ms, which raises the possibility that the dependence of Q-V on initial conditions reflects a lack of equilibration. Others have suggested that the hysteresis is fundamental thermodynamic property of voltage-gated ion channels and reflects energy dissipation due to measurements under non-equilibrium conditions inherent to rapid voltage jumps (Villalba-Galea. 2017. Channels. https://doi.org/10.1080/19336950.2016.1243190). Using an improved gating current and voltage-clamp fluorometry protocols, we show that the gating hysteresis arising from different initial conditions in Shaker potassium channel is eliminated with ultra-long (18-25 s) test pulses. Our study identifies a modified gating current recording protocol to obtain steady-state Q-V curves of a voltage-gated ion channel. Above all, these findings demonstrate that the gating hysteresis in Shaker channel is a kinetic phenomenon rather than a true thermodynamic property of the channel and the charge-voltage curve is a true measure of the net-free energy of channel gating

    Tracking Voltage-dependent Conformational Changes in Skeletal Muscle Sodium Channel during Activation

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    The primary voltage sensor of the sodium channel is comprised of four positively charged S4 segments that mainly differ in the number of charged residues and are expected to contribute differentially to the gating process. To understand their kinetic and steady-state behavior, the fluorescence signals from the sites proximal to each of the four S4 segments of a rat skeletal muscle sodium channel were monitored simultaneously with either gating or ionic currents. At least one of the kinetic components of fluorescence from every S4 segment correlates with movement of gating charge. The fast kinetic component of fluorescence from sites S216C (S4 domain I), S660C (S4 domain II), and L1115C (S4 domain III) is comparable to the fast component of gating currents. In contrast, the fast component of fluorescence from the site S1436C (S4 domain IV) correlates with the slow component of gating. In all the cases, the slow component of fluorescence does not have any apparent correlation with charge movement. The fluorescence signals from sites reflecting the movement of S4s in the first three domains initiate simultaneously, whereas the fluorescence signals from the site S1436C exhibit a lag phase. These results suggest that the voltage-dependent movement of S4 domain IV is a later step in the activation sequence. Analysis of equilibrium and kinetic properties of fluorescence over activation voltage range indicate that S4 domain III is likely to move at most hyperpolarized potentials, whereas the S4s in domain I and domain II move at more depolarized potentials. The kinetics of fluorescence changes from sites near S4-DIV are slower than the activation time constants, suggesting that the voltage-dependent movement of S4-DIV may not be a prerequisite for channel opening. These experiments allow us to map structural features onto the kinetic landscape of a sodium channel during activation

    Local Anesthetics Disrupt Energetic Coupling between the Voltage-sensing Segments of a Sodium Channel

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    Local anesthetics block sodium channels in a state-dependent fashion, binding with higher affinity to open and/or inactivated states. Gating current measurements show that local anesthetics immobilize a fraction of the gating charge, suggesting that the movement of voltage sensors is modified when a local anesthetic binds to the pore of the sodium channel. Here, using voltage clamp fluorescence measurements, we provide a quantitative description of the effect of local anesthetics on the steady-state behavior of the voltage-sensing segments of a sodium channel. Lidocaine and QX-314 shifted the midpoints of the fluorescence–voltage (F-V) curves of S4 domain III in the hyperpolarizing direction by 57 and 65 mV, respectively. A single mutation in the S6 of domain IV (F1579A), a site critical for local anesthetic block, abolished the effect of QX-314 on the voltage sensor of domain III. Both local anesthetics modestly shifted the F-V relationships of S4 domain IV toward hyperpolarized potentials. In contrast, the F-V curve of the S4 domain I was shifted by 11 mV in the depolarizing direction upon QX-314 binding. These antagonistic effects of the local anesthetic indicate that the drug modifies the coupling between the voltage-sensing domains of the sodium channel. Our findings suggest a novel role of local anesthetics in modulating the gating apparatus of the sodium channel

    Activation of the archaeal ion channel MthK is exquisitely regulated by temperature

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    Physiological response to thermal stimuli in mammals is mediated by a structurally diverse class of ion channels, many of which exhibit polymodal behavior. To probe the diversity of biophysical mechanisms of temperature-sensitivity, we characterized the temperature-dependent activation of MthK, a two transmembrane calcium-activated potassium channel from thermophilic archaebacteria. Our functional complementation studies show that these channels are more efficient at rescuing

    Coupling Interactions between Voltage Sensors of the Sodium Channel as Revealed by Site-specific Measurements

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    The voltage-sensing S4 segments in the sodium channel undergo conformational rearrangements in response to changes in the electric field. However, it remains unclear whether these structures move independently or in a coordinated manner. Previously, site-directed fluorescence measurements were shown to track S4 transitions in each of the four domains (Chanda, B., and F. Bezanilla. 2002. J. Gen. Physiol. 120:629–645). Here, using a similar technique, we provide direct evidence of coupling interactions between voltage sensors in the sodium channel. Pairwise interactions between S4s were evaluated by comparing site-specific conformational changes in the presence and absence of a gating perturbation in a distal domain. Reciprocity of effect, a fundamental property of thermodynamically coupled systems, was measured by generating converse mutants. The magnitude of a local gating perturbation induced by a remote S4 mutation depends on the coupling strength and the relative equilibrium positions of the two voltage sensors. In general, our data indicates that the movement of all four voltage sensors in the sodium channel are coupled to a varying extent. Moreover, a gating perturbation in S4-DI has the largest effect on the activation of S4-DIV and vice versa, demonstrating an energetic linkage between S4-DI and S4-DIV. This result suggests a physical mechanism by which the activation and inactivation process may be coupled in voltage-gated sodium channels. In addition, we propose that cooperative interactions between voltage sensors may be the mechanistic basis for the fast activation kinetics of the sodium channel

    α-Scorpion Toxin Impairs a Conformational Change that Leads to Fast Inactivation of Muscle Sodium Channels

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    α-Scorpion toxins bind in a voltage-dependent way to site 3 of the sodium channels, which is partially formed by the loop connecting S3 and S4 segments of domain IV, slowing down fast inactivation. We have used Ts3, an α-scorpion toxin from the Brazilian scorpion Tityus serrulatus, to analyze the effects of this family of toxins on the muscle sodium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. In the presence of Ts3 the total gating charge was reduced by 30% compared with control conditions. Ts3 accelerated the gating current kinetics, decreasing the contribution of the slow component to the ON gating current decay, indicating that S4-DIV was specifically inhibited by the toxin. In addition, Ts3 accelerated and decreased the fraction of charge in the slow component of the OFF gating current decay, which reflects an acceleration in the recovery from the fast inactivation. Site-specific fluorescence measurements indicate that Ts3 binding to the voltage-gated sodium channel eliminates one of the components of the fluorescent signal from S4-DIV. We also measured the fluorescent signals produced by the movement of the first three voltage sensors to test whether the bound Ts3 affects the movement of the other voltage sensors. While the fluorescence–voltage (F-V) relationship of domain II was only slightly affected and the F-V of domain III remained unaffected in the presence of Ts3, the toxin significantly shifted the F-V of domain I to more positive potentials, which agrees with previous studies showing a strong coupling between domains I and IV. These results are consistent with the proposed model, in which Ts3 specifically impairs the fraction of the movement of the S4-DIV that allows fast inactivation to occur at normal rates

    β-Scorpion Toxin Modifies Gating Transitions in All Four Voltage Sensors of the Sodium Channel

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    Several naturally occurring polypeptide neurotoxins target specific sites on the voltage-gated sodium channels. Of these, the gating modifier toxins alter the behavior of the sodium channels by stabilizing transient intermediate states in the channel gating pathway. Here we have used an integrated approach that combines electrophysiological and spectroscopic measurements to determine the structural rearrangements modified by the β-scorpion toxin Ts1. Our data indicate that toxin binding to the channel is restricted to a single binding site on domain II voltage sensor. Analysis of Cole-Moore shifts suggests that the number of closed states in the activation sequence prior to channel opening is reduced in the presence of toxin. Measurements of charge–voltage relationships show that a fraction of the gating charge is immobilized in Ts1-modified channels. Interestingly, the charge–voltage relationship also shows an additional component at hyperpolarized potentials. Site-specific fluorescence measurements indicate that in presence of the toxin the voltage sensor of domain II remains trapped in the activated state. Furthermore, the binding of the toxin potentiates the activation of the other three voltage sensors of the sodium channel to more hyperpolarized potentials. These findings reveal how the binding of β-scorpion toxin modifies channel function and provides insight into early gating transitions of sodium channels

    A fluorophore attached to nicotinic acetylcholine receptor beta M2 detects productive binding of agonist to the alpha delta site

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    To study conformational transitions at the muscle nicotinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptor (nAChR), a rhodamine fluorophore was tethered to a Cys side chain introduced at the beta-19' position in the M2 region of the nAChR expressed in Xenopus oocytes. This procedure led to only minor changes in receptor function. During agonist application, fluorescence increased by (Delta-F/F) approximate to 10%, and the emission peak shifted to lower wavelengths, indicating a more hydrophobic environment for the fluorophore. The dose-response relations for Delta-F agreed well with those for epibatidine-induced currents, but were shifted approximate to 100-fold to the left of those for ACh-induced currents. Because (i) epibatidine binds more tightly to the alpha-gamma-binding site than to the alpha-delta site and (ii) ACh binds with reverse-site selectivity, these data suggest that Delta-F monitors an event linked to binding specifically at the alpha-delta-subunit interface. In experiments with flash-applied agonists, the earliest detectable Delta-F occurs within milliseconds, i.e., during activation. At low [ACh] (less than or equal to 10 muM), a phase of Delta-F occurs with the same time constant as desensitization, presumably monitoring an increased population of agonist-bound receptors. However, recovery from Delta-F is complete before the slowest phase of recovery from desensitization (time constant approximate to 250 s), showing that one or more desensitized states have fluorescence like that of the resting channel. That conformational transitions at the alpha-delta-binding site are not tightly coupled to channel activation suggests that sequential rather than fully concerted transitions occur during receptor gating. Thus, time-resolved fluorescence changes provide a powerful probe of nAChR conformational changes