168 research outputs found

    X-ray and neutron diffraction studies of coupled structural phase transitions in DyBaCo2_{2}O5.5_{5.5}

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    A structural transition at T≈322T\approx 322 K from the PmmmPmmm to PmmaPmma phase is found to coincide with an anomaly of resistivity. Another structural phase transition doubling the lattice parameter cc, which has been postulated earlier to accompany a low-temperature magnetic transition in TbBaCo2_{2}O5.5_{5.5}, is observed in a single crystal DbBaCo2_{2}O5.5_{5.5} by means of the X-ray and neutron diffraction. The low temperature phase does not belong to the space group PccaPcca that has been chosen earlier as the highest subgroup of the PmmaPmma. The transition is of the first order with the temperature hysteresis, between T≈100T\approx 100 and T≈200T\approx 200 K, which probably explains anomalous magnetic properties in this temperature range.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of the sample geometry on the second magnetization peak in single crystalline Ba0.63_{0.63}K0.37_{0.37}BiO3_3 thick film

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    Magnetization hysteresis loop M(H)M(H) measurements performed on a single crystalline Ba0.63_{0.63}K0.37_{0.37}BiO3_3 superconducting thick film reveal pronounced sample geometry dependence of the "second magnetization peak" (SMP), i.e. a maximum in the width of M(H)M(H) occurring at the field HSMP(T)H_{\rm SMP}(T). In particular, it is found that the SMP vanishes decreasing the film dimension. We argue that the observed sample geometry dependence of the SMP cannot be accounted for by models which assume a vortex pinning enhancement as the origin of the SMP. Our results can be understood considering the thermomagnetic instability effect and/or non-uniform current distribution at H<HSMPH < H_{\rm SMP} in large enough samples.Comment: 8 pages 3 figure

    Soft phonons and structural phase transition in superconducting Ba0.59K0.41BiO3

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    We have observed a softening of phonons and a structural phase transition in a superconducting Ba0.59K0.41BiO3 (Tc = 31 K) single crystal using elastic and inelastic neutron scattering measurements. The soft phonon occurs for the [111] transverse acoustic mode at the zone boundary. The phonon energies in this vicinity are found to continuously decrease with decreasing temperature from above room temperature to 200 K, where a structural phase transition from cubic to tetragonal symmetry occurs. The overall results are consistent with previous data that reported phonon softening and a (0.5, 0.5, 0.5) type superstructure in several Ba1-xKxBiO3 systems. However, we also find weak (0.5, 0.5, 0) type superstructure peaks that reveal an additional component to the modulation. No significant change related to the superconductivity was observed for the soft phonon energies or linewidths.Comment: 15 page

    Low temperature mixed spin state of Co3+ in LaCoO3 evidenced from Jahn-Teller lattice distortions

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    One- and multi-phonon excitations of the single crystalline LaCoO3 were studied using Raman spectroscopy in the temperature region of 5 K - 300 K. First-order Raman spectra show a larger number of phonon modes than allowed for the rhombohedral structure. Additional phonon modes are interpreted in terms of activated modes due to lattice distortions, arising from the Jahn-Teller (JT) activity of the intermediate-spin (IS) state of Co3+ ions. In particular, the 608-cm-1 stretching-type mode shows anomalous behavior in peak energy and scattering intensity as a function of temperature. The anomalous temperature dependence of the second-order phonon excitations spectra is in accordance with the Franck-Condon mechanism that is characteristic for a JT orbital order.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, to be published in J. Low. Temp. Physic

