448 research outputs found
Photon Splitting in Magnetar Models of Soft Gamma Repeaters
The recent association of soft gamma repeaters (SGRs) with counterparts in
other wavebands has sparked much interest in these sources. One of the recent
models for these objects is that they originate in the environs of neutron
stars with fields much stronger than the quantum critical field
\teq{B_{cr}=4.413\times 10^{13}} Gauss. Near such neutron stars, dubbed
magnetars, the exotic quantum process of magnetic photon splitting becomes
prolific. Its principal effect is to degrade photon energies and thereby soften
gamma-ray spectra from neutron stars; it has recently been suggested that
splitting may be responsible for limiting the hardness of emission in SGRs, if
these sources originate in neutron stars with supercritical surface fields.
Seed photons in supercritical fields efficiently generate soft gamma-ray
spectra, typical of repeaters. In this paper, the influence of the curved
dipole field geometry of a neutron star magnetosphere on the photon splitting
rate is investigated. The dependence of the attenuation length on the location
and angular direction of the seed photons is explored.Comment: 5 pages including 3 encapsulated figures, as a compressed, uuencoded,
Postscript file. To appear in Proc. of the 1995 La Jolla workshop ``High
Velocity Neutron Stars and Gamma-Ray Bursts'' eds. Rothschild, R. et al.,
AIP, New Yor
Photon Splitting and Pair Conversion in Strong Magnetic Fields
The magnetospheres of neutron stars provide a valuable testing ground for
as-yet unverified theoretical predictions of quantum electrodynamics (QED) in
strong electromagnetic fields. Exhibiting magnetic field strengths well in
excess of a TeraGauss, such compact astrophysical environments permit the
action of exotic mechanisms that are forbidden by symmetries in field-free
regions. Foremost among these processes are single-photon pair creation, where
a photon converts to an electron-positron pair, and magnetic photon splitting,
where a single photon divides into two of lesser energy via the coupling to the
external field. The pair conversion process is exponentially small in weak
fields, and provides the leading order contribution to vacuum polarization. In
contrast, photon splitting possesses no energy threshold and can operate in
kinematic regimes where the lower order pair conversion is energetically
forbidden. This paper outlines some of the key physical aspects of these
processes, and highlights their manifestation in neutron star magnetospheres.
Anticipated observational signatures include profound absorption turnovers in
pulsar spectra at gamma-ray wavelengths. The shapes of these turnovers provide
diagnostics on the possible action of pair creation and the geometrical locale
of the photon emission region. There is real potential for the first
confirmation of strong field QED with the new GLAST mission, to be launched by
NASA in 2008. Suppression of pair creation by photon splitting and its
implications for pulsars is also discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 3 embedded figures, invited review, to appear in Proc.
CASYS '07 Conference "Computing Anticipatory Systems," eds. D. Dubois, et al.
(AIP Conf. Proc., New York, 2008
Acceleration Rates and Injection Efficiencies in Oblique Shocks
The rate at which particles are accelerated by the first-order Fermi
mechanism in shocks depends on the angle, \teq{\Tbone}, that the upstream
magnetic field makes with the shock normal. The greater the obliquity the
greater the rate, and in quasi-perpendicular shocks rates can be hundreds of
times higher than those seen in parallel shocks. In many circumstances
pertaining to evolving shocks (\eg, supernova blast waves and interplanetary
traveling shocks), high acceleration rates imply high maximum particle energies
and obliquity effects may have important astrophysical consequences. However,
as is demonstrated here, the efficiency for injecting thermal particles into
the acceleration mechanism also depends strongly on obliquity and, in general,
varies inversely with \teq{\Tbone}. The degree of turbulence and the resulting
cross-field diffusion strongly influences both injection efficiency and
acceleration rates. The test particle \mc simulation of shock acceleration used
here assumes large-angle scattering, computes particle orbits exactly in
shocked, laminar, non-relativistic flows, and calculates the injection
efficiency as a function of obliquity, Mach number, and degree of turbulence.
We find that turbulence must be quite strong for high Mach number, highly
oblique shocks to inject significant numbers of thermal particles and that only
modest gains in acceleration rates can be expected for strong oblique shocks
over parallel ones if the only source of seed particles is the thermal
background.Comment: 24 pages including 6 encapsulated figures, as a compressed,
uuencoded, Postscript file. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical
Photon splitting in soft gamma repeaters
The exotic quantum process of photon splitting has great potential to explain the softness of emission in soft gamma repeaters (SGRs) if they originate in neutron stars with surface fields above the quantum critical field B_{\rm cr}=4.413\times 10^{13}Gauss. Splitting becomes prolific at such field strengths: its principal effect is to degrade photon energies, initiating a cascade that softens gamma-ray spectra. Uniform field cascade calculations have demonstrated that emission could be softened to the observed SGR energies for fields exceeding about 10^{14}Gauss. Recently, we have determined splitting attenuation lengths and maximum energies for photon escape in neutron star environments including the effects of magnetospheric dipole field geometry. Such escape energies \erg_{esc} suitably approximate the peak energy of the emergent spectrum, and in this paper we present results for \erg_{esc} as a function of photon emission angles for polar cap and equatorial emission regions. The escape energy is extremely insensitive to viewing perspective for equatorial emission, arguing in favour of such a site for the origin of SGR activity
Photon Splitting Cascades in Gamma-Ray Pulsars and the Spectrum of PSR1509-58
Magnetic photon splitting, a QED process that becomes important only in
magnetic fields approaching the quantum critical value, B_cr = 4.41 X 10^13
Gauss, is investigated as a mechanism for attenuation of gamma-rays emitted
near the surface of strongly-magnetized pulsars. We model photon splitting
attenuation and subsequent splitting cascades in gamma-ray pulsars, including
the dipole field and curved spacetime geometry of the neutron star
magnetosphere. We focus specifically on PSR1509-58, which has the highest
surface magnetic field of all the gamma-ray pulsars (B_0 = 3 X 10^13 Gauss). We
find that splitting will not be important for most gamma-ray pulsars, i.e.
