2 research outputs found

    Cultural adaption, translation, preliminary reliability and validity of psychological and behavioural measures for adolescents living with HIV in Botswana:A multi-stage approach

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    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) remains a significant public health issue among young people living in Botswana. There is a need for reliable and valid psychological and behavioural measures of causally important constructs for this population. We developed a new HIV knowledge measure for use with 10–19-year-olds living with HIV and translated and adapted additional tools measuring HIV adjustment, HIV disclosure cognitions and affect, HIV communication beliefs, antiretroviral (ART) adherence, and self-esteem, using a multi-step process. This included (1) item generation for the HIV knowledge questionnaire, (2) translation including back-translation and expert review, (3) cognitive interviewing, (4) reliability testing (5) preliminary validity analysis. The HIV Knowledge Questionnaire for Adolescents living with HIV, the Illness Cognition Questionnaire, the Adolescent HIV Disclosure Cognition and Affect Scale, the HIV Communication Beliefs Scale, and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale showed acceptable or good reliability and some evidence of validity for adolescents living with HIV in Botswana

    Data quality self-assessment of child health and sexual reproductive health indicators in Botswana, 2016-2017.

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    There is no published data on quality of administrative data for various health indicators in Botswana, yet such data are used for policy making and future planning. This article reports on quality of data on child health and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) indicators in Botswana. The main objective of the study was to assess the quality of administrative data from Expanded Immunization Program (EPI) and condom use, Depo-Provera uptake and domiciliary care attendance in Botswana. This was a retrospective study entailing a review of data retrieved from district health records and District Health Information System (DHIS). A total of 30 clinics and health posts were randomly selected from two cities, a town and three rural villages which makes up 6 districts commonly denoted urban, semi-urban and rural respectively. Through a stratified random sampling health facilities were selected. EPI data (Penta 3- third dose of pentavalent vaccine and Measles vaccine) and SRH data (condom use, Depo-Provera uptake and Domiciliary care) were assessed for completeness, discrepancies and verification factor using WHO Routine data quality (RDQA) assessment tool. A verification score of less than 90%% was considered as underreporting while more than 110% is over reporting. However, the score which is within +-10% is acceptable, reliable and a good indicator of data quality and reporting system. About 56% (9/16) SRH indicators had a verification factor score outside the accepted range and 87% (13/15) discrepancy value outside the accepted range. For immunization, 10% (1/10) had a verification factor score outside the accepted range and 33% (3/9) had a discrepancy value outside the accepted range. The level of completeness was high for both Penta3 and Measles coverage and it was lowest for condom. Our findings highlight a poorer data quality for SRH indicators compared to child health indicators. A comprehensive program review drawing lessons from the child health indicators is required to improve the quality of administrative data in Botswana