13 research outputs found

    A Closer Examination of Bipolar Disorder in School Age Children

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    Permission to include this article granted by the American School Counselor AssociationChildren who present with severe behavioral concerns may be diagnosed as having other commonly diagnosed childhood disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and/or conduct disorder, among others, when they may be suffering from early-onset bipolar disorder. Awareness of the symptoms of early-onset bipolar disorder may lead to appropriate referrals for assessment and treatment, as well as collaborative program planning for children with bipolar disorder. Implications and recommendations for school counselors are discussed.Ye

    Occupational Aspirations of Students in Grades Seven to Twelve

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    Permission to include this article granted by NATCONDuring adolescence, individuals begin to plan for their future career by considering a number of occupational choices. Counsellors, parents, and educators may be better able to assist adolescents in their exploration of occupational options, help them seek career-related information, and obtain support for their career plans by developing a greater understanding of adolescents’ occupational aspirations. The purpose of this research was to examine the occupational aspirations and the rationales students provided. It is anticipated that the outcome of this research may be used to assist future career program planning for junior and senior high students. This paper presents a review of the literature related to adolescent occupational choice, followed by a description of the research conducted with 3,562 junior high students and 2,941 senior high students in Southern Alberta utilizing the Comprehensive Career Needs Survey (CCNS; Magnusson and Bernes, 2002), and a discussion of the results

    Conducting Adolescent Violence Risk Assessments: A Framework for School Counselors

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    Permission to include this article granted by the American School Counselor Association.There have been numerous publications devoted to preventing violence and bullying in schools, resulting in school counselors being well equipped with school-wide violence prevention ideas and programs. Despite these violence prevention efforts, some students may pose a threat to others and thus may require a comprehensive assessment for violence risk, especially targeted violence. The purpose of this article is to provide school counselors with a framework for assessing students who may be at risk for violence in general or who may be at risk specifically for targeted violence

    "Being the Best," One Man's Experience with Steroids: An Interview with Josh

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    Permission to include this article granted by Journal of ExcellenceThis article describes one man’s experience with weight lifting and steroid use. Men may engage in heavy weight lifting and steroid use in order to change their bodies, possibly developing behaviours associated with eating disorders and muscle dysmorphia. Previous research has examined the risks associated with steroid use and exercise abuse, however, very little research has used qualitative methodologies to investigate men’s actual lived experience with this phenomenon. The purpose of this article is to present the transcript of an interview with a man who is currently weight lifting and using steroids to gain an insiders perspective into his lived experience, and demonstrate how a qualitative methodology may add depth and richness to our understanding of this phenomenon

    In Pursuit of Physical Perfection: Weight Lifting and Steroid Use in Men

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    This study used a qualitative method to examine eight men’s motivations for weight lifting and steroid use. Results indicated that these men desired self-improvement, but their goal of obtaining the ideal masculine body became all-consuming and impeded their social and occupational functioning. Complex cognitive, interpersonal, mental health and personality issues became evident. In-depth assessment, accurate case conceptualization, and creative and individualized counseling or treatment are recommended for helping these individuals reach their goal of self-improvement in a healthier manner.Ye

    In pursuit of the ideal masculine body : a phenomenological-hermeneutic approach

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    ix, 126 leaves ; 29 cm.A phenomenological-hermeneutic approach was used to research men's experience with attempting to achieve an 'ideal' masculine body. The current North American 'ideal' male body, media and cultural influences, a continuum of exercise and dieting behaviours, steriod use, addictions, eating disorders were presented as factors that may provide insight into this phenomenon. Eight male research participants were interviewed in regards to their experiences with attempting to achieve an 'ideal' masculine body. A dramaturgical life story approach to interviewing was ued. A follow-up interview was conducted to allow each research participant to comment on the emerging themes shared by the researcher. The nine themes that emerged from the participants' stories are: (1) I am not good enough, (2) judging genetics, (3) spiraling into obsession, (4) extreme commitment, (5)join the club, (6) no one understands me, (7)control, (8) it's all an optical illusion, and (9) overcoming the obsession. The results of this thesis combined with the literature suggest the following three conclusions. First, men who attempt to achieve an ideal masculine body may be vulnerable to external messages about their bodies. Second, pre-existing personality traits and/or mental health issues may contribute to this vulnerability. Third, some men may attempt to deal with complex mental health issues by taking their 'frustrations' and 'aggression' out in the gym, rather than by seeking counselling. The implications for helping professionals are discussed. The limitations of this approach are acknowledged and directions for future research are suggested