    Safety of Hydrogen Systems Installed in Outdoor Enclosures

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    The Hydrogen Safety Panel brings a broad cross-section of expertise from the industrial, government, and academic sectors to help advise the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Fuel Cell Technologies Office through its work in hydrogen safety, codes, and standards. The Panel’s initiatives in reviewing safety plans, conducting safety evaluations, identifying safety-related technical data gaps, and supporting safety knowledge tools and databases cover the gamut from research and development to demonstration and deployment. The Panel’s recent work has focused on the safe deployment of hydrogen and fuel cell systems in support of DOE efforts to accelerate fuel cell commercialization in early market applications: vehicle refueling, material handling equipment, backup power for warehouses and telecommunication sites, and portable power devices. This paper resulted from observations and considerations stemming from the Panel’s work on early market applications. This paper focuses on hydrogen system components that are installed in outdoor enclosures. These enclosures might alternatively be called “cabinets,” but for simplicity, they are all referred to as “enclosures” in this paper. These enclosures can provide a space where a flammable mixture of hydrogen and air might accumulate, creating the potential for a fire or explosion should an ignition occur. If the enclosure is large enough for a person to enter, and ventilation is inadequate, the hydrogen concentration could be high enough to asphyxiate a person who entered the space. Manufacturers, users, and government authorities rely on requirements described in codes to guide safe design and installation of such systems. Except for small enclosures used for hydrogen gas cylinders (gas cabinets), fuel cell power systems, and the enclosures that most people would describe as buildings, there are no hydrogen safety requirements for these enclosures, leaving gaps that must be addressed. This paper proposes that a technical basis be developed to enable code bodies to write requirements for the range of enclosures from the smallest to the largest

    Probing the role of Nd3+ ions in the weak multiferroic character of NdMn2O5 by optical spectroscopies

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    Raman and infrared spectroscopies are used as local probes to study the dynamics of the Nd-O bonds in the weakly multiferroic NdMn2O5 system. The temperature dependence of selected Raman excitations reveals the splitting of the Nd-O bonds in NdMn2O5. The Nd3+ ion crystal field (CF) excitations in NdMn2O5 single crystals are studied by infrared transmission as a function of temperature, in the 1800-8000 cm-1 range, and under an applied magnetic field up to 11 T. The frequencies of all 4Ij crystal-field levels of Nd3+ are determined. We find that the degeneracy of the ground-state Kramers doublet is lifted ({\Delta}0 ~7.5 cm-1) due to the Nd3+-Mn3+ interaction in the ferroelectric phase, below TC ~ 28 K. The Nd3+ magnetic moment mNd(T) and its contribution to the magnetic susceptibility and the specific heat are evaluated from {\Delta}0(T) indicating that the Nd3+ ions are involved in the magnetic and the ferroelectric ordering observed below ~ 28 K. The Zeeman splitting of the excited crystal field levels of the Nd3+ ions at low temperature is also analyzed.Comment: This paper is accepted for publication as a Regular Article in Physical Review


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    Com o crescente acesso Ă  informação, proporcionado por maior alcance da internet, a sociedade depara-se com conflituosas questĂ”es de vieses ideolĂłgicos. Assim, esse artigo se propĂ”e a apresentar a sĂ­ntese da pesquisa qualitativa, desenvolvida no Mestrado em Letras, da Universidade Vale do Rio Verde (UNINCOR), concluĂ­da no ano de 2019, cujo objetivo foi compreender como o objeto de discurso “Temer” foi caracterizado e recategorizado pelas revistas Veja e CartaCapital, antes, durante e apĂłs o processo de impeachment de Dilma Rousseff, ocorrido entre os anos de 2015 e 2017. Situada no escopo da LinguĂ­stica Textual, esta pesquisa mobiliza conceitos teĂłricos de Koch, Marcuschi, Mondada e Dubois, dentre outros. Dentre os diversos elementos que colaboram na tessitura de um texto, este artigo oferece destaque ao objeto de discurso “Temer” em um gĂȘnero especĂ­fico, o artigo de opiniĂŁo. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstraram a importĂąncia da leitura ampla, evitando as chamadas “cĂąmaras de eco”, onde a sociedade se fecha em bolhas, mantendo relaçÔes apenas com pessoas que compartilhem de seus pensamentos
