917 research outputs found

    Transition metal clusters containing ferrocenyl diphosphine

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    ABSTRACT The ligating ability of 1,1-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene (dppf) enables its extensive coordination chemistry to transition metals. To study the various ligating modes of dppf with chalcogenide transition metal clusters, three new compounds were synthesised and their mode of bonding has been studied. [Fe3Te2(CO)9{(PPh2)(C5H4)Fe(C5H4)(PPh2)}] (Te2Red3) was synthesised in room temperature , 31 P NMR spectra shows a singlet denoting dppf adopts a chelating mode of bonding, [Fe3Te2(CO)9{(PPh2)(C5H4)Fe(C5H4)(PPh2)}] (Te2Red1) was synthesised at 0o C and [Fe3Se2(CO)8(į1-dppf)] (Se2Black1) was synthesised at room temperature. From the 31 P NMR spectra it was found that one of the phosphorus was coordinated to the iron metal and the other phosphorus was hanging . The uncoordinated phosphorus was used for further cluster growth reactions with W(CO)5THF and the dppf ligand adopts inter-bridging mode of bonding in the compound [Fe3Se2(CO)8dppfW(CO)5]

    Multiple Triple-Point Fermions in Heusler Compounds

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    Using the density functional theoretical calculations, we report a new set of topological semimetals X2_{2}YZ (X = \{Cu, Rh, Pd, Ag, Au, Hg\}, Y = \{Li, Na, Sc, Zn, Y, Zr, Hf, La, Pr, Pm, Sm, Tb, Dy, Ho, Tm\} and Z =\{Mg, Al, Zn, Ga, Y, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Ta, Sm\}), which show the existence of multiple topological triple point fermions along four independent C3C_{3} axes. These fermionic quasiparticles have no analogues elementary particle in the standard model. The angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy is simulated to obtain the exotic topological surface states and the characteristic Fermi arcs. The inclusion of spin-orbit coupling splits the triple-point into two Dirac points. The triple-point fermions are exhibited on the easily cleavable (111) surface and are well separated from the surface Γˉ\bar{\Gamma} point, allowing them to be resolved in the surface spectroscopic techniques. This intermediate linearly dispersive degeneracy between Weyl and Dirac points may offer prospective candidates for quantum transport applications

    Impact of Changes in Management Regime on Fisheries: A Temporal Case Study of Dhir Beel in Assam

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    The floodplain wetlands (beels) constitute important fisheries resources of Assam. These resources are managed through a complex social framework. The state of this management regime determines the level and sustainable utilization with implications on fisheries and livelihoods. To find the impact of such management regime, a case study has been undertaken in the Dhir beel of Assam. The impact of the change in the management regime on the sustainability of fisheries and livelihoods of fishers has been evaluated. This change in the management regime has been due to immigration of a large number of people from the nearby areas since 1985. The study has compared the scenario that existed ‘before 1985’ (data of 1982-84) and “after 1985’ (data of 2004). There has been a significant increase in the fishing pressure with new fishing practices (1.5 to 5 times) as well as intensity of effort (3 to 7 times). The weakening of the regulating institutions has led to irrational practices which in turn, have resulted in a decline (22.32%) in the production and productivity of the beel. The decline has been more (31.79%) in terms of value than production of fish, indicating a definite decline in the quality of the fish available in these resources. In the changed scenario, the economics of the management has gone against the resource managers as they are to spend more money on monitoring and enforcing the rules. The livelihood of the fishers has also declined with the high degree of sharing of fish among the fishers.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Farm-economics of genetically improved carp strains in major Asian countries and carp seed price policy model

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    The study has conducted the micro level analysis of hatchery operators, fishseed-rearing farmers and carp farmers with respect to their socio-economic characteristics, infrastructural development, husbandry practices and economics returns, based on the survey and on-farm trial data collected by the research partners in six Asian countries, viz. Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. The genetically-improved carp strain is economically viable and socially acceptable. The attractive profits to hatchery operators and nursery and carp farmers have created conducive environment for the dissemination of improved carp strain. Price policy models for improved strains have been developed. The premium price for fingerlings and broodstock with improved strain has been assessed. The high price of genetically-improved nuclear seed and broodstock would build self-supportive research and extension systems in the country. A business plan for Jayanti rohu has been worked out, as an example for replacement of rohu by Jayanti rohu.Livestock Production/Industries,

    FogGIS: Fog Computing for Geospatial Big Data Analytics

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    Cloud Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has emerged as a tool for analysis, processing and transmission of geospatial data. The Fog computing is a paradigm where Fog devices help to increase throughput and reduce latency at the edge of the client. This paper developed a Fog-based framework named Fog GIS for mining analytics from geospatial data. We built a prototype using Intel Edison, an embedded microprocessor. We validated the FogGIS by doing preliminary analysis. including compression, and overlay analysis. Results showed that Fog computing hold a great promise for analysis of geospatial data. We used several open source compression techniques for reducing the transmission to the cloud.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, 3rd IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Electronics (09-11 December, 2016) Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University) Varanasi, Indi