19 research outputs found
Locking of accessible information and implications for the security of quantum cryptography
The unconditional security of a quantum key distribution protocol is often
defined in terms of the accessible information, that is, the maximum mutual
information between the distributed key S and the outcome of an optimal
measurement on the adversary's (quantum) system. We show that, even if this
quantity is small, certain parts of the key S might still be completely
insecure when S is used in applications, such as for one-time pad encryption.
This flaw is due to a locking property of the accessible information: one
additional (physical) bit of information might increase the accessible
information by more than one bit.Comment: 5 pages; minor change
Elektronische Geruchsuntersuchung von HölzernElectronic odour testing of woods
An experimental 392-year documentary-based multi-proxy (vine and grain) reconstruction of May-July temperatures for KAszeg, West-Hungary
In this paper, we present a 392-year-long preliminary temperature reconstruction for western Hungary. The reconstructed series is based on five vine- and grain-related historical phenological series from the town of KAszeg. We apply dendrochronological methods for both signal assessment of the phenological series and the resultant temperature reconstruction. As a proof of concept, the present reconstruction explains 57% of the temperature variance of May-July Budapest mean temperatures and is well verified with coefficient of efficiency values in excess of 0.45. The developed temperature reconstruction portrays warm conditions during the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries with a period of cooling until the coldest reconstructed period centred around 1815, which was followed by a period of warming until the 1860s. The phenological evidence analysed here represent an important data source from which non-biased estimates of past climate can be derived that may provide information at all possible time-scales.</p