those with B_0 <~ 0.2 B_cr, but will be important for gamma-ray pulsars having
B_0 >~ 0.3 B_cr, where the splitting attenuation lengths and escape energies
become comparable to or less than those for pair production. We compute Monte
Carlo spectral models for PSR1509-58. We find that photon splitting, or
combined splitting and pair production, can explain the unusually low cutoff
energy (between 2 and 30 MeV) of PSR1509-58, and that the model cascade
spectra, which display strong polarization, are consistent with the observed
spectral points and upper limits for polar cap emission at a range of magnetic
colatitudes up to ~ 25 degrees.Comment: 39 pages, 14 embedded figures, AASTEX To appear in ApJ, January 20,
Prompt GeV-TeV Emission of Gamma-Ray Bursts Due to High-Energy Protons, Muons and Electron-Positron Pairs
In the framework of the internal shock scenario, we model the broadband
prompt emission of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with emphasis on the GeV-TeV bands,
utilizing Monte Carlo simulations that include various processes associated
with electrons and protons accelerated to high energies. While inverse Compton
emission from primary electrons is often dominant, different proton-induced
mechanisms can also give rise to distinct high-energy components, such as
synchrotron emission from protons, muons or secondary electrons/positrons
injected via photomeson interactions. In some cases, they give rise to double
spectral breaks that can serve as unique signatures of ultra-high-energy
protons. We discuss the conditions favorable for such emission, and how they
are related to the production of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays and neutrinos in
internal shocks. Ongoing and upcoming observations by {\it GLAST}, atmospheric
Cerenkov telescopes and other facilities will test these expectations and
provide important information on the physical conditions in GRB outflows.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures and 14 appendix figures, accepted for publication
in ApJ vol. 671 with minor revision
Magnetic Photon Splitting: the S-Matrix Formulation in the Landau Representation
Calculations of reaction rates for the third-order QED process of photon
splitting in strong magnetic fields traditionally have employed either the
effective Lagrangian method or variants of Schwinger's proper-time technique.
Recently, Mentzel, Berg and Wunner (1994) presented an alternative derivation
via an S-matrix formulation in the Landau representation. Advantages of such a
formulation include the ability to compute rates near pair resonances above
pair threshold. This paper presents new developments of the Landau
representation formalism as applied to photon splitting, providing significant
advances beyond the work of Mentzel et al. by summing over the spin quantum
numbers of the electron propagators, and analytically integrating over the
component of momentum of the intermediate states that is parallel to field. The
ensuing tractable expressions for the scattering amplitudes are satisfyingly
compact, and of an appearance familiar to S-matrix theory applications. Such
developments can facilitate numerical computations of splitting considerably
both below and above pair threshold. Specializations to two regimes of interest
are obtained, namely the limit of highly supercritical fields and the domain
where photon energies are far inferior to that for the threshold of
single-photon pair creation. In particular, for the first time the
low-frequency amplitudes are simply expressed in terms of the Gamma function,
its integral and its derivatives. In addition, the equivalence of the
asymptotic forms in these two domains to extant results from effective
Lagrangian/proper-time formulations is demonstrated.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, REVTeX; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
Compton Scattering in Ultra-Strong Magnetic Fields: Numerical and Analytical Behavior in the Relativistic Regime
This paper explores the effects of strong magnetic fields on the Compton
scattering of relativistic electrons. Recent studies of upscattering and energy
loss by relativistic electrons that have used the non-relativistic, magnetic
Thomson cross section for resonant scattering or the Klein-Nishina cross
section for non-resonant scattering do not account for the relativistic quantum
effects of strong fields ( G). We have derived a
simplified expression for the exact QED scattering cross section for the
broadly-applicable case where relativistic electrons move along the magnetic
field. To facilitate applications to astrophysical models, we have also
developed compact approximate expressions for both the differential and total
polarization-dependent cross sections, with the latter representing well the
exact total QED cross section even at the high fields believed to be present in
environments near the stellar surfaces of Soft Gamma-Ray Repeaters and
Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars. We find that strong magnetic fields significantly
lower the Compton scattering cross section below and at the resonance, when the
incident photon energy exceeds in the electron rest frame. The cross
section is strongly dependent on the polarization of the final scattered
photon. Below the cyclotron fundamental, mostly photons of perpendicular
polarization are produced in scatterings, a situation that also arises above
this resonance for sub-critical fields. However, an interesting discovery is
that for super-critical fields, a preponderance of photons of parallel
polarization results from scatterings above the cyclotron fundamental. This
characteristic is both a relativistic and magnetic effect not present in the
Thomson or Klein-Nishina limits.Comment: AASTeX format, 31 pages included 7 embedded figures, accepted for
publication in The Astrophysical Journa
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