5 research outputs found

    The Minimum Expected Penalty Relocation Problem for the computation of compliance tables for ambulance vehicles

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    We study the ambulance relocation problem in which one tries to respond to possible future incidents quickly. For this purpose, we consider compliance table policies: a relocation strategy commonly used in practice. Each compliance table level indicates the desired waiting site locations for the available ambulances. To compute efficient compliance tables, we introduce the minimum expected penalty relocation problem (MEXPREP), which we formulate as an integer linear program. In this problem, one has the ability to control the number of waiting site relocations. Moreover, different performance measures related to response times, such as survival probabilities, can be incorporated. We show by simulation that the MEXPREP compliance tables outperform both the static policy and compliance tables obtained by the maximal expected coverage relocation problem (MECRP), which both serve as benchmarks. Besides, we perform a study on different relocation thresholds and on two different methods to assign available ambulances to desired waiting sites

    Real-time ambulance relocation: Assessing real-time redeployment strategies for ambulance relocation

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    Providers of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are typically concerned with keeping response times short. A powerful means to ensure this, is to dynamically redistribute the ambulances over the region, depending on the current state of the system. In this paper, we provide new insight into how to optimally (re)distribute ambulances. We study the impact of (1) the frequency of redeployment decision moments, (2) the inclusion of busy ambulances in the state description of the system, and (3) the performance criterion on the quality of the distribution strategy. In addition, we consider the influence of the EMS crew workload, such as (4) chain relocations and (5) time bounds, on the execution of an ambulance relocation. To this end, we use trace-driven simulations based on a real dataset from ambulance providers in the Netherlands. In doing so, we differentiate between rural and urban regions, which typically face different challenges when it comes to EMS. Our results show that: (1) taking the classical 0-1 performance criterion for assessing the fraction of late arrivals only differs slightly from related response time criteria for evaluating the performance as a function of the response time, (2) adding more relocation decision moments is highly beneficial, particularly for rural areas, (3) considering ambulances involved in dropping off patients available for newly coming incidents reduces relocation times only slightly, and (4) simulation experiments for assessing move-up policies are highly preferable to simple mathematical models

    Evaluating accessibility of Malaysian ministries websites using WCAG 2.0 and Section 508 guideline

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    Although e-government practice in Malaysia shows considerable progress, accessibility of the government websites has been cited as the next key concern that deserves further attention.It is therefore essential to ensure greater compliance of the government websites with established web accessibility standards and guidelines. This is in line with an initiative to promote better delivery system of the government.In response, this paper reports accessibility status of 25 Malaysian ministries websites as outlined in Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0) and United States Rehabilitation Act 1973 (Section 508). Using AChecker and WAVE as automated accessibility evaluation tools, the results suggest relatively low compliance of the standards amongst the ministries websites examined.Further improvements are recommended, particularly on the contrast view requirement as well as the use of input and image-related elements.The report can be a meaningful guidance for webmasters to locate and address the errors accordingly.Fully complying with the stipulated guidelines, therefore, ensures equal experience among citizen on accessing government related information and services

    Sekat ideologi Daesh melalui kaedah ilmiah

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    Isu radikalisme semakin menarik perhatian dan turut memberi ancaman keselamatan negara pada peringkat global. Malaysia juga tidak terkecuali daripada ancaman itu hasil daripada pengaruh pergolakan politik yang semakin tidak terkawal di negara Asia Barat