9 research outputs found

    The material and energy basis of Rome: an investigation of direct and indirect resource use through material flow, energy and footprint methods.

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    Results from this study of stability/sustainability conditions of an urban system show that an average citizen of Rome, in one year, uses directly or indirectly as much as 45 tons of abiotic material (minerals, raw fuel, topsoil). Out of such an abiotic flow, about 6.5 tons of fuel per person are required, while the Italian nationwide average is 3.6 tons per year. In addition, 816 tons of water are indirectly used or diverted from their natural pattern in support of individual food, electricity and commodity demand. Despite the scarce 0.05 Ha of productive land available per capita, each citizen in Rome virtually "uses" 4.51 Ha of productive land. Each Roman releases in one year 20 tons CO(2), 50 kg CO, 36 kg NO(x) and 24 kg SO(2), and generates about 450 kg of solid waste, thus contributing in several ways to environmental pollution. Finally, to generate 100 euro of local GDP requires 29 kg of raw oil, an amount that is only paid about 10 euro in the international market

    Sulle condizionalità del MES. Lettera degli economisti a Gualtieri

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    Lo scorso 16 settembre abbiamo pubblicato (in economiaepolitica.it e Micromega) una lettera aperta in cui le chiedevamo di fare chiarezza sulle condizioni di accesso alla linea di credito del MES finalizzata al contrasto della pandemia da Covid-19. La lettera, sottoscritta da 35 economisti di diverse università italiane, purtroppo non ha trovato risposta e allora noi insistiamo – più numerosi – nel chiedere una sua replica