    Life After Sport: Athletic Career Transition and Transferable Skills

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    Permission to include this article granted by Journal of ExcellenceAthletes transitioning out of sport are faced with many obstacles. Well-trained counselors have the appropriate skills to assist athletes through athletic career transition. An examination of the literature focused on career retirement and transferable skills lead to the development of intervention recommendations for athletes transitioning out of sport. Treatment recommendations include psycho-educational and cognitive behavioural interventions that focus on the emotions associated with transitioning from sport as well as an emphasis on transferable skills.Ye

    Eating Disorder Intervention, Prevention, and Treatment: Recommendations for School Counselors

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    Permission to include this article granted by the American School Counselor AssociationSchool counselors are in daily contact with the highest risk group for developing eating disorders-children and adolescents. School counselors are in a position to identify at-risk individuals, implement effective school-based prevention programs, make appropriate referrals, and provide support for recovering individuals. An overview of a theory of recovery for eating disorders reinforces the importance of early intervention.Ye

    La prise de décision éthique, les limites thérapeutiques et la communication au moyen de la technologie en ligne et des téléphones cellulaires

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    Cellular telephones and social networking sites pose new challenges to the maintenance of therapeutic boundaries. One such difficulty is the possible development of dual relationships between clients and counselling professionals as a result of communicating by these means. Most regulatory bodies advise professional counsellors and psychologists to avoid engaging in dual relationships, but there are instances where they can be helpful or inevitable. The authors of this article discuss ethical concerns associated with using cell phones and online social networking sites to communicate with clients. Examples of ethical dilemmas involving recent technology are provided in order to help counselling professionals work through a decision-making process to manage the challenges that current technology poses to the therapeutic relationship. Recommendations for counselling professionals, future research, and formal training are provided.Les téléphones cellulaires et les sites de réseaux sociaux posent de nouveaux défis au maintien des limites thérapeutiques. L’une de ces difficultés tient au développement possible de relations duelles entre les clients et les professionnels du counseling par le truchement de tels supports. La plupart des organismes de réglementation recommandent aux conseillers et psychologues d’éviter de s’engager dans des relations duelles; il y a toutefois des circonstances dans lesquelles elles peuvent être aidantes et inévitables. Les auteurs du présent article discutent des aspects déontologiques liés au recours au téléphone cellulaire et aux sites de réseaux sociaux en ligne pour communiquer avec les clients. On présente des exemples de dilemmes éthiques impliquant la technologie récente afin d’aider les professionnels du counseling à élaborer une démarche de prise de décision leur permettant de gérer les défis que comporte la technologie actuelle eu égard à la relation thérapeutique. On y présente aussi des recommandations à l’intention des professionnels du counseling, pour la recherche future, et pour la formation officielle

    Junior High Career Planning: What Students Want

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    This research used The Comprehensive Career Needs Survey to assess the career counselling needs of 3,562 junior high students in Southern Alberta. This article examines junior high students' responses regarding their perceptions of (a) the relevance of career planning, (b) who they would approach for help with career planning, and (c) what help they would like during the career planning process. Results indicate career planning is important to junior high students; they are most likely to rely on parents and friends rather than teachers or counsellors for help with career planning; and they would like help with career decision making, obtaining relevant information and support, and choosing appropriate courses. Implications for teachers, school counsellors, parents, and community services are discussed.Cette étude s'appuie sur " The Comprehensive Needs Survey " [Enquête exhaustive sur les besoins en matière de carrière] (Magnusson et Bernes, 2002) afin d'évaluer les besoins en orientation professionnelle chez 3562 élèves du premier cycle de l'enseignement secondaire au sud de l'Alberta. Cet article analyse les réponses fournies par les élèves concernant leurs perceptions (a) de la pertinence de la planification de carrière, (b) des personnes à qui ils demanderaient de l'aide pour cette planification, (c) l'assistance dont ils voudraient bénéficier au cours du processus de planification de carrière. Les résultats indiquent que les élèves du premier cycle du secondaire estiment que la planification de carrière est importante; ils se fient surtout aux parents et aux ami(e)s plutôt qu'aux enseignant(e)s et aux conseillers et conseillères lors de ce processus. Ils voudraient qu'on les aide à faire des choix professionnels, à obtenir des renseignements pertinents et du soutien, et à choisir les cours appropriés. Les implications pour les enseignant(e)s, les conseillers et conseillères d'orientation scolaire et professionnelle, les parents et les services communautaires sont présentées