3 research outputs found

    Whole-genome sequencing of Xanthomonadaceae strain Alg18-2.2, isolated from the Saline Lake Gudzhirganskoe in the Republic of Buryatia, Russia

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    A draft genome sequence of the bacterial isolate Alg18-2.2, recovered from the highly saline and alkaline lake Gudzhirganskoe (Buryatia, Russia), was determined. The results of bacterial identification using 16S rRNA gene sequence and whole-genome analyses suggest that the bacterium belongs to a novel genus. Some genomic features are discussed here

    Structur e and Functioning of Micr obial Community of Mineral Springs in Central Asia

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    The microbial mats of dif ferent types of springs in Central Asia (Zabaikalye and Mongolia) are described. The species diversity of mat-formed phototrophic bacteria was determined. The rates of microbial destruction processes (sulfate reduction and methane formation) were measured. An important role of bacteria and algae in the formation of mineral water composition was shown

    Hydr ochemical Characteristics of Selenge River and its Tributaries on the Territory of Mongolia

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    Hydrochemical research of the Selenge and its main tributary the Orkhon river on the territory of Mongolia has been conducted. Concentrations of the main water ions were measured. Distribution of heavy metals was determined. Dynamics of biogenic elements (NO 3 - , NH 4 + , phosphates) and degree of phenol pollution was